blob: 24b9d83365a1a7ffe03d8ced3a083fcad0c7f669 [file] [log] [blame]
import org.checkerframework.checker.interning.qual.Interned;
public class ConstantsInterning {
// All but D should be inferred to be @Interned String.
final String A = "A";
final String B = "B";
final String AB = A + B;
final String AC = A + "C";
final String D = new String("D");
final @Interned String E = new String("E").intern();
final Object F = "F";
void foo() {
@Interned String is;
is = A;
is = B;
is = AB;
is = A + B;
is = AC;
is = A + "C";
is = A + B + "C";
// :: error: (assignment)
is = D;
// :: error: (assignment)
is = A + E;
// :: error: (assignment)
is = is + is;
is = Constants2.E;
is = (String) F;
class Constants2 {
public static final String E = "e";