blob: bbce8e15b5e1f14681a945810a1734e497e353c8 [file] [log] [blame]
package org.checkerframework.dataflow.cfg.node;
import com.sun.source.tree.ExpressionTree;
import com.sun.source.tree.MethodInvocationTree;
import com.sun.source.tree.Tree;
import com.sun.source.util.TreePath;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Objects;
import org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.qual.Nullable;
import org.checkerframework.dataflow.cfg.node.AssignmentContext.MethodParameterContext;
import org.checkerframework.javacutil.TreeUtils;
import org.plumelib.util.StringsPlume;
* A node for method invocation.
* <pre>
* <em>target(arg1, arg2, ...)</em>
* </pre>
* CFGs may contain {@link MethodInvocationNode}s that correspond to no AST {@link Tree}, in which
* case, the tree field will be null.
public class MethodInvocationNode extends Node {
/** The tree for the method invocation. */
protected final @Nullable MethodInvocationTree tree;
* The MethodAccessNode for the method being invoked. Includes the receiver if any. For a static
* method, the receiver may be a class name.
protected final MethodAccessNode target;
/** The arguments of the method invocation. */
protected final List<Node> arguments;
/** The tree path to the method invocation. */
protected final TreePath treePath;
* If this MethodInvocationNode is a node for an {@link Iterator#next()} desugared from an
* enhanced for loop, then the {@code iterExpression} field is the expression in the for loop,
* e.g., {@code iter} in {@code for(Object o: iter}.
protected @Nullable ExpressionTree iterableExpression;
* Create a MethodInvocationNode.
* @param tree for the method invocation
* @param target the MethodAccessNode for the method being invoked
* @param arguments arguments of the method invocation
* @param treePath path to the method invocation
public MethodInvocationNode(
@Nullable MethodInvocationTree tree,
MethodAccessNode target,
List<Node> arguments,
TreePath treePath) {
super(tree != null ? TreeUtils.typeOf(tree) : target.getMethod().getReturnType());
this.tree = tree; = target;
this.arguments = arguments;
this.treePath = treePath;
// set assignment contexts for parameters
int i = 0;
for (Node arg : arguments) {
AssignmentContext ctx = new MethodParameterContext(target.getMethod(), i++);
public MethodInvocationNode(MethodAccessNode target, List<Node> arguments, TreePath treePath) {
this(null, target, arguments, treePath);
public MethodAccessNode getTarget() {
return target;
public List<Node> getArguments() {
return arguments;
public Node getArgument(int i) {
return arguments.get(i);
public TreePath getTreePath() {
return treePath;
* If this MethodInvocationNode is a node for an {@link Iterator#next()} desugared from an
* enhanced for loop, then return the expression in the for loop, e.g., {@code iter} in {@code
* for(Object o: iter}. Otherwise, return null.
* @return the iter expression, or null if this is not a {@link Iterator#next()} from an enhanced
* for loop
public @Nullable ExpressionTree getIterableExpression() {
return iterableExpression;
* Set the iterable expression from a for loop.
* @param iterableExpression iterable expression
* @see #getIterableExpression()
public void setIterableExpression(@Nullable ExpressionTree iterableExpression) {
this.iterableExpression = iterableExpression;
public @Nullable MethodInvocationTree getTree() {
return tree;
public <R, P> R accept(NodeVisitor<R, P> visitor, P p) {
return visitor.visitMethodInvocation(this, p);
public String toString() {
return target + "(" + StringsPlume.join(", ", arguments) + ")";
public boolean equals(@Nullable Object obj) {
if (!(obj instanceof MethodInvocationNode)) {
return false;
MethodInvocationNode other = (MethodInvocationNode) obj;
return getTarget().equals(other.getTarget()) && getArguments().equals(other.getArguments());
public int hashCode() {
return Objects.hash(target, arguments);
public Collection<Node> getOperands() {
List<Node> list = new ArrayList<>(1 + arguments.size());
return list;