blob: beae7c29ef9ec8acd25314e675247203ead7905a [file] [log] [blame]
package org.checkerframework.checker.index.upperbound;
import com.sun.source.tree.BinaryTree;
import com.sun.source.tree.CompoundAssignmentTree;
import com.sun.source.tree.ExpressionTree;
import com.sun.source.tree.LiteralTree;
import com.sun.source.tree.MethodInvocationTree;
import com.sun.source.tree.Tree;
import com.sun.source.tree.Tree.Kind;
import com.sun.source.tree.UnaryTree;
import com.sun.source.util.TreePath;
import java.lang.annotation.Annotation;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import javax.lang.model.element.AnnotationMirror;
import javax.lang.model.element.Element;
import javax.lang.model.element.ExecutableElement;
import javax.lang.model.util.Elements;
import org.checkerframework.checker.index.BaseAnnotatedTypeFactoryForIndexChecker;
import org.checkerframework.checker.index.IndexChecker;
import org.checkerframework.checker.index.IndexMethodIdentifier;
import org.checkerframework.checker.index.IndexUtil;
import org.checkerframework.checker.index.OffsetDependentTypesHelper;
import org.checkerframework.checker.index.inequality.LessThanAnnotatedTypeFactory;
import org.checkerframework.checker.index.inequality.LessThanChecker;
import org.checkerframework.checker.index.lowerbound.LowerBoundAnnotatedTypeFactory;
import org.checkerframework.checker.index.lowerbound.LowerBoundChecker;
import org.checkerframework.checker.index.qual.IndexFor;
import org.checkerframework.checker.index.qual.IndexOrHigh;
import org.checkerframework.checker.index.qual.IndexOrLow;
import org.checkerframework.checker.index.qual.LTEqLengthOf;
import org.checkerframework.checker.index.qual.LTLengthOf;
import org.checkerframework.checker.index.qual.LTOMLengthOf;
import org.checkerframework.checker.index.qual.LengthOf;
import org.checkerframework.checker.index.qual.NegativeIndexFor;
import org.checkerframework.checker.index.qual.PolyIndex;
import org.checkerframework.checker.index.qual.PolyUpperBound;
import org.checkerframework.checker.index.qual.SameLen;
import org.checkerframework.checker.index.qual.SearchIndexFor;
import org.checkerframework.checker.index.qual.UpperBoundBottom;
import org.checkerframework.checker.index.qual.UpperBoundLiteral;
import org.checkerframework.checker.index.qual.UpperBoundUnknown;
import org.checkerframework.checker.index.samelen.SameLenAnnotatedTypeFactory;
import org.checkerframework.checker.index.samelen.SameLenChecker;
import org.checkerframework.checker.index.searchindex.SearchIndexAnnotatedTypeFactory;
import org.checkerframework.checker.index.searchindex.SearchIndexChecker;
import org.checkerframework.checker.index.substringindex.SubstringIndexAnnotatedTypeFactory;
import org.checkerframework.checker.index.substringindex.SubstringIndexChecker;
import org.checkerframework.checker.index.upperbound.UBQualifier.LessThanLengthOf;
import org.checkerframework.checker.index.upperbound.UBQualifier.UpperBoundLiteralQualifier;
import org.checkerframework.checker.index.upperbound.UBQualifier.UpperBoundUnknownQualifier;
import org.checkerframework.common.basetype.BaseTypeChecker;
import org.checkerframework.common.value.ValueAnnotatedTypeFactory;
import org.checkerframework.common.value.ValueChecker;
import org.checkerframework.common.value.ValueCheckerUtils;
import org.checkerframework.common.value.qual.BottomVal;
import org.checkerframework.dataflow.cfg.node.Node;
import org.checkerframework.dataflow.expression.JavaExpression;
import org.checkerframework.framework.flow.CFAbstractStore;
import org.checkerframework.framework.flow.CFStore;
import org.checkerframework.framework.flow.CFValue;
import org.checkerframework.framework.type.AnnotatedTypeFactory;
import org.checkerframework.framework.type.AnnotatedTypeMirror;
import org.checkerframework.framework.type.ElementQualifierHierarchy;
import org.checkerframework.framework.type.QualifierHierarchy;
import org.checkerframework.framework.type.treeannotator.ListTreeAnnotator;
import org.checkerframework.framework.type.treeannotator.TreeAnnotator;
import org.checkerframework.framework.type.typeannotator.ListTypeAnnotator;
import org.checkerframework.framework.type.typeannotator.TypeAnnotator;
import org.checkerframework.framework.util.JavaExpressionParseUtil.JavaExpressionParseException;
import org.checkerframework.framework.util.dependenttypes.DependentTypesHelper;
import org.checkerframework.javacutil.AnnotationBuilder;
import org.checkerframework.javacutil.AnnotationUtils;
import org.checkerframework.javacutil.BugInCF;
import org.checkerframework.javacutil.Pair;
import org.checkerframework.javacutil.TreeUtils;
* Implements the introduction rules for the Upper Bound Checker.
* <p>Rules implemented by this class:
* <ul>
* <li>1. Math.min has unusual semantics that combines annotations for the UBC.
* <li>2. The return type of Random.nextInt depends on the argument, but is not equal to it, so a
* polymorhpic qualifier is insufficient.
* <li>3. Unary negation on a NegativeIndexFor (from the SearchIndex Checker) results in a
* LTLengthOf for the same arrays.
* <li>4. Right shifting by a constant between 0 and 30 preserves the type of the left side
* expression.
* <li>5. If either argument to a bitwise and expression is non-negative, the and expression
* retains that argument's upperbound type. If both are non-negative, the result of the
* expression is the GLB of the two.
* <li>6. if numerator &ge; 0, then numerator % divisor &le; numerator
* <li>7. if divisor &ge; 0, then numerator % divisor &lt; divisor
* <li>8. If the numerator is an array length access of an array with non-zero length, and the
* divisor is greater than one, glb the result with an LTL of the array.
* <li>9. if numeratorTree is a + b and divisor greater than 1, and a and b are less than the
* length of some sequence, then (a + b) / divisor is less than the length of that sequence.
* <li>10. Special handling for Math.random: Math.random() * array.length is LTL array.
* </ul>
public class UpperBoundAnnotatedTypeFactory extends BaseAnnotatedTypeFactoryForIndexChecker {
/** The @{@link UpperBoundUnknown} annotation. */
public final AnnotationMirror UNKNOWN =
AnnotationBuilder.fromClass(elements, UpperBoundUnknown.class);
/** The @{@link UpperBoundBottom} annotation. */
public final AnnotationMirror BOTTOM =
AnnotationBuilder.fromClass(elements, UpperBoundBottom.class);
/** The @{@link PolyUpperBound} annotation. */
public final AnnotationMirror POLY = AnnotationBuilder.fromClass(elements, PolyUpperBound.class);
/** The @{@link UpperBoundLiteral}(-1) annotation. */
public final AnnotationMirror NEGATIVEONE =
new AnnotationBuilder(getProcessingEnv(), UpperBoundLiteral.class)
.setValue("value", -1)
/** The @{@link UpperBoundLiteral}(0) annotation. */
public final AnnotationMirror ZERO =
new AnnotationBuilder(getProcessingEnv(), UpperBoundLiteral.class)
.setValue("value", 0)
/** The @{@link UpperBoundLiteral}(1) annotation. */
public final AnnotationMirror ONE =
new AnnotationBuilder(getProcessingEnv(), UpperBoundLiteral.class)
.setValue("value", 1)
/** The NegativeIndexFor.value element/field. */
public final ExecutableElement negativeIndexForValueElement =
TreeUtils.getMethod(NegativeIndexFor.class, "value", 0, processingEnv);
/** The SameLen.value element/field. */
public final ExecutableElement sameLenValueElement =
TreeUtils.getMethod(SameLen.class, "value", 0, processingEnv);
/** The LTLengthOf.value element/field. */
public final ExecutableElement ltLengthOfValueElement =
TreeUtils.getMethod(LTLengthOf.class, "value", 0, processingEnv);
/** The LTLengthOf.offset element/field. */
public final ExecutableElement ltLengthOfOffsetElement =
TreeUtils.getMethod(LTLengthOf.class, "offset", 0, processingEnv);
/** Predicates about what method an invocation is calling. */
private final IndexMethodIdentifier imf;
/** Create a new UpperBoundAnnotatedTypeFactory. */
public UpperBoundAnnotatedTypeFactory(BaseTypeChecker checker) {
addAliasedTypeAnnotation(IndexFor.class, LTLengthOf.class, true);
addAliasedTypeAnnotation(IndexOrLow.class, LTLengthOf.class, true);
addAliasedTypeAnnotation(IndexOrHigh.class, LTEqLengthOf.class, true);
addAliasedTypeAnnotation(SearchIndexFor.class, LTLengthOf.class, true);
addAliasedTypeAnnotation(NegativeIndexFor.class, LTLengthOf.class, true);
addAliasedTypeAnnotation(LengthOf.class, LTEqLengthOf.class, true);
addAliasedTypeAnnotation(PolyIndex.class, POLY);
imf = new IndexMethodIdentifier(this);
/** Gets a helper object that holds references to methods with special handling. */
IndexMethodIdentifier getMethodIdentifier() {
return imf;
protected Set<Class<? extends Annotation>> createSupportedTypeQualifiers() {
// Because the Index Checker is a subclass, the qualifiers have to be explicitly defined.
return new LinkedHashSet<>(
* Provides a way to query the Constant Value Checker, which computes the values of expressions
* known at compile time (constant propagation and folding).
ValueAnnotatedTypeFactory getValueAnnotatedTypeFactory() {
return getTypeFactoryOfSubchecker(ValueChecker.class);
* Provides a way to query the Search Index Checker, which helps the Index Checker type the
* results of calling the JDK's binary search methods correctly.
private SearchIndexAnnotatedTypeFactory getSearchIndexAnnotatedTypeFactory() {
return getTypeFactoryOfSubchecker(SearchIndexChecker.class);
* Gets the annotated type factory of the Substring Index Checker running along with the Upper
* Bound checker, allowing it to refine the upper bounds of expressions annotated by Substring
* Index Checker annotations.
SubstringIndexAnnotatedTypeFactory getSubstringIndexAnnotatedTypeFactory() {
return getTypeFactoryOfSubchecker(SubstringIndexChecker.class);
* Provides a way to query the SameLen (same length) Checker, which determines the relationships
* among the lengths of arrays.
SameLenAnnotatedTypeFactory getSameLenAnnotatedTypeFactory() {
return getTypeFactoryOfSubchecker(SameLenChecker.class);
* Provides a way to query the Lower Bound Checker, which determines whether each integer in the
* program is non-negative or not, and checks that no possibly negative integers are used to
* access arrays.
LowerBoundAnnotatedTypeFactory getLowerBoundAnnotatedTypeFactory() {
return getTypeFactoryOfSubchecker(LowerBoundChecker.class);
/** Returns the LessThan Checker's annotated type factory. */
public LessThanAnnotatedTypeFactory getLessThanAnnotatedTypeFactory() {
return getTypeFactoryOfSubchecker(LessThanChecker.class);
public void addComputedTypeAnnotations(Element element, AnnotatedTypeMirror type) {
super.addComputedTypeAnnotations(element, type);
if (element != null) {
AnnotatedTypeMirror valueType = getValueAnnotatedTypeFactory().getAnnotatedType(element);
addUpperBoundTypeFromValueType(valueType, type);
public void addComputedTypeAnnotations(Tree tree, AnnotatedTypeMirror type, boolean iUseFlow) {
super.addComputedTypeAnnotations(tree, type, iUseFlow);
// If dataflow shouldn't be used to compute this type, then do not use the result from
// the Value Checker, because dataflow is used to compute that type. (Without this,
// "int i = 1; --i;" fails.)
if (iUseFlow && tree != null && TreeUtils.isExpressionTree(tree)) {
AnnotatedTypeMirror valueType = getValueAnnotatedTypeFactory().getAnnotatedType(tree);
addUpperBoundTypeFromValueType(valueType, type);
* Checks if valueType contains a {@link org.checkerframework.common.value.qual.BottomVal}
* annotation. If so, adds an {@link UpperBoundBottom} annotation to type.
* @param valueType annotated type from the {@link ValueAnnotatedTypeFactory}
* @param type annotated type from this factory that is side effected
private void addUpperBoundTypeFromValueType(
AnnotatedTypeMirror valueType, AnnotatedTypeMirror type) {
if (containsSameByClass(valueType.getAnnotations(), BottomVal.class)) {
protected TypeAnnotator createTypeAnnotator() {
return new ListTypeAnnotator(new UpperBoundTypeAnnotator(this), super.createTypeAnnotator());
* Performs pre-processing on annotations written by users, replacing illegal annotations by legal
* ones.
private class UpperBoundTypeAnnotator extends TypeAnnotator {
private UpperBoundTypeAnnotator(AnnotatedTypeFactory atypeFactory) {
protected Void scan(AnnotatedTypeMirror type, Void aVoid) {
// If there is an LTLengthOf annotation whose argument lengths don't match, replace it with
// bottom.
AnnotationMirror anm = type.getAnnotation(LTLengthOf.class);
if (anm != null) {
List<String> sequences =
AnnotationUtils.getElementValueArray(anm, ltLengthOfValueElement, String.class);
List<String> offsets =
anm, ltLengthOfOffsetElement, String.class, Collections.emptyList());
if (sequences != null
&& offsets != null
&& sequences.size() != offsets.size()
&& !offsets.isEmpty()) {
// Cannot use type.replaceAnnotation because it will call isSubtype, which will
// try to process the annotation and throw an error.
return super.scan(type, aVoid);
protected DependentTypesHelper createDependentTypesHelper() {
return new OffsetDependentTypesHelper(this);
* Queries the SameLen Checker to return the type that the SameLen Checker associates with the
* given tree.
public AnnotationMirror sameLenAnnotationFromTree(Tree tree) {
AnnotatedTypeMirror sameLenType = getSameLenAnnotatedTypeFactory().getAnnotatedType(tree);
return sameLenType.getAnnotation(SameLen.class);
// Wrapper methods for accessing the IndexMethodIdentifier.
public boolean isMathMin(Tree methodTree) {
return imf.isMathMin(methodTree);
* Returns true if the tree is for {@code Random.nextInt(int)}.
* @param methodTree a tree to check
* @return true iff the tree is for {@code Random.nextInt(int)}
public boolean isRandomNextInt(Tree methodTree) {
return imf.isRandomNextInt(methodTree, processingEnv);
AnnotationMirror createLTLengthOfAnnotation(String... names) {
if (names == null || names.length == 0) {
throw new BugInCF("createLTLengthOfAnnotation: bad argument %s", Arrays.toString(names));
AnnotationBuilder builder = new AnnotationBuilder(getProcessingEnv(), LTLengthOf.class);
builder.setValue("value", names);
AnnotationMirror createLTEqLengthOfAnnotation(String... names) {
if (names == null || names.length == 0) {
throw new BugInCF("createLTEqLengthOfAnnotation: bad argument %s", Arrays.toString(names));
AnnotationBuilder builder = new AnnotationBuilder(getProcessingEnv(), LTEqLengthOf.class);
builder.setValue("value", names);
* Returns true iff the given node has the passed Lower Bound qualifier according to the LBC. The
* last argument should be Positive.class, NonNegative.class, or GTENegativeOne.class.
* @param node the given node
* @param classOfType one of Positive.class, NonNegative.class, or GTENegativeOne.class
* @return true iff the given node has the passed Lower Bound qualifier according to the LBC
public boolean hasLowerBoundTypeByClass(Node node, Class<? extends Annotation> classOfType) {
return areSameByClass(
protected QualifierHierarchy createQualifierHierarchy() {
return new UpperBoundQualifierHierarchy(this.getSupportedTypeQualifiers(), elements);
/** The qualifier hierarchy for the upperbound type system. */
protected final class UpperBoundQualifierHierarchy extends ElementQualifierHierarchy {
* Creates an UpperBoundQualifierHierarchy from the given classes.
* @param qualifierClasses classes of annotations that are the qualifiers
* @param elements element utils
Collection<Class<? extends Annotation>> qualifierClasses, Elements elements) {
super(qualifierClasses, elements);
public AnnotationMirror greatestLowerBound(AnnotationMirror a1, AnnotationMirror a2) {
UBQualifier a1Obj = UBQualifier.createUBQualifier(a1, (IndexChecker) checker);
UBQualifier a2Obj = UBQualifier.createUBQualifier(a2, (IndexChecker) checker);
UBQualifier glb = a1Obj.glb(a2Obj);
return convertUBQualifierToAnnotation(glb);
* Determines the least upper bound of a1 and a2. If a1 and a2 are both the same type of Value
* annotation, then the LUB is the result of taking the intersection of values from both a1 and
* a2.
* @return the least upper bound of a1 and a2
public AnnotationMirror leastUpperBound(AnnotationMirror a1, AnnotationMirror a2) {
UBQualifier a1Obj = UBQualifier.createUBQualifier(a1, (IndexChecker) checker);
UBQualifier a2Obj = UBQualifier.createUBQualifier(a2, (IndexChecker) checker);
UBQualifier lub = a1Obj.lub(a2Obj);
return convertUBQualifierToAnnotation(lub);
public AnnotationMirror widenedUpperBound(
AnnotationMirror newQualifier, AnnotationMirror previousQualifier) {
UBQualifier a1Obj = UBQualifier.createUBQualifier(newQualifier, (IndexChecker) checker);
UBQualifier a2Obj = UBQualifier.createUBQualifier(previousQualifier, (IndexChecker) checker);
UBQualifier lub = a1Obj.widenUpperBound(a2Obj);
return convertUBQualifierToAnnotation(lub);
public int numberOfIterationsBeforeWidening() {
return 10;
* Computes subtyping as per the subtyping in the qualifier hierarchy structure unless both
* annotations have the same class. In this case, rhs is a subtype of lhs iff rhs contains every
* element of lhs.
* @return true if rhs is a subtype of lhs, false otherwise
public boolean isSubtype(AnnotationMirror subAnno, AnnotationMirror superAnno) {
UBQualifier subtype = UBQualifier.createUBQualifier(subAnno, (IndexChecker) checker);
UBQualifier supertype = UBQualifier.createUBQualifier(superAnno, (IndexChecker) checker);
return subtype.isSubtype(supertype);
public TreeAnnotator createTreeAnnotator() {
return new ListTreeAnnotator(new UpperBoundTreeAnnotator(this), super.createTreeAnnotator());
protected class UpperBoundTreeAnnotator extends TreeAnnotator {
public UpperBoundTreeAnnotator(UpperBoundAnnotatedTypeFactory factory) {
* This exists for Math.min and Random.nextInt, which must be special-cased.
* <ul>
* <li>Math.min has unusual semantics that combines annotations for the UBC.
* <li>The return type of Random.nextInt depends on the argument, but is not equal to it, so a
* polymorhpic qualifier is insufficient.
* </ul>
* Other methods should not be special-cased here unless there is a compelling reason to do so.
public Void visitMethodInvocation(MethodInvocationTree tree, AnnotatedTypeMirror type) {
if (isMathMin(tree)) {
AnnotatedTypeMirror leftType = getAnnotatedType(tree.getArguments().get(0));
AnnotatedTypeMirror rightType = getAnnotatedType(tree.getArguments().get(1));
if (isRandomNextInt(tree)) {
AnnotatedTypeMirror argType = getAnnotatedType(tree.getArguments().get(0));
AnnotationMirror anno = argType.getAnnotationInHierarchy(UNKNOWN);
UBQualifier qualifier = UBQualifier.createUBQualifier(anno, (IndexChecker) checker);
qualifier = qualifier.plusOffset(1);
return super.visitMethodInvocation(tree, type);
public Void visitLiteral(LiteralTree node, AnnotatedTypeMirror type) {
// Could also handle long literals, but array indexes are always ints.
if (node.getKind() == Tree.Kind.INT_LITERAL) {
type.addAnnotation(createLiteral(((Integer) node.getValue()).intValue()));
return super.visitLiteral(node, type);
/* Handles case 3. */
public Void visitUnary(UnaryTree node, AnnotatedTypeMirror type) {
// Dataflow refines this type if possible
if (node.getKind() == Kind.BITWISE_COMPLEMENT) {
getSearchIndexAnnotatedTypeFactory().getAnnotatedType(node.getExpression()), type);
} else {
return super.visitUnary(node, type);
* If a type returned by an {@link SearchIndexAnnotatedTypeFactory} has a {@link
* NegativeIndexFor} annotation, then refine the result to be {@link LTEqLengthOf}. This handles
* this case:
* <pre>{@code
* int i = Arrays.binarySearch(a, x);
* if (i >= 0) {
* // do something
* } else {
* i = ~i;
* // i is now @LTEqLengthOf("a"), because the bitwise complement of a NegativeIndexFor is an LTL.
* for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) {
* // j is now a valid index for "a"
* }
* }
* }</pre>
* @param searchIndexType the type of an expression in a bitwise complement. For instance, in
* {@code ~x}, this is the type of {@code x}.
* @param typeDst the type of the entire bitwise complement expression. It is modified by this
* method.
private void addAnnotationForBitwiseComplement(
AnnotatedTypeMirror searchIndexType, AnnotatedTypeMirror typeDst) {
AnnotationMirror nif = searchIndexType.getAnnotation(NegativeIndexFor.class);
if (nif != null) {
List<String> arrays =
AnnotationUtils.getElementValueArray(nif, negativeIndexForValueElement, String.class);
List<String> negativeOnes = Collections.nCopies(arrays.size(), "-1");
UBQualifier qual = UBQualifier.createUBQualifier(arrays, negativeOnes);
} else {
public Void visitCompoundAssignment(CompoundAssignmentTree node, AnnotatedTypeMirror type) {
// Dataflow refines this type if possible
return super.visitCompoundAssignment(node, type);
public Void visitBinary(BinaryTree tree, AnnotatedTypeMirror type) {
// A few small rules for addition/subtraction by 0/1, etc.
if (TreeUtils.isStringConcatenation(tree)) {
return super.visitBinary(tree, type);
ExpressionTree left = tree.getLeftOperand();
ExpressionTree right = tree.getRightOperand();
switch (tree.getKind()) {
case PLUS:
case MINUS:
// Dataflow refines this type if possible
addAnnotationForMultiply(left, right, type);
case DIVIDE:
addAnnotationForDivide(left, right, type);
addAnnotationForRemainder(left, right, type);
case AND:
addAnnotationForAnd(left, right, type);
addAnnotationForRightShift(left, right, type);
return super.visitBinary(tree, type);
* Infers upper-bound annotation for {@code left >> right} and {@code left >>> right} (case 4).
private void addAnnotationForRightShift(
ExpressionTree left, ExpressionTree right, AnnotatedTypeMirror type) {
LowerBoundAnnotatedTypeFactory lowerBoundATF = getLowerBoundAnnotatedTypeFactory();
if (lowerBoundATF.isNonNegative(left)) {
AnnotationMirror annotation = getAnnotatedType(left).getAnnotationInHierarchy(UNKNOWN);
// For non-negative numbers, right shift is equivalent to division by a power of two.
// The range of the shift amount is limited to 0..30 to avoid overflows and int/long
// differences.
Long shiftAmount = ValueCheckerUtils.getExactValue(right, getValueAnnotatedTypeFactory());
if (shiftAmount != null && shiftAmount >= 0 && shiftAmount < Integer.SIZE - 1) {
int divisor = 1 << shiftAmount;
// Support average by shift just like for division
UBQualifier plusDivQualifier = plusTreeDivideByVal(divisor, left);
if (!plusDivQualifier.isUnknown()) {
UBQualifier qualifier =
UBQualifier.createUBQualifier(annotation, (IndexChecker) checker);
qualifier = qualifier.glb(plusDivQualifier);
annotation = convertUBQualifierToAnnotation(qualifier);
* If either argument is non-negative, the and expression retains that argument's upperbound
* type. If both are non-negative, the result of the expression is the GLB of the two (case 5).
private void addAnnotationForAnd(
ExpressionTree left, ExpressionTree right, AnnotatedTypeMirror type) {
LowerBoundAnnotatedTypeFactory lowerBoundATF = getLowerBoundAnnotatedTypeFactory();
AnnotatedTypeMirror leftType = getAnnotatedType(left);
AnnotationMirror leftResultType = UNKNOWN;
if (lowerBoundATF.isNonNegative(left)) {
leftResultType = leftType.getAnnotationInHierarchy(UNKNOWN);
AnnotatedTypeMirror rightType = getAnnotatedType(right);
AnnotationMirror rightResultType = UNKNOWN;
if (lowerBoundATF.isNonNegative(right)) {
rightResultType = rightType.getAnnotationInHierarchy(UNKNOWN);
type.addAnnotation(qualHierarchy.greatestLowerBound(leftResultType, rightResultType));
/** Gets a sequence tree for a length access tree, or null if it is not a length access. */
private ExpressionTree getLengthSequenceTree(ExpressionTree lengthTree) {
return IndexUtil.getLengthSequenceTree(lengthTree, imf, processingEnv);
* Infers upper-bound annotation for {@code numerator % divisor}. There are two cases where an
* upperbound type is inferred:
* <ul>
* <li>6. if numerator &ge; 0, then numerator % divisor &le; numerator
* <li>7. if divisor &ge; 0, then numerator % divisor &lt; divisor
* </ul>
private void addAnnotationForRemainder(
ExpressionTree numeratorTree, ExpressionTree divisorTree, AnnotatedTypeMirror resultType) {
LowerBoundAnnotatedTypeFactory lowerBoundATF = getLowerBoundAnnotatedTypeFactory();
UBQualifier result = UpperBoundUnknownQualifier.UNKNOWN;
// if numerator >= 0, then numerator%divisor <= numerator
if (lowerBoundATF.isNonNegative(numeratorTree)) {
result =
getAnnotatedType(numeratorTree), UNKNOWN, (IndexChecker) checker);
// if divisor >= 0, then numerator%divisor < divisor
if (lowerBoundATF.isNonNegative(divisorTree)) {
UBQualifier divisor =
getAnnotatedType(divisorTree), UNKNOWN, (IndexChecker) checker);
result = result.glb(divisor.plusOffset(1));
* Implements two cases (8 and 9):
* <ul>
* <li>8. If the numerator is an array length access of an array with non-zero length, and the
* divisor is greater than one, glb the result with an LTL of the array.
* <li>9. if numeratorTree is a + b and divisor greater than 1, and a and b are less than the
* length of some sequence, then (a + b) / divisor is less than the length of that
* sequence.
* </ul>
private void addAnnotationForDivide(
ExpressionTree numeratorTree, ExpressionTree divisorTree, AnnotatedTypeMirror resultType) {
Long divisor = ValueCheckerUtils.getExactValue(divisorTree, getValueAnnotatedTypeFactory());
if (divisor == null) {
UBQualifier result = UpperBoundUnknownQualifier.UNKNOWN;
UBQualifier numerator =
getAnnotatedType(numeratorTree), UNKNOWN, (IndexChecker) checker);
if (numerator.isLessThanLengthQualifier()) {
result = ((LessThanLengthOf) numerator).divide(divisor.intValue());
result = result.glb(plusTreeDivideByVal(divisor.intValue(), numeratorTree));
ExpressionTree numeratorSequenceTree = getLengthSequenceTree(numeratorTree);
// If the numerator is an array length access of an array with non-zero length, and the
// divisor is greater than one, glb the result with an LTL of the array.
if (numeratorSequenceTree != null && divisor > 1) {
String arrayName = numeratorSequenceTree.toString();
int minlen =
.getMinLenFromString(arrayName, numeratorTree, getPath(numeratorTree));
if (minlen > 0) {
result = result.glb(UBQualifier.createUBQualifier(arrayName, "0"));
* If {@code numeratorTree} is "a + b" and {@code divisor} is greater than 1, and a and b are
* less than the length of some sequence, then "(a + b) / divisor" is less than the length of
* that sequence.
* @param divisor the divisor
* @param numeratorTree an addition tree that is divided by {@code divisor}
* @return a qualifier for the division
private UBQualifier plusTreeDivideByVal(int divisor, ExpressionTree numeratorTree) {
numeratorTree = TreeUtils.withoutParens(numeratorTree);
if (divisor < 2 || numeratorTree.getKind() != Kind.PLUS) {
return UpperBoundUnknownQualifier.UNKNOWN;
BinaryTree plusTree = (BinaryTree) numeratorTree;
UBQualifier left =
getAnnotatedType(plusTree.getLeftOperand()), UNKNOWN, (IndexChecker) checker);
UBQualifier right =
getAnnotatedType(plusTree.getRightOperand()), UNKNOWN, (IndexChecker) checker);
if (left.isLessThanLengthQualifier() && right.isLessThanLengthQualifier()) {
LessThanLengthOf leftLTL = (LessThanLengthOf) left;
LessThanLengthOf rightLTL = (LessThanLengthOf) right;
List<String> sequences = new ArrayList<>();
for (String sequence : leftLTL.getSequences()) {
if (rightLTL.isLessThanLengthOf(sequence) && leftLTL.isLessThanLengthOf(sequence)) {
if (!sequences.isEmpty()) {
return UBQualifier.createUBQualifier(sequences, Collections.emptyList());
return UpperBoundUnknownQualifier.UNKNOWN;
* Special handling for Math.random: Math.random() * array.length is LTL array. Same for
* Random.nextDouble. Case 10.
private boolean checkForMathRandomSpecialCase(
ExpressionTree randTree, ExpressionTree seqLenTree, AnnotatedTypeMirror type) {
ExpressionTree seqTree = getLengthSequenceTree(seqLenTree);
if (randTree.getKind() == Tree.Kind.METHOD_INVOCATION && seqTree != null) {
MethodInvocationTree mitree = (MethodInvocationTree) randTree;
if (imf.isMathRandom(mitree, processingEnv)) {
// Okay, so this is Math.random() * array.length, which must be NonNegative
return true;
if (imf.isRandomNextDouble(mitree, processingEnv)) {
// Okay, so this is Random.nextDouble() * array.length, which must be NonNegative
return true;
return false;
private void addAnnotationForMultiply(
ExpressionTree leftExpr, ExpressionTree rightExpr, AnnotatedTypeMirror type) {
// Special handling for multiplying an array length by a random variable.
if (checkForMathRandomSpecialCase(rightExpr, leftExpr, type)
|| checkForMathRandomSpecialCase(leftExpr, rightExpr, type)) {
* Creates a @{@link UpperBoundLiteral} annotation.
* @param i the integer
* @return a @{@link UpperBoundLiteral} annotation
public AnnotationMirror createLiteral(int i) {
switch (i) {
case -1:
case 0:
return ZERO;
case 1:
return ONE;
return new AnnotationBuilder(getProcessingEnv(), UpperBoundLiteral.class)
.setValue("value", i)
* Convert the internal representation to an annotation.
* @param qualifier a UBQualifier
* @return an annotation corresponding to the given qualifier
public AnnotationMirror convertUBQualifierToAnnotation(UBQualifier qualifier) {
if (qualifier.isUnknown()) {
return UNKNOWN;
} else if (qualifier.isBottom()) {
return BOTTOM;
} else if (qualifier.isPoly()) {
return POLY;
} else if (qualifier.isLiteral()) {
return createLiteral(((UpperBoundLiteralQualifier) qualifier).getValue());
LessThanLengthOf ltlQualifier = (LessThanLengthOf) qualifier;
return ltlQualifier.convertToAnnotation(processingEnv);
UBQualifier fromLessThan(ExpressionTree tree, TreePath treePath) {
List<String> lessThanExpressions =
if (lessThanExpressions == null) {
return null;
UBQualifier ubQualifier = fromLessThanOrEqual(tree, treePath, lessThanExpressions);
if (ubQualifier != null) {
return ubQualifier.plusOffset(1);
return null;
UBQualifier fromLessThanOrEqual(ExpressionTree tree, TreePath treePath) {
List<String> lessThanExpressions =
if (lessThanExpressions == null) {
return null;
UBQualifier ubQualifier = fromLessThanOrEqual(tree, treePath, lessThanExpressions);
return ubQualifier;
private UBQualifier fromLessThanOrEqual(
Tree tree, TreePath treePath, List<String> lessThanExpressions) {
UBQualifier ubQualifier = null;
for (String expression : lessThanExpressions) {
Pair<JavaExpression, String> exprAndOffset;
try {
exprAndOffset = getExpressionAndOffsetFromJavaExpressionString(expression, treePath);
} catch (JavaExpressionParseException e) {
exprAndOffset = null;
if (exprAndOffset == null) {
JavaExpression je = exprAndOffset.first;
String offset = exprAndOffset.second;
if (!CFAbstractStore.canInsertJavaExpression(je)) {
CFStore store = getStoreBefore(tree);
CFValue value = store.getValue(je);
if (value != null && value.getAnnotations().size() == 1) {
UBQualifier newUBQ =
qualHierarchy.findAnnotationInHierarchy(value.getAnnotations(), UNKNOWN),
(IndexChecker) checker);
if (ubQualifier == null) {
ubQualifier = newUBQ;
} else {
ubQualifier = ubQualifier.glb(newUBQ);
return ubQualifier;