blob: 6b27f1b2305f1d6cb20f59708fd95838ba69e85b [file] [log] [blame]
import org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.qual.*;
public class InvariantTypes {
// The RHS is @NonNull [], but context decides to make it @Nullable
@Nullable Object[] noa = {"non-null!"};
// Type for array creation is propagated from LHS
@MonotonicNonNull Object[] f = new Object[5];
void testAsLocal() {
@MonotonicNonNull Object[] lo;
lo = new Object[5];
// :: error: (assignment)
lo[0] = null;
lo[0] = new Object();
// :: error: (dereference.of.nullable)
// Type for array creation is propagated from LHS
@PolyNull Object[] po = new Object[5];
void testDecl(@MonotonicNonNull Object[] p) {}
void testCall() {
// Type for array creation is propaged from parameter type
testDecl(new Object[5]);