blob: 91f52570e7f4d21419951487228e32964a3f7555 [file] [log] [blame]
// This is a test case that shows off some places in plume-util where
// annotations were required, even though we'd have preferred the defaulting
// rules to result in those annotations being the defaults.
// See the discussion on
// and for more details, especially
// on why changing the default isn't feasible.
import java.util.*;
import org.checkerframework.checker.mustcall.qual.*;
import org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.qual.Nullable;
class PlumeUtilRequiredAnnotations {
// In the real version of this code, there is only one type parameter.
// T is the unannotated version of the parameter - i.e., what it was before
// we first ran the Must Call Checker. S is the annotated version. Adding the
// annotation itself is immaterial - what's important is that the bound
// must be explicit rather than implicit (see that the eqR field never issue errors,
// just like the eqS fields).
class MultiRandSelector<T, S extends @Nullable @MustCall Object, R extends Object> {
// :: error: type.argument
private Partitioner<T, T> eqT;
private Partitioner<S, S> eqS;
private Partitioner<R, R> eqR;
// Adding annotations to the definition of Partitioner doesn't fix this problem:
// :: error: type.argument
private Partitioner2<T, T> eqT2;
private Partitioner2<S, S> eqS2;
private Partitioner2<R, R> eqR2;
// But removing the explicit bounds on Partitioner does (not feasible in this case, though,
// because
// of the @Nullable annotations):
private Partitioner3<T, T> eqT3;
private Partitioner3<S, S> eqS3;
private Partitioner3<R, R> eqR3;
interface Partitioner<ELEMENT extends @Nullable Object, CLASS extends @Nullable Object> {
CLASS assignToBucket(ELEMENT obj);
interface Partitioner2<
ELEMENT extends @Nullable @MustCall Object, CLASS extends @Nullable @MustCall Object> {
CLASS assignToBucket(ELEMENT obj);
interface Partitioner3<ELEMENT, CLASS> {
CLASS assignToBucket(ELEMENT obj);