blob: 1be086ea1162dff7069da59c38ac15468a78deff [file] [log] [blame]
package org.checkerframework.checker.index.upperbound;
import com.sun.source.tree.Tree;
import com.sun.source.util.TreePath;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import javax.lang.model.element.AnnotationMirror;
import javax.lang.model.type.TypeKind;
import javax.lang.model.type.TypeMirror;
import org.checkerframework.checker.index.IndexAbstractTransfer;
import org.checkerframework.checker.index.IndexRefinementInfo;
import org.checkerframework.checker.index.Subsequence;
import org.checkerframework.checker.index.inequality.LessThanAnnotatedTypeFactory;
import org.checkerframework.checker.index.qual.LessThan;
import org.checkerframework.checker.index.qual.NonNegative;
import org.checkerframework.checker.index.qual.Positive;
import org.checkerframework.checker.index.qual.SubstringIndexFor;
import org.checkerframework.checker.index.upperbound.UBQualifier.LessThanLengthOf;
import org.checkerframework.checker.index.upperbound.UBQualifier.UpperBoundUnknownQualifier;
import org.checkerframework.common.value.ValueCheckerUtils;
import org.checkerframework.dataflow.analysis.RegularTransferResult;
import org.checkerframework.dataflow.analysis.TransferInput;
import org.checkerframework.dataflow.analysis.TransferResult;
import org.checkerframework.dataflow.cfg.node.ArrayCreationNode;
import org.checkerframework.dataflow.cfg.node.AssignmentNode;
import org.checkerframework.dataflow.cfg.node.CaseNode;
import org.checkerframework.dataflow.cfg.node.FieldAccessNode;
import org.checkerframework.dataflow.cfg.node.IntegerLiteralNode;
import org.checkerframework.dataflow.cfg.node.MethodInvocationNode;
import org.checkerframework.dataflow.cfg.node.Node;
import org.checkerframework.dataflow.cfg.node.NumericalAdditionNode;
import org.checkerframework.dataflow.cfg.node.NumericalMultiplicationNode;
import org.checkerframework.dataflow.cfg.node.NumericalSubtractionNode;
import org.checkerframework.dataflow.cfg.node.TypeCastNode;
import org.checkerframework.dataflow.expression.FieldAccess;
import org.checkerframework.dataflow.expression.JavaExpression;
import org.checkerframework.dataflow.expression.MethodCall;
import org.checkerframework.dataflow.util.NodeUtils;
import org.checkerframework.framework.flow.CFAbstractStore;
import org.checkerframework.framework.flow.CFAnalysis;
import org.checkerframework.framework.flow.CFStore;
import org.checkerframework.framework.flow.CFValue;
import org.checkerframework.framework.type.AnnotatedTypeMirror;
import org.checkerframework.framework.type.QualifierHierarchy;
import org.checkerframework.javacutil.AnnotationUtils;
* Contains the transfer functions for the upper bound type system, a part of the Index Checker.
* This class implements the following refinement rules:
* <ul>
* <li>1. Refine the type of expressions used as an array dimension to be less than length of the
* array to which the new array is assigned. For example, in {@code int[] array = new
* int[expr];}, the type of expr is {@code @LTEqLength("array")}.
* <li>2. If {@code other * node} has type {@code typeOfMultiplication}, then if {@code other} is
* positive, then {@code node} is {@code typeOfMultiplication}.
* <li>3. If {@code other * node} has type {@code typeOfMultiplication}, if {@code other} is
* greater than 1, then {@code node} is {@code typeOfMultiplication} plus 1.
* <li>4. Given a subtraction node, {@code node}, that is known to have type {@code
* typeOfSubtraction}. An offset can be applied to the left node (i.e. the left node has the
* same type, but with an offset based on the right node).
* <li>5. In an addition expression, refine the two operands based on the type of the whole
* expression with appropriate offsets.
* <li>6. If an addition expression has a type that is less than length of an array, and one of
* the operands is non-negative, then the other is less than or equal to the length of the
* array.
* <li>7. If an addition expression has a type that is less than length of an array, and one of
* the operands is positive, then the other is also less than the length of the array.
* <li>8. if x &lt; y, and y has a type that is related to the length of an array, then x has the
* same type, with an offset that is one less.
* <li>9. if x &le; y, and y has a type that is related to the length of an array, then x has the
* same type.
* <li>10. refine the subtrahend in a subtraction which is greater than or equal to a certain
* offset. The type of the subtrahend is refined to the type of the minuend with the offset
* added.
* <li>11. if two variables are equal, they have the same type
* <li>12. If one node in a != expression is an sequence length field or method access (optionally
* with a constant offset subtracted) and the other node is less than or equal to that
* sequence length (minus the offset), then refine the other node's type to less than the
* sequence length (minus the offset).
* <li>13. If some Node a is known to be less than the length of some array, x, then, the type of
* a + b, is {@code @LTLengthOf(value="x", offset="-b")}. If b is known to be less than the
* length of some other array, y, then the type of a + b is {@code @LTLengthOf(value={"x",
* "y"}, offset={"-b", "-a"})}.
* <li>14. If a is known to be less than the length of x when some offset, o, is added to a (the
* type of a is {@code @LTLengthOf(value="x", offset="o"))}, then the type of a + b is
* {@code @LTLengthOf(value="x",offset="o - b")}. (Note, if "o - b" can be computed, then it
* is and the result is used in the annotation.)
* <li>15. If expression i has type {@code @LTLengthOf(value = "f2", offset = "f1.length")} int
* and expression j is less than or equal to the length of f1, then the type of i + j is
* {@code @LTLengthOf("f2")}.
* <li>16. If some Node a is known to be less than the length of some sequence x, then the type of
* a - b is {@code @LTLengthOf(value="x", offset="b")}.
* <li>17. If some Node a is known to be less than the length of some sequence x, and if b is
* non-negative or positive, then a - b should keep the types of a.
* <li>18. The type of a sequence length access (i.e. array.length) is
* {@code @LTLength(value={"array"...}, offset="-1")} where "array"... is the set of all
* sequences that are the same length (via the SameLen checker) as "array"
* <li>19. If n is an array length field access, then the type of a.length is the glb of
* {@code @LTEqLengthOf("a")} and the value of a.length in the store.
* <li>20. If n is a String.length() method invocation, then the type of s.length() is the glb of
* {@code @LTEqLengthOf("s")} and the value of s.length() in the store.
* </ul>
public class UpperBoundTransfer extends IndexAbstractTransfer {
/** The type factory associated with this transfer function. */
private UpperBoundAnnotatedTypeFactory atypeFactory;
/** The int TypeMirror. */
TypeMirror intTM;
* Creates a new UpperBoundTransfer.
* @param analysis the analysis for this transfer function
public UpperBoundTransfer(CFAnalysis analysis) {
atypeFactory = (UpperBoundAnnotatedTypeFactory) analysis.getTypeFactory();
intTM = atypeFactory.types.getPrimitiveType(TypeKind.INT);
* Case 1: Refine the type of expressions used as an array dimension to be less than length of the
* array to which the new array is assigned. For example, in "int[] array = new int[expr];", the
* type of expr is @LTEqLength("array").
public TransferResult<CFValue, CFStore> visitAssignment(
AssignmentNode node, TransferInput<CFValue, CFStore> in) {
TransferResult<CFValue, CFStore> result = super.visitAssignment(node, in);
Node expNode = node.getExpression();
// strip off typecast if any
Node expNodeSansCast =
(expNode instanceof TypeCastNode) ? ((TypeCastNode) expNode).getOperand() : expNode;
// null if right-hand-side is not an array creation expression
ArrayCreationNode acNode =
(expNodeSansCast instanceof ArrayCreationNode)
? acNode = (ArrayCreationNode) expNodeSansCast
: null;
if (acNode != null) {
// Right-hand side of assignment is an array creation expression
List<Node> nodeList = acNode.getDimensions();
if (nodeList.size() < 1) {
return result;
Node dim = acNode.getDimension(0);
UBQualifier previousQualifier = getUBQualifier(dim, in);
JavaExpression arrayExpr = JavaExpression.fromNode(node.getTarget());
String arrayString = arrayExpr.toString();
LessThanLengthOf newInfo =
(LessThanLengthOf) UBQualifier.createUBQualifier(arrayString, "-1");
UBQualifier combined = previousQualifier.glb(newInfo);
AnnotationMirror newAnno = atypeFactory.convertUBQualifierToAnnotation(combined);
JavaExpression dimExpr = JavaExpression.fromNode(dim);
result.getRegularStore().insertValue(dimExpr, newAnno);
propagateToOperands(newInfo, dim, in, result.getRegularStore());
return result;
* {@code node} is known to be {@code typeOfNode}. If the node is a plus or a minus then the types
* of the left and right operands can be refined to include offsets. If the node is a
* multiplication, its operands can also be refined. See {@link
* #propagateToAdditionOperand(LessThanLengthOf, Node, Node, TransferInput, CFStore)}, {@link
* #propagateToSubtractionOperands(LessThanLengthOf, NumericalSubtractionNode, TransferInput,
* CFStore)}, and {@link #propagateToMultiplicationOperand(LessThanLengthOf, Node, Node,
* TransferInput, CFStore)} for details.
private void propagateToOperands(
LessThanLengthOf typeOfNode, Node node, TransferInput<CFValue, CFStore> in, CFStore store) {
if (node instanceof NumericalAdditionNode) {
Node right = ((NumericalAdditionNode) node).getRightOperand();
Node left = ((NumericalAdditionNode) node).getLeftOperand();
propagateToAdditionOperand(typeOfNode, left, right, in, store);
propagateToAdditionOperand(typeOfNode, right, left, in, store);
} else if (node instanceof NumericalSubtractionNode) {
propagateToSubtractionOperands(typeOfNode, (NumericalSubtractionNode) node, in, store);
} else if (node instanceof NumericalMultiplicationNode) {
if (atypeFactory.hasLowerBoundTypeByClass(node, Positive.class)) {
Node right = ((NumericalMultiplicationNode) node).getRightOperand();
Node left = ((NumericalMultiplicationNode) node).getLeftOperand();
propagateToMultiplicationOperand(typeOfNode, left, right, in, store);
propagateToMultiplicationOperand(typeOfNode, right, left, in, store);
* {@code other} times {@code node} is known to be {@code typeOfMultiplication}.
* <p>This implies that if {@code other} is positive, then {@code node} is {@code
* typeOfMultiplication}. If {@code other} is greater than 1, then {@code node} is {@code
* typeOfMultiplication} plus 1. These are cases 2 and 3, respectively.
private void propagateToMultiplicationOperand(
LessThanLengthOf typeOfMultiplication,
Node node,
Node other,
TransferInput<CFValue, CFStore> in,
CFStore store) {
if (atypeFactory.hasLowerBoundTypeByClass(other, Positive.class)) {
Long minValue =
other.getTree(), atypeFactory.getValueAnnotatedTypeFactory());
if (minValue != null && minValue > 1) {
typeOfMultiplication = (LessThanLengthOf) typeOfMultiplication.plusOffset(1);
UBQualifier qual = getUBQualifier(node, in);
UBQualifier newQual = qual.glb(typeOfMultiplication);
JavaExpression je = JavaExpression.fromNode(node);
store.insertValue(je, atypeFactory.convertUBQualifierToAnnotation(newQual));
* The subtraction node, {@code node}, is known to be {@code typeOfSubtraction}.
* <p>This means that the left node is less than or equal to the length of the array when the
* right node is subtracted from the left node. Note that unlike {@link
* #propagateToAdditionOperand(LessThanLengthOf, Node, Node, TransferInput, CFStore)} and {@link
* #propagateToMultiplicationOperand(LessThanLengthOf, Node, Node, TransferInput, CFStore)}, this
* method takes the NumericalSubtractionNode instead of the two operand nodes. This implements
* case 4.
* @param typeOfSubtraction type of node
* @param node subtraction node that has typeOfSubtraction
* @param in a TransferInput
* @param store location to store the refined type
private void propagateToSubtractionOperands(
LessThanLengthOf typeOfSubtraction,
NumericalSubtractionNode node,
TransferInput<CFValue, CFStore> in,
CFStore store) {
UBQualifier left = getUBQualifier(node.getLeftOperand(), in);
UBQualifier newInfo = typeOfSubtraction.minusOffset(node.getRightOperand(), atypeFactory);
UBQualifier newLeft = left.glb(newInfo);
JavaExpression leftJe = JavaExpression.fromNode(node.getLeftOperand());
store.insertValue(leftJe, atypeFactory.convertUBQualifierToAnnotation(newLeft));
* Refines the type of {@code operand} to {@code typeOfAddition} plus {@code other}. If {@code
* other} is non-negative, then {@code operand} also less than the length of the arrays in {@code
* typeOfAddition}. If {@code other} is positive, then {@code operand} also less than the length
* of the arrays in {@code typeOfAddition} plus 1. These are cases 5, 6, and 7.
* @param typeOfAddition type of {@code operand + other}
* @param operand the Node to refine
* @param other the Node added to {@code operand}
* @param in a TransferInput
* @param store location to store the refined types
private void propagateToAdditionOperand(
LessThanLengthOf typeOfAddition,
Node operand,
Node other,
TransferInput<CFValue, CFStore> in,
CFStore store) {
UBQualifier operandQual = getUBQualifier(operand, in);
UBQualifier newQual = operandQual.glb(typeOfAddition.plusOffset(other, atypeFactory));
// If the node is NonNegative, add an LTEL to the qual. If Positive, add an LTL.
if (atypeFactory.hasLowerBoundTypeByClass(other, Positive.class)) {
newQual = newQual.glb(typeOfAddition.plusOffset(1));
} else if (atypeFactory.hasLowerBoundTypeByClass(other, NonNegative.class)) {
newQual = newQual.glb(typeOfAddition);
JavaExpression operandJe = JavaExpression.fromNode(operand);
store.insertValue(operandJe, atypeFactory.convertUBQualifierToAnnotation(newQual));
* Case 8: if x &lt; y, and y has a type that is related to the length of an array, then x has the
* same type, with an offset that is one less.
protected void refineGT(
Node larger,
AnnotationMirror largerAnno,
Node smaller,
AnnotationMirror smallerAnno,
CFStore store,
TransferInput<CFValue, CFStore> in) {
// larger > smaller
UBQualifier largerQual =
UBQualifier.createUBQualifier(largerAnno, (UpperBoundChecker) atypeFactory.getChecker());
// larger + 1 >= smaller
UBQualifier largerQualPlus1 = largerQual.plusOffset(1);
UBQualifier rightQualifier =
UBQualifier.createUBQualifier(smallerAnno, (UpperBoundChecker) atypeFactory.getChecker());
UBQualifier refinedRight = rightQualifier.glb(largerQualPlus1);
if (largerQualPlus1.isLessThanLengthQualifier()) {
propagateToOperands((LessThanLengthOf) largerQualPlus1, smaller, in, store);
refineSubtrahendWithOffset(larger, smaller, true, in, store);
JavaExpression rightJe = JavaExpression.fromNode(smaller);
store.insertValue(rightJe, atypeFactory.convertUBQualifierToAnnotation(refinedRight));
* Case 9: if x &le; y, and y has a type that is related to the length of an array, then x has the
* same type.
protected void refineGTE(
Node left,
AnnotationMirror leftAnno,
Node right,
AnnotationMirror rightAnno,
CFStore store,
TransferInput<CFValue, CFStore> in) {
UBQualifier leftQualifier =
UBQualifier.createUBQualifier(leftAnno, (UpperBoundChecker) atypeFactory.getChecker());
UBQualifier rightQualifier =
UBQualifier.createUBQualifier(rightAnno, (UpperBoundChecker) atypeFactory.getChecker());
UBQualifier refinedRight = rightQualifier.glb(leftQualifier);
if (leftQualifier.isLessThanLengthQualifier()) {
propagateToOperands((LessThanLengthOf) leftQualifier, right, in, store);
refineSubtrahendWithOffset(left, right, false, in, store);
JavaExpression rightJe = JavaExpression.fromNode(right);
store.insertValue(rightJe, atypeFactory.convertUBQualifierToAnnotation(refinedRight));
* Refines the subtrahend in a subtraction which is greater than or equal to a certain offset. The
* type of the subtrahend is refined to the type of the minuend with the offset added. This is
* case 10.
* <p>This is based on the fact that if {@code (minuend - subtrahend) >= offset}, and {@code
* minuend + o < l}, then {@code subtrahend + o + offset < l}.
* <p>If {@code gtNode} is not a {@link NumericalSubtractionNode}, the method does nothing.
* @param gtNode the node that is greater or equal to the offset
* @param offsetNode a node part of the offset
* @param offsetAddOne whether to add one to the offset
* @param in input of the transfer function
* @param store location to store the refined types
private void refineSubtrahendWithOffset(
Node gtNode,
Node offsetNode,
boolean offsetAddOne,
TransferInput<CFValue, CFStore> in,
CFStore store) {
if (gtNode instanceof NumericalSubtractionNode) {
NumericalSubtractionNode subtractionNode = (NumericalSubtractionNode) gtNode;
Node minuend = subtractionNode.getLeftOperand();
UBQualifier minuendQual = getUBQualifier(minuend, in);
Node subtrahend = subtractionNode.getRightOperand();
UBQualifier subtrahendQual = getUBQualifier(subtrahend, in);
UBQualifier newQual =
minuendQual.plusOffset(offsetNode, atypeFactory).plusOffset(offsetAddOne ? 1 : 0));
JavaExpression subtrahendJe = JavaExpression.fromNode(subtrahend);
store.insertValue(subtrahendJe, atypeFactory.convertUBQualifierToAnnotation(newQual));
/** Implements case 11. */
protected TransferResult<CFValue, CFStore> strengthenAnnotationOfEqualTo(
TransferResult<CFValue, CFStore> res,
Node firstNode,
Node secondNode,
CFValue firstValue,
CFValue secondValue,
boolean notEqualTo) {
TransferResult<CFValue, CFStore> result =
res, firstNode, secondNode, firstValue, secondValue, notEqualTo);
IndexRefinementInfo rfi = new IndexRefinementInfo(result, analysis, firstNode, secondNode);
if (rfi.leftAnno == null || rfi.rightAnno == null) {
return result;
CFStore equalsStore = notEqualTo ? rfi.elseStore : rfi.thenStore;
CFStore notEqualStore = notEqualTo ? rfi.thenStore : rfi.elseStore;
refineEq(rfi.left, rfi.leftAnno, rfi.right, rfi.rightAnno, equalsStore);
refineNeqSequenceLength(rfi.left, rfi.right, rfi.rightAnno, notEqualStore);
refineNeqSequenceLength(rfi.right, rfi.left, rfi.leftAnno, notEqualStore);
return rfi.newResult;
/** Refines the type of the left and right node to glb of the left and right annotation. */
private void refineEq(
Node left, AnnotationMirror leftAnno, Node right, AnnotationMirror rightAnno, CFStore store) {
UBQualifier leftQualifier =
UBQualifier.createUBQualifier(leftAnno, (UpperBoundChecker) atypeFactory.getChecker());
UBQualifier rightQualifier =
UBQualifier.createUBQualifier(rightAnno, (UpperBoundChecker) atypeFactory.getChecker());
UBQualifier glb = rightQualifier.glb(leftQualifier);
AnnotationMirror glbAnno = atypeFactory.convertUBQualifierToAnnotation(glb);
List<Node> internalsRight = splitAssignments(right);
for (Node internal : internalsRight) {
JavaExpression rightJe = JavaExpression.fromNode(internal);
store.insertValue(rightJe, glbAnno);
List<Node> internalsLeft = splitAssignments(left);
for (Node internal : internalsLeft) {
JavaExpression leftJe = JavaExpression.fromNode(internal);
store.insertValue(leftJe, glbAnno);
* If lengthAccess node is an sequence length field or method access (optionally with a constant
* offset subtracted) and the other node is less than or equal to that sequence length (minus the
* offset), then refine the other node's type to less than the sequence length (minus the offset).
* This is case 12.
private void refineNeqSequenceLength(
Node lengthAccess, Node otherNode, AnnotationMirror otherNodeAnno, CFStore store) {
// If lengthAccess is "receiver.length - c" where c is an integer constant,
// then lengthOffset is "c".
int lengthOffset = 0;
if (lengthAccess instanceof NumericalSubtractionNode) {
NumericalSubtractionNode subtraction = (NumericalSubtractionNode) lengthAccess;
Node offsetNode = subtraction.getRightOperand();
Long offsetValue =
offsetNode.getTree(), atypeFactory.getValueAnnotatedTypeFactory());
if (offsetValue != null
&& offsetValue > Integer.MIN_VALUE
&& offsetValue <= Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
lengthOffset = offsetValue.intValue();
lengthAccess = subtraction.getLeftOperand();
} else {
// Subtraction of non-constant expressions is not supported
JavaExpression receiver = null;
if (NodeUtils.isArrayLengthFieldAccess(lengthAccess)) {
FieldAccess fa =
(FieldAccess) JavaExpression.fromNodeFieldAccess((FieldAccessNode) lengthAccess);
receiver = fa.getReceiver();
} else if (atypeFactory.getMethodIdentifier().isLengthOfMethodInvocation(lengthAccess)) {
JavaExpression ma = JavaExpression.fromNode(lengthAccess);
if (ma instanceof MethodCall) {
receiver = ((MethodCall) ma).getReceiver();
if (receiver != null && !receiver.containsUnknown()) {
UBQualifier otherQualifier =
otherNodeAnno, (UpperBoundChecker) atypeFactory.getChecker());
String sequence = receiver.toString();
// Check if otherNode + c - 1 < receiver.length
if (otherQualifier.hasSequenceWithOffset(sequence, lengthOffset - 1)) {
// Add otherNode + c < receiver.length
UBQualifier newQualifier =
UBQualifier.createUBQualifier(sequence, Integer.toString(lengthOffset));
otherQualifier = otherQualifier.glb(newQualifier);
for (Node internal : splitAssignments(otherNode)) {
JavaExpression leftJe = JavaExpression.fromNode(internal);
store.insertValue(leftJe, atypeFactory.convertUBQualifierToAnnotation(otherQualifier));
* If some Node a is known to be less than the length of some array, x, then, the type of a + b,
* is @LTLengthOf(value="x", offset="-b"). If b is known to be less than the length of some other
* array, y, then the type of a + b is @LTLengthOf(value={"x", "y"}, offset={"-b", "-a"}).
* <p>Alternatively, if a is known to be less than the length of x when some offset, o, is added
* to a (the type of a is @LTLengthOf(value="x", offset="o")), then the type of a + b
* is @LTLengthOf(value="x",offset="o - b"). (Note, if "o - b" can be computed, then it is and the
* result is used in the annotation.)
* <p>In addition, If expression i has type @LTLengthOf(value = "f2", offset = "f1.length") int
* and expression j is less than or equal to the length of f1, then the type of i + j is
* .@LTLengthOf("f2").
* <p>These three cases correspond to cases 13-15.
public TransferResult<CFValue, CFStore> visitNumericalAddition(
NumericalAdditionNode n, TransferInput<CFValue, CFStore> in) {
// type of leftNode + rightNode is glb(t, s) where
// t = minusOffset(type(leftNode), rightNode) and
// s = minusOffset(type(rightNode), leftNode)
UBQualifier left = getUBQualifierForAddition(n.getLeftOperand(), in);
UBQualifier t = left.minusOffset(n.getRightOperand(), atypeFactory);
UBQualifier right = getUBQualifierForAddition(n.getRightOperand(), in);
UBQualifier s = right.minusOffset(n.getLeftOperand(), atypeFactory);
UBQualifier glb = t.glb(s);
if (left.isLessThanLengthQualifier() && right.isLessThanLengthQualifier()) {
// If expression i has type @LTLengthOf(value = "f2", offset = "f1.length") int and expression
// j is less than or equal to the length of f1, then the type of i + j is @LTLengthOf("f2").
UBQualifier r = removeSequenceLengths((LessThanLengthOf) left, (LessThanLengthOf) right);
glb = glb.glb(r);
UBQualifier l = removeSequenceLengths((LessThanLengthOf) right, (LessThanLengthOf) left);
glb = glb.glb(l);
return createTransferResult(n, in, glb);
* Return the result of adding i to j.
* <p>When expression i has type {@code @LTLengthOf(value = "f2", offset = "f1.length") int} and
* expression j is less than or equal to the length of f1, then the type of i + j
* is @LTLengthOf("f2").
* <p>When expression i has type {@code @LTLengthOf (value = "f2", offset = "f1.length - 1") int}
* and expression j is less than the length of f1, then the type of i + j is @LTLengthOf("f2").
* @param i the type of the expression added to j
* @param j the type of the expression added to i
* @return the type of i + j
private UBQualifier removeSequenceLengths(LessThanLengthOf i, LessThanLengthOf j) {
List<String> lessThan = new ArrayList<>();
List<String> lessThanOrEqual = new ArrayList<>();
for (String sequence : i.getSequences()) {
if (i.isLessThanLengthOf(sequence)) {
} else if (i.hasSequenceWithOffset(sequence, -1)) {
// Creates a qualifier that is the same a j with the array.length offsets removed. If
// an offset doesn't have an array.length, then the offset/array pair is removed. If
// there are no such pairs, Unknown is returned.
UBQualifier lessThanEqQ = j.removeSequenceLengthAccess(lessThanOrEqual);
// Creates a qualifier that is the same a j with the array.length - 1 offsets removed. If
// an offset doesn't have an array.length, then the offset/array pair is removed. If
// there are no such pairs, Unknown is returned.
UBQualifier lessThanQ = j.removeSequenceLengthAccessAndNeg1(lessThan);
return lessThanEqQ.glb(lessThanQ);
* If some Node a is known to be less than the length of some sequence x, then the type of a - b
* is @LTLengthOf(value="x", offset="b"). If b is known to be less than the length of some other
* sequence, this doesn't add any information about the type of a - b. But, if b is non-negative
* or positive, then a - b should keep the types of a. This corresponds to cases 16 and 17.
public TransferResult<CFValue, CFStore> visitNumericalSubtraction(
NumericalSubtractionNode n, TransferInput<CFValue, CFStore> in) {
UBQualifier left = getUBQualifier(n.getLeftOperand(), in);
UBQualifier leftWithOffset = left.plusOffset(n.getRightOperand(), atypeFactory);
if (atypeFactory.hasLowerBoundTypeByClass(n.getRightOperand(), NonNegative.class)
|| atypeFactory.hasLowerBoundTypeByClass(n.getRightOperand(), Positive.class)) {
// If the right side of the expression is NN or POS, then all the left side's
// annotations should be kept.
if (left.isLessThanLengthQualifier()) {
leftWithOffset = left.glb(leftWithOffset);
// If the result of a numerical subtraction would be LTEL(b) or LTL(b), and b is HSS(a,
// from, to), and the subtraction node itself is i - from where i is LTEL(b), then the
// result is LTEL(a). If i is LTL(b) instead, the result is LTL(a).
if (leftWithOffset.isLessThanLengthQualifier()) {
LessThanLengthOf subtractionResult = (LessThanLengthOf) leftWithOffset;
for (String b : subtractionResult.getSequences()) {
if (subtractionResult.hasSequenceWithOffset(b, -1)
|| subtractionResult.hasSequenceWithOffset(b, 0)) {
TreePath currentPath = this.atypeFactory.getPath(n.getTree());
JavaExpression je;
try {
je = UpperBoundVisitor.parseJavaExpressionString(b, atypeFactory, currentPath);
} catch (NullPointerException npe) {
// I have no idea why this seems to happen only on a few JDK classes. It appears to
// only happen during the preprocessing step - the NPE is thrown while trying to find
// the enclosing class of a class tree, which is null. I can't find a reproducible test
// case that's smaller than the size of DualPivotQuicksort. Since this refinement is
// optional, but useful elsewhere, catching this NPE here and returning is always safe.
return createTransferResult(n, in, leftWithOffset);
Subsequence subsequence = Subsequence.getSubsequenceFromReceiver(je, atypeFactory);
if (subsequence != null) {
String from = subsequence.from;
String to =;
String a = subsequence.array;
JavaExpression leftOp = JavaExpression.fromNode(n.getLeftOperand());
JavaExpression rightOp = JavaExpression.fromNode(n.getRightOperand());
if (rightOp.toString().equals(from)) {
LessThanAnnotatedTypeFactory lessThanAtypeFactory =
AnnotationMirror lessThanType =
if (lessThanType != null && lessThanAtypeFactory.isLessThan(lessThanType, to)) {
UBQualifier ltlA = UBQualifier.createUBQualifier(a, "0");
leftWithOffset = leftWithOffset.glb(ltlA);
} else if (leftOp.toString().equals(to)
|| (lessThanType != null
&& lessThanAtypeFactory.isLessThanOrEqual(lessThanType, to))) {
// It's necessary to check if leftOp == to because LessThan doesn't
// infer that things are less than or equal to themselves.
UBQualifier ltelA = UBQualifier.createUBQualifier(a, "-1");
leftWithOffset = leftWithOffset.glb(ltelA);
return createTransferResult(n, in, leftWithOffset);
* Computes a type of a sequence length access. This is case 18.
* @param n sequence length access node
private TransferResult<CFValue, CFStore> visitLengthAccess(
Node n, TransferInput<CFValue, CFStore> in, JavaExpression sequenceJe, Tree sequenceTree) {
if (sequenceTree == null) {
return null;
// Look up the SameLen type of the sequence.
AnnotationMirror sameLenAnno = atypeFactory.sameLenAnnotationFromTree(sequenceTree);
List<String> sameLenSequences;
if (sameLenAnno == null) {
sameLenSequences = Collections.singletonList(sequenceJe.toString());
} else {
sameLenSequences =
sameLenAnno, atypeFactory.sameLenValueElement, String.class);
String sequenceString = sequenceJe.toString();
if (!sameLenSequences.contains(sequenceString)) {
List<String> offsets = Collections.nCopies(sameLenSequences.size(), "-1");
if (CFAbstractStore.canInsertJavaExpression(sequenceJe)) {
UBQualifier qualifier = UBQualifier.createUBQualifier(sameLenSequences, offsets);
UBQualifier previous = getUBQualifier(n, in);
return createTransferResult(n, in, qualifier.glb(previous));
return null;
* If n is an array length field access, then the type of a.length is the glb
* of @LTEqLengthOf("a") and the value of a.length in the store. This is case 19.
public TransferResult<CFValue, CFStore> visitFieldAccess(
FieldAccessNode n, TransferInput<CFValue, CFStore> in) {
if (NodeUtils.isArrayLengthFieldAccess(n)) {
FieldAccess arrayLength = (FieldAccess) JavaExpression.fromNodeFieldAccess(n);
JavaExpression arrayJe = arrayLength.getReceiver();
Tree arrayTree = n.getReceiver().getTree();
TransferResult<CFValue, CFStore> result = visitLengthAccess(n, in, arrayJe, arrayTree);
if (result != null) {
return result;
return super.visitFieldAccess(n, in);
* If n is a String.length() method invocation, then the type of s.length() is the glb
* of @LTEqLengthOf("s") and the value of s.length() in the store. This is case 20.
public TransferResult<CFValue, CFStore> visitMethodInvocation(
MethodInvocationNode n, TransferInput<CFValue, CFStore> in) {
if (atypeFactory.getMethodIdentifier().isLengthOfMethodInvocation(n)) {
JavaExpression stringLength = JavaExpression.fromNode(n);
if (stringLength instanceof MethodCall) {
JavaExpression receiverJe = ((MethodCall) stringLength).getReceiver();
Tree receiverTree = n.getTarget().getReceiver().getTree();
// receiverTree is null when the receiver is implicit "this".
if (receiverTree != null) {
TransferResult<CFValue, CFStore> result =
visitLengthAccess(n, in, receiverJe, receiverTree);
if (result != null) {
return result;
return super.visitMethodInvocation(n, in);
* Returns the UBQualifier for a node, with additional refinement useful specifically for integer
* addition, based on the information from subcheckers of the Index Checker.
* @param n the node
* @param in dataflow analysis transfer input
* @return the UBQualifier for {@code node}
private UBQualifier getUBQualifierForAddition(Node n, TransferInput<CFValue, CFStore> in) {
// The method takes the greatest lower bound of the qualifier returned by
// getUBQualifier and a qualifier created from a SubstringIndexFor annotation, if such
// annotation is present and the index is known to be non-negative.
UBQualifier ubQualifier = getUBQualifier(n, in);
Tree nodeTree = n.getTree();
// Annotation from the Substring Index hierarchy
AnnotatedTypeMirror substringIndexType =
AnnotationMirror substringIndexAnno = substringIndexType.getAnnotation(SubstringIndexFor.class);
// Annotation from the Lower bound hierarchy
AnnotatedTypeMirror lowerBoundType =
// If the index has an SubstringIndexFor annotation and at the same time is non-negative,
// convert the SubstringIndexFor annotation to a upper bound qualifier.
if (substringIndexAnno != null
&& (lowerBoundType.hasAnnotation(NonNegative.class)
|| lowerBoundType.hasAnnotation(Positive.class))) {
UBQualifier substringIndexQualifier =
substringIndexAnno, (UpperBoundChecker) atypeFactory.getChecker());
ubQualifier = ubQualifier.glb(substringIndexQualifier);
return ubQualifier;
* Returns the UBQualifier for node. It does this by finding a {@link CFValue} for node. First it
* checks the store in the transfer input. If one isn't there, the analysis is checked. If the
* UNKNOWN qualifier is returned, then the AnnotatedTypeMirror from the type factory is used.
* @param n node
* @param in transfer input
* @return the UBQualifier for node
private UBQualifier getUBQualifier(Node n, TransferInput<CFValue, CFStore> in) {
QualifierHierarchy hierarchy = analysis.getTypeFactory().getQualifierHierarchy();
JavaExpression je = JavaExpression.fromNode(n);
CFValue value = null;
if (CFAbstractStore.canInsertJavaExpression(je)) {
value = in.getRegularStore().getValue(je);
if (value == null) {
value = analysis.getValue(n);
UBQualifier qualifier = getUBQualifier(hierarchy, value);
if (qualifier.isUnknown()) {
// The qualifier from the store or analysis might be UNKNOWN if there was some error.
// For example,
// @LTLength("a") int i = 4; // error
// The type of i in the store is @UpperBoundUnknown, but the type of i as computed by
// the type factory is @LTLength("a"), so use that type.
CFValue valueFromFactory = getValueFromFactory(n.getTree(), n);
return getUBQualifier(hierarchy, valueFromFactory);
return qualifier;
private UBQualifier getUBQualifier(QualifierHierarchy hierarchy, CFValue value) {
if (value == null) {
return UpperBoundUnknownQualifier.UNKNOWN;
Set<AnnotationMirror> set = value.getAnnotations();
AnnotationMirror anno = hierarchy.findAnnotationInHierarchy(set, atypeFactory.UNKNOWN);
if (anno == null) {
return UpperBoundUnknownQualifier.UNKNOWN;
return UBQualifier.createUBQualifier(anno, (UpperBoundChecker) atypeFactory.getChecker());
private TransferResult<CFValue, CFStore> createTransferResult(
Node n, TransferInput<CFValue, CFStore> in, UBQualifier qualifier) {
AnnotationMirror newAnno = atypeFactory.convertUBQualifierToAnnotation(qualifier);
CFValue value = analysis.createSingleAnnotationValue(newAnno, n.getType());
return createTransferResult(value, in);
public TransferResult<CFValue, CFStore> visitCase(
CaseNode n, TransferInput<CFValue, CFStore> in) {
TransferResult<CFValue, CFStore> result = super.visitCase(n, in);
// Refines subtrahend in the switch expression
// TODO: This cannot be done in strengthenAnnotationOfEqualTo, because that does not provide
// transfer input.
Node caseNode = n.getCaseOperand();
AssignmentNode assign = (AssignmentNode) n.getSwitchOperand();
Node switchNode = assign.getExpression();
refineSubtrahendWithOffset(switchNode, caseNode, false, in, result.getThenStore());
return result;
public TransferResult<CFValue, CFStore> visitIntegerLiteral(
IntegerLiteralNode n, TransferInput<CFValue, CFStore> pi) {
TransferResult<CFValue, CFStore> result = super.visitIntegerLiteral(n, pi);
int intValue = n.getValue();
AnnotationMirror newAnno;
switch (intValue) {
case 0:
newAnno = atypeFactory.ZERO;
case -1:
newAnno = atypeFactory.NEGATIVEONE;
return result;
CFValue c = new CFValue(analysis, Collections.singleton(newAnno), intTM);
return new RegularTransferResult<>(c, result.getRegularStore());