blob: 30682b45b1df6ae1903816ea22752c13a868d544 [file] [log] [blame]
import org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.qual.*;
public class Unboxing {
@Nullable Integer f;
public void t1() {
// :: error: (unboxing.of.nullable)
int l = f + 1;
// no error, since f has been unboxed
public void t2() {
try {
// :: error: (unboxing.of.nullable)
int l = f + 1;
} catch (NullPointerException npe) {
// f is known to be null on the exception edge
// :: error: (unboxing.of.nullable)
int m = f + 1;
// after the merge, f cannot be null
void foo(@Nullable Integer in) {
// :: error: (unboxing.of.nullable)
int q = in;
int bar(@Nullable Integer in) {
// :: error: (unboxing.of.nullable)
return in;
<T extends @Nullable Integer> int barT(T in) {
// :: error: (unboxing.of.nullable)
int q = in;
// :: error: (unboxing.of.nullable)
return in;