blob: efb885e2334b2342ef6aadfeb7043d8b1d681f10 [file] [log] [blame]
// Unsound only in Java 8, Java 9+ already gives an error
// @skip-test no need to test for the javac error.
public class Figure4 {
static class Constrain<A, B extends A> {}
static <A, B extends A> A upcast(Constrain<A, B> constrain, B b) {
return b;
static <T, U> U coerce(T t) {
Constrain<U, ? super T> constrain = null;
// :: error: method upcast in class Figure4 cannot be applied to given types;
return upcast(constrain, t);
public static void main(String[] args) {
String zero = coerce(0);