blob: 1a8553f8271d3d4f68ea492341f6527c9712c069 [file] [log] [blame]
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock;
import org.checkerframework.checker.lock.qual.*;
import org.checkerframework.dataflow.qual.SideEffectFree;
public class TestTreeKinds {
class MyClass {
Object field = new Object();
Object method(@GuardSatisfied MyClass this) {
return new Object();
void method2(@GuardSatisfied MyClass this) {}
@GuardedBy("lock") MyClass m;
// In constructor/initializer, it's OK not to hold the lock on 'this', but other locks must
// be respected.
// :: error: (lock.not.held)
m.field = new Object();
final ReentrantLock lock = new ReentrantLock();
final ReentrantLock lock2 = new ReentrantLock();
@GuardedBy("lock") MyClass foo = new MyClass();
MyClass unguardedFoo = new MyClass();
void lockTheLock() {
void lockTheLock2() {
@EnsuresLockHeldIf(expression = "lock", result = true)
boolean tryToLockTheLock() {
return lock.tryLock();
// This @MayReleaseLocks annotation causes dataflow analysis to assume 'lock' is released after
// unlockTheLock() is called.
void unlockTheLock() {}
void sideEffectFreeMethod() {}
void lockingFreeMethod() {}
void nonSideEffectFreeMethod() {}
void requiresLockHeldMethod() {}
MyClass fooArray @GuardedBy("lock") [] = new MyClass[3];
@GuardedBy("lock") MyClass fooArray2[] = new MyClass[3];
@GuardedBy("lock") MyClass fooArray3[][] = new MyClass[3][3];
MyClass fooArray4 @GuardedBy("lock") [][] = new MyClass[3][3];
MyClass fooArray5[] @GuardedBy("lock") [] = new MyClass[3][3];
class myClass {
int i = 0;
@GuardedBy("lock") myClass myClassInstance = new myClass();
@GuardedBy("lock") Exception exception = new Exception();
class MyParametrizedType<T> {
T foo;
int l;
@GuardedBy("lock") MyParametrizedType<MyClass> myParametrizedType = new MyParametrizedType<>();
MyClass getFooWithWrongReturnType() {
// :: error: (return)
return foo; // return of guarded object
@GuardedBy("lock") MyClass getFoo() {
return foo;
MyClass @GuardedBy("lock") [] getFooArray() {
return fooArray;
@GuardedBy("lock") MyClass[] getFooArray2() {
return fooArray2;
@GuardedBy("lock") MyClass[][] getFooArray3() {
return fooArray3;
MyClass @GuardedBy("lock") [][] getFooArray4() {
return fooArray4;
MyClass[] @GuardedBy("lock") [] getFooArray5() {
return fooArray5;
enum myEnumType {
@GuardedBy("lock") myEnumType myEnum;
void testEnumType() {
// TODO: assignment is technically correct, but we could
// make it friendlier for the user if constant enum values on the RHS
// automatically cast to the @GuardedBy annotation of the LHS.
// :: error: (assignment)
myEnum = myEnumType.ABC;
final Object intrinsicLock = new Object();
void testThreadHoldsLock(@GuardedBy("intrinsicLock") MyClass m) {
if (Thread.holdsLock(intrinsicLock)) {
} else {
// :: error: (lock.not.held)
void testTreeTypes() {
int i, l;
MyClass o = new MyClass();
MyClass f = new MyClass();
// The following test cases were inspired from annotator.find.ASTPathCriterion.isSatisfiedBy
// in the Annotation File Utilities
// TODO: File a bug for the dataflow issue mentioned in the line below.
// TODO: uncomment: Hits a bug in dataflow:
// do {
// break;
// } while (foo.field != null); // access to guarded object in condition of do/while loop
// :: error: (lock.not.held)
for (foo = new MyClass(); foo.field != null; foo = new MyClass()) {
} // access to guarded object in condition of for loop
// assignment to guarded object (OK) --- foo is still refined to @GuardedBy("lock") after
// this point, though.
foo = new MyClass();
// A simple method call to a guarded object is not considered a dereference (only field
// accesses are considered dereferences).
// Same as above, but the guard must be satisfied if the receiver is @GuardSatisfied.
// :: error: (lock.not.held)
// attempt to use guarded object in a switch statement
// :: error: (lock.not.held)
switch (foo.field.hashCode()) {
// attempt to use guarded object inside a try with resources
// try(foo = new MyClass()) { foo.field.toString(); }
// Retrieving an element from a guarded array is a dereference
// :: error: (lock.not.held)
MyClass m = fooArray[0];
// method call on dereference of unguarded element of *guarded* array
// :: error: (lock.not.held)
// :: error: (lock.not.held)
l = fooArray.length; // dereference of guarded array itself
// method call on dereference of guarded array element
// :: error: (lock.not.held)
// method call on dereference of unguarded array - TODO: currently preconditions are not
// retrieved correctly from array types. This is not unique to the Lock Checker.
// fooArray2.field.toString();
// method call on dereference of guarded array element of multidimensional array
// :: error: (lock.not.held)
// method call on dereference of unguarded single-dimensional array element of unguarded
// multidimensional array - TODO: currently preconditions are not retrieved correctly from
// array types. This is not unique to the Lock Checker.
// fooArray3[0].field.toString();
// method call on dereference of unguarded multidimensional array - TODO: currently
// preconditions are not retrieved correctly from array types. This is not unique to the
// Lock Checker.
// fooArray3.field.toString();
// method call on dereference of unguarded array element of *guarded* multidimensional array
// :: error: (lock.not.held)
// dereference of unguarded single-dimensional array element of *guarded* multidimensional
// array
// :: error: (lock.not.held)
l = fooArray4[0].length;
// dereference of guarded multidimensional array
// :: error: (lock.not.held)
l = fooArray4.length;
// method call on dereference of unguarded array element of *guarded subarray* of
// multidimensional array
// :: error: (lock.not.held)
// dereference of guarded single-dimensional array element of multidimensional array
// :: error: (lock.not.held)
l = fooArray5[0].length;
// dereference of unguarded multidimensional array
l = fooArray5.length;
// :: error: (lock.not.held)
l = getFooArray().length; // dereference of guarded array returned by a method
// method call on dereference of guarded array element returned by a method
// :: error: (lock.not.held)
// dereference of unguarded array returned by a method
l = getFooArray2().length;
// method call on dereference of guarded array element of multidimensional array returned by
// a method
// :: error: (lock.not.held)
// dereference of unguarded single-dimensional array element of multidimensional array
// returned by a method
l = getFooArray3()[0].length;
// dereference of unguarded multidimensional array returned by a method
l = getFooArray3().length;
// method call on dereference of unguarded array element of *guarded* multidimensional array
// returned by a method
// :: error: (lock.not.held)
// dereference of unguarded single-dimensional array element of *guarded* multidimensional
// array returned by a method
// :: error: (lock.not.held)
l = getFooArray4()[0].length;
// dereference of guarded multidimensional array returned by a method
// :: error: (lock.not.held)
l = getFooArray4().length;
// method call on dereference of unguarded array element of *guarded subarray* of
// multidimensional array returned by a method
// :: error: (lock.not.held)
// dereference of guarded single-dimensional array element of multidimensional array
// returned by a method
// :: error: (lock.not.held)
l = getFooArray5()[0].length;
// dereference of unguarded multidimensional array returned by a method
l = getFooArray5().length;
// Test different @GuardedBy(...) present on the element and array locations.
@GuardedBy("lock") MyClass @GuardedBy("lock2") [] array = new MyClass[3];
// :: error: (lock.not.held)
array[0].field = new Object();
if (lock.isHeldByCurrentThread()) {
// :: error: (lock.not.held)
array[0].field = new Object();
if (lock2.isHeldByCurrentThread()) {
array[0].field = new Object();
// method call on guarded object within parenthesized expression
// :: error: (lock.not.held)
String s = (foo.field.toString());
// :: error: (lock.not.held)
foo.field.toString(); // method call on guarded object
// :: error: (lock.not.held)
getFoo().field.toString(); // method call on guarded object returned by a method
// :: error: (lock.not.held); // method call on guarded object using 'this' literal
// dereference of guarded object in labeled statement
// :: error: (lock.not.held)
// access to guarded object in instanceof expression (OK)
if (foo instanceof MyClass) {}
// access to guarded object in while condition of while loop (OK)
while (foo != null) {
// binary operator on guarded object in else if condition (OK)
if (false) {
} else if (foo == o) {
// access to guarded object in a lambda expression
Runnable rn =
() -> {
// :: error: (lock.not.held)
// :: error: (lock.not.held)
i = myClassInstance.i; // access to member field of guarded object
// MemberReferenceTrees? how do they work
fooArray = new MyClass[3]; // second allocation of guarded array (OK)
// dereference of guarded object in conditional expression tree
// :: error: (lock.not.held)
s = i == 5 ? foo.field.toString() : f.field.toString();
// dereference of guarded object in conditional expression tree
// :: error: (lock.not.held)
s = i == 5 ? f.field.toString() : foo.field.toString();
// Testing of 'return' is done in getFooWithWrongReturnType()
// throwing a guarded object - when throwing an exception, it must be @GuardedBy({}). Even
// @GuardedByUnknown is not allowed.
try {
// :: error: (throw)
throw exception;
} catch (Exception e) {
// casting of a guarded object to an unguarded object
// :: error: (assignment)
@GuardedBy({}) Object e1 = (Object) exception;
// OK, since the local variable's type gets refined to @GuardedBy("lock")
Object e2 = (Object) exception;
// :: error: (lock.not.held)
l = myParametrizedType.l; // dereference of guarded object having a parameterized type
// We need to support locking on local variables and protecting local variables because
// these locals may contain references to fields. Somehow we need to pass along the
// information of which field it was.
if (foo == o) { // binary operator on guarded object (OK)
if (foo == null) {
// With -AconcurrentSemantics turned off, a cannot.dereference error would be expected,
// since there is an attempt to dereference an expression whose type has been refined to
// @GuardedByBottom (due to the comparison to null). However, with -AconcurrentSemantics
// turned on, foo may no longer be null by now, the refinement to @GuardedByBottom is
// lost and the refined type of foo is now the declared type ( @GuardedBy("lock") ),
// resulting in the lock.not.held error.
// :: error: (lock.not.held)
// TODO: Reenable:
// @PolyGuardedBy should not be written here, but it is not explicitly forbidden by the
// framework.
// @PolyGuardedBy MyClass m2 = new MyClass();
// (cannot.dereference)
// m2.field.toString();
public void testLocals() {
final ReentrantLock localLock = new ReentrantLock();
@GuardedBy("localLock") MyClass guardedByLocalLock = new MyClass();
// :: error: (lock.not.held)
@GuardedBy("lock") MyClass local = new MyClass();
// :: error: (lock.not.held)
local.field.toString(); // No warning output
public void testMethodAnnotations() {
Random r = new Random();
if (r.nextBoolean()) {
} else {
// :: error: (contracts.precondition)
if (r.nextBoolean()) {
// :: error: (lock.not.held)
} else {
// :: error: (lock.not.held)
if (tryToLockTheLock()) {
} else {
// :: error: (lock.not.held)
if (r.nextBoolean()) {
} else {
// :: error: (lock.not.held)
if (r.nextBoolean()) {
} else {
// :: error: (lock.not.held)
void methodThatTakesAnInteger(Integer i) {}
void testBoxedPrimitiveType() {
Integer i = null;
if (i == null) {}
void testReceiverGuardedByItself(@GuardedBy("<self>") TestTreeKinds this) {
// :: error: (lock.not.held)
synchronized (this) {
void method(@GuardSatisfied TestTreeKinds this) {}
void testOtherClassReceiverGuardedByItself(final @GuardedBy("<self>") OtherClass o) {
// :: error: (lock.not.held);
synchronized (o) {;
class OtherClass {
void foo(@GuardSatisfied OtherClass this) {}
void testExplicitLockSynchronized() {
final ReentrantLock lock = new ReentrantLock();
// :: error: (explicit.lock.synchronized)
synchronized (lock) {
void testPrimitiveTypeGuardedby() {
// :: error: (immutable.type.guardedby)
@GuardedBy("lock") int a = 0;
// :: error: (immutable.type.guardedby)
@GuardedBy int b = 0;
// :: error: (immutable.type.guardedby) :: error: (guardsatisfied.location.disallowed)
@GuardSatisfied int c = 0;
// :: error: (immutable.type.guardedby) :: error: (guardsatisfied.location.disallowed)
@GuardSatisfied(1) int d = 0;
int e = 0;
// :: error: (immutable.type.guardedby)
@GuardedByUnknown int f = 0;
// :: error: (immutable.type.guardedby) :: error: (assignment)
@GuardedByBottom int g = 0;
void testBinaryOperatorBooleanResultIsAlwaysGuardedByNothing() {
@GuardedBy("lock") Object o1 = new Object();
Object o2 = new Object();
// boolean variables are implicitly @GuardedBy({}).
boolean b1 = o1 == o2;
boolean b2 = o2 == o1;
boolean b3 = o1 != o2;
boolean b4 = o2 != o1;
boolean b5 = o1 instanceof Object;
boolean b6 = o2 instanceof Object;
boolean b7 = o1 instanceof @GuardedBy("lock") Object;
boolean b8 = o2 instanceof @GuardedBy("lock") Object;