blob: c16c1da694d8ab8179f1d6ff8c5471234e631886 [file] [log] [blame]
import org.checkerframework.checker.signedness.qual.*;
public class DefaultsSignedness {
public void ConstantTest() {
// Test bytes with literal values
@SignednessGlb byte conByte;
@SignednessBottom byte botByte;
byte testByte = 0;
conByte = testByte;
// :: error: (assignment)
botByte = testByte;
// Test shorts with literal values
@SignednessGlb short conShort;
@SignednessBottom short botShort;
short testShort = 128;
conShort = testShort;
// :: error: (assignment)
botShort = testShort;
// Test ints with literal values
@SignednessGlb int conInt;
@SignednessBottom int botInt;
int testInt = 32768;
conInt = testInt;
// :: error: (assignment)
botInt = testInt;
// Test longs with literal values
@SignednessGlb long conLong;
@SignednessBottom long botLong;
long testLong = 2147483648L;
conLong = testLong;
// :: error: (assignment)
botLong = testLong;
// Test chars with literal values
@SignednessGlb char conChar;
@SignednessBottom char botChar;
char testChar = 'a';
conChar = testChar;
// :: error: (assignment)
botChar = testChar;
public void SignedTest(
byte testByte,
short testShort,
int testInt,
long testLong,
float testFloat,
double testDouble,
char testChar,
boolean testBool,
Byte testBoxedByte,
Short testBoxedShort,
Integer testBoxedInteger,
Long testBoxedLong) {
// Test bytes
@Signed byte sinByte;
@SignednessGlb byte conByte;
sinByte = testByte;
// :: error: (assignment)
conByte = testByte;
// Test shorts
@Signed short sinShort;
@SignednessGlb short conShort;
sinShort = testShort;
// :: error: (assignment)
conShort = testShort;
// Test ints
@Signed int sinInt;
@SignednessGlb int conInt;
sinInt = testInt;
// :: error: (assignment)
conInt = testInt;
// Test longs
@Signed long sinLong;
@SignednessGlb long conLong;
sinLong = testLong;
// :: error: (assignment)
conLong = testLong;
// Test floats
// :: error: (anno.on.irrelevant)
@Signed float sinFloat;
sinFloat = testFloat;
// Test doubles
// :: error: (anno.on.irrelevant)
@Signed double sinDouble;
sinDouble = testDouble;
// Test boxed bytes
@Signed Byte sinBoxedByte;
@SignednessGlb Byte conBoxedByte;
sinBoxedByte = testBoxedByte;
//// :: error: (assignment)
conBoxedByte = testBoxedByte;
// Test boxed shorts
@Signed Short sinBoxedShort;
@SignednessGlb Short conBoxedShort;
sinBoxedShort = testBoxedShort;
//// :: error: (assignment)
conBoxedShort = testBoxedShort;
// Test boxed Integers
@Signed Integer sinBoxedInteger;
@SignednessGlb Integer conBoxedInteger;
sinBoxedInteger = testBoxedInteger;
//// :: error: (assignment)
conBoxedInteger = testBoxedInteger;
// Test boxed Longs
@Signed Long sinBoxedLong;
@SignednessGlb Long conBoxedLong;
sinBoxedLong = testBoxedLong;
//// :: error: (assignment)
conBoxedLong = testBoxedLong;
public void SignednessBottom() {
@SignednessBottom Object botObj;
Object testObj = null;
botObj = testObj;
public void UnknownSignedness(Object testObj, @Unsigned int unsigned, @Signed int signed) {
@UnknownSignedness Object unkObj;
@Signed Object sinObj;
unkObj = testObj;
// :: error: (assignment)
sinObj = testObj;
public void booleanProblem(@Unsigned int unsigned, @Signed int signed) {
boolean testBool = unsigned == 1 || signed > 1;