blob: 0854c475aa9acf0c87ffd8a77c75fc1384bd3e9f [file] [log] [blame]
import java.util.concurrent.locks.*;
import org.checkerframework.checker.lock.qual.*;
import org.checkerframework.framework.qual.AnnotatedFor;
public class BasicLockTest {
class MyClass {
public Object field;
MyClass myUnannotatedMethod(MyClass param) {
return param;
void myUnannotatedMethod2() {}
MyClass myAnnotatedMethod(MyClass param) {
return param;
void myAnnotatedMethod2() {}
final @GuardedBy({}) ReentrantLock lockField = new ReentrantLock();
@GuardedBy("lockField") MyClass m;
@GuardedBy({}) MyClass o1 = new MyClass(), p1;
void testFields() {
// Test in two ways that return values are @GuardedByUnknown.
// The first way is more durable as cannot.dereference is tied specifically to
// @GuardedByUnknown (and @GuardedByBottom, but it is unlikely to become the default for
// return values on unannotated methods).
// :: error: (lock.not.held) :: error: (argument)
myUnannotatedMethod(o1).field = new Object();
// The second way is less durable because the default for fields is currently @GuardedBy({})
// but could be changed to @GuardedByUnknown.
// :: error: (assignment) :: error: (argument)
p1 = myUnannotatedMethod(o1);
// Now test that an unannotated method behaves as if it's annotated with @MayReleaseLocks
m.field = new Object();
// :: error: (lock.not.held)
m.field = new Object();
void unannotatedReleaseLock(ReentrantLock lock) {
void testLocalVariables() {
MyClass o2 = new MyClass(), p2;
// :: error: (argument)
p2 = myUnannotatedMethod(o2);
MyClass o3 = new MyClass();
// Now test that an unannotated method behaves as if it's annotated with @MayReleaseLocks
final @GuardedBy({}) ReentrantLock lock = new ReentrantLock();
@GuardedBy("lock") MyClass q = new MyClass();
q.field = new Object();
// Should behave as @MayReleaseLocks, and *should* reset @LockHeld assumption about local
// variable lock.
// :: error: (lock.not.held)
q.field = new Object();
// Should behave as @MayReleaseLocks, and *should* reset @LockHeld assumption about local
// variable lock.
// :: error: (argument)
// :: error: (lock.not.held)
q.field = new Object();