| \htmlhr |
| \chapterAndLabel{Third-party checkers\label{external-checkers}}{third-party-checkers} |
| |
| The Checker Framework has been used to build other checkers that are not |
| distributed together with the framework. This chapter mentions just a few |
| of them. They are listed in reverse chronological order; newer ones appear |
| first and older ones appear last. |
| |
| They are externally-maintained, so if you have problems or questions, you |
| should contact their maintainers rather than the Checker Framework |
| maintainers. |
| |
| If you want this chapter to reference your checker, |
| please send us a link and a short description. |
| |
| |
| % Note to maintainers: |
| % Sections are added to this chapter in reverse chronological order, at the top. |
| |
| |
| \sectionAndLabel{Determinism checker}{deteriminism-checker} |
| |
| The |
| \href{https://github.com/t-rasmud/checker-framework/tree/nondet-checker}{Determinism |
| Checker} ensures that a program is deterministic across executions. A |
| determinismic program is easier to test, and it is easier to debug (such as |
| comparing executions). |
| |
| The Determinism Checker focuses on sequential programs. It detects |
| determinism due to the iteration order of a hash table (or on any other |
| property of hash codes), default formatting (such as Java's |
| \<Object.toString()>, which includes a memory address), \<random>, |
| date-and-time functions, and accessing system properties such as the file |
| system or environment variables. |
| |
| |
| \sectionAndLabel{AWS crypto policy compliance checker}{crypto-policy-compliance-checker} |
| |
| The |
| \href{https://github.com/awslabs/aws-crypto-policy-compliance-checker}{AWS |
| crypto policy compliance checker} checks that no weak cipher algorithms |
| are used with the Java crypto API\@. |
| |
| |
| \sectionAndLabel{AWS KMS compliance checker}{kms-compliance-checker} |
| |
| The \href{https://github.com/awslabs/aws-kms-compliance-checker}{AWS KMS |
| compliance checker} extends the Constant Value Checker (see |
| \chapterpageref{constant-value-checker}) to enforce that calls to Amazon |
| Web Services' Key Management System only request 256-bit (or longer) data |
| keys. This checker can be used to help enforce a compliance requirement |
| (such as from SOC or PCI-DSS) that customer data is always encrypted with |
| 256-bit keys. |
| |
| The KMS compliance checker is available in Maven Central. To use it in |
| \<build.gradle>, add the following dependency: |
| |
| \begin{Verbatim} |
| compile group: 'software.amazon.checkerframework', name: 'aws-kms-compliance-checker', version: '1.0.2' |
| \end{Verbatim} |
| |
| \ahref{https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/software.amazon.checkerframework/aws-kms-compliance-checker/1.0.2}{Other build systems} are similar. |
| |
| |
| \sectionAndLabel{UI Thread Checker for ReactiveX}{rx-thread-checker} |
| |
| The \href{https://www.bennostein.org/ase18.pdf}{Rx Thread \& Effect Checker}~\cite{SteinCSC2018} enforces |
| UI Thread safety properties for stream-based Android applications and is available at |
| \url{https://github.com/uber-research/RxThreadEffectChecker}. |
| |
| |
| \sectionAndLabel{Glacier: Class immutability}{glacier-immutability-checker} |
| |
| \href{http://mcoblenz.github.io/Glacier/}{Glacier}~\cite{CoblenzNAMS2017} |
| enforces transitive class immutability in Java. According to its webpage: |
| |
| \begin{itemize} |
| \item |
| Transitive: if a class is immutable, then every field must be |
| immutable. This means that all reachable state from an immutable object's |
| fields is immutable. |
| \item |
| Class: the immutability of an object depends only on its class's |
| immutability declaration. |
| \item |
| Immutability: state in an object is not changable through any reference to |
| the object. |
| \end{itemize} |
| |
| |
| \sectionAndLabel{SQL checker that supports multiple dialects}{sql-schecker} |
| |
| \href{http://www.jooq.org/}{jOOQ} is a database API that lets you build |
| typesafe SQL queries. jOOQ version 3.0.9 and later ships with a SQL |
| checker that provides even more safety: it ensures that you don't |
| use SQL features that are not supported by your database |
| implementation. You can learn about the SQL checker at |
| \url{https://blog.jooq.org/2016/05/09/jsr-308-and-the-checker-framework-add-even-more-typesafety-to-jooq-3-9/}. |
| |
| |
| \sectionAndLabel{Read Checker for CERT FIO08-J}{read-checker} |
| |
| CERT |
| rule \href{https://www.securecoding.cert.org/confluence/display/java/FIO08-J.+Distinguish+between+characters+or+bytes+read+from+a+stream+and+-1}{FIO08-J} |
| describes a rule for the correct handling of characters/bytes read |
| from a stream. |
| |
| The Read Checker enforces this rule. |
| It is available from |
| \url{https://github.com/opprop/ReadChecker}. |
| |
| |
| \sectionAndLabel{Nullness Rawness Checker}{initialization-rawness-checker} |
| |
| The Nullness Rawness Checker is a nullness checker that uses a different type system for initialization. |
| It was distributed with the Checker Framework through release 2.9.0 (dated 3 July 2019). If you wish |
| to use them, install \href{https://checkerframework.org/releases/2.9.0/}{Checker Framework version 2.9.0}. |
| |
| |
| \sectionAndLabel{Immutability checkers: IGJ, OIGJ, and Javari\label{javari-checker}}{igj-checker} |
| |
| Javari~\cite{TschantzE2005}, IGJ~\cite{ZibinPAAKE2007}, and |
| OIGJ~\cite{ZibinPLAE2010} are type systems that enforce immutability |
| constraints. Type-checkers for all three type systems were distributed |
| with the Checker Framework through release 1.9.13 (dated 1 April 2016). |
| If you wish to use them, install |
| \href{https://checkerframework.org/releases/1.9.13/}{Checker |
| Framework version 1.9.13}. |
| |
| They were removed from the main distribution on June 1, 2016 because the |
| implementations were not being maintained as the Checker Framework evolved. |
| The type systems are valuable, and some people found the type-checkers |
| useful. However, |
| % the type-checkers should be rewritten from scratch and |
| we wanted |
| to focus on distributing checkers that are currently being maintained. |
| |
| |
| \sectionAndLabel{SPARTA information flow type-checker for Android}{sparta-checker} |
| |
| SPARTA is a security toolset aimed at preventing malware from appearing in |
| an app store. SPARTA provides an information-flow type-checker that is |
| customized to Android but can also be applied to other domains. |
| The SPARTA toolset is available from |
| \url{https://checkerframework.org/sparta/}. |
| The paper |
| \href{https://homes.cs.washington.edu/~mernst/pubs/infoflow-ccs2014.pdf}{``Collaborative |
| verification of information flow for a high-assurance app store''} |
| appeared in CCS 2014. |
| |
| |
| \sectionAndLabel{CheckLT taint checker}{checklt-checker} |
| |
| CheckLT uses taint tracking to detect illegal information flows, such as |
| unsanitized data that could result in a SQL injection attack. |
| CheckLT is available from \url{http://checklt.github.io/}. |
| |
| |
| \sectionAndLabel{EnerJ checker}{enerj-checker} |
| |
| A checker for EnerJ~\cite{SampsonDFGCG2011}, an extension to Java that exposes hardware faults |
| in a safe, principled manner to save energy with only |
| slight sacrifices to the quality of service, is available from |
| \url{http://sampa.cs.washington.edu/research/approximation/enerj.html}. |
| |
| |
| \sectionAndLabel{Generic Universe Types checker}{gut-checker} |
| |
| A checker for Generic Universe Types~\cite{DietlEM2011}, a lightweight ownership type |
| system, is available from |
| \url{https://ece.uwaterloo.ca/~wdietl/ownership/}. |
| |
| |
| \sectionAndLabel{Safety-Critical Java checker}{safety-critical-java-checker} |
| |
| A checker for Safety-Critical Java (SCJ, JSR 302)~\cite{TangPJ2010} is available at |
| \url{https://www.cs.purdue.edu/sss/projects/oscj/checker/checker.html}. |
| Developer resources are available at the project page |
| \url{https://code.google.com/archive/p/scj-jsr302/}. |
| |
| |
| % In a mail from Aleš Plšek <aplsek@gmail.com> on 29.03.2011: |
| |
| % Name: SCJ Checker |
| % WWW: http://sss.cs.purdue.edu/projects/oscj/checker/checker.html |
| % Source-Code Repository: http://code.google.com/p/scj-jsr302/ |
| |
| % Description: The SCJ Checker implements verification of a set of |
| % annotations defined by the Safety-Critical Java standard (JSR-302). |
| % The checker mainly focuses on proving memory safety of Java programs |
| % that use a region-based memory management. |
| |
| % Publications: Static checking of safety critical Java annotations: |
| % http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?doid=1850771.1850792 |
| |
| |
| \sectionAndLabel{Thread locality checker}{loci-thread-locality-checker} |
| |
| Loci~\cite{WrigstadPMZV2009}, a checker for thread locality, is available at |
| \url{http://www.it.uu.se/research/upmarc/loci/}. |
| %% This URL is broken as of |
| % Developer resources are available at the project page |
| % \url{http://java.net/projects/loci/}. |
| |
| % A paper was publishd in ECOOP 2009, release 0.1 was made in March 2011, |
| % but as of October 2013 and June 2017 the manual is still listed as "forthcoming". |
| |
| |
| % In a mail from Amanj Mahmud <amanjpro@gmail.com> on 28.03.2011: |
| |
| % The plugin name: |
| % ``Loci: A Pluggable Type Checker for Expressing Thread Locality in |
| % Java'' |
| |
| % Project homepage: http://www.it.uu.se/research/upmarc/loci |
| |
| % Project's developer's page: http://java.net/projects/loci |
| |
| |
| \sectionAndLabel{Units and dimensions checker}{units-and-dimensions-checker} |
| |
| A checker for units and dimensions is available at |
| \url{https://www.lexspoon.org/expannots/}. |
| |
| Unlike the Units Checker that is distributed with the Checker Framework |
| (see Section~\ref{units-checker}), this checker includes dynamic checks and |
| permits annotation arguments that are Java expressions. This added |
| flexibility, however, requires that you use a special version both of the |
| Checker Framework and of the javac compiler. |
| |
| |
| \input{typestate-checker} |
| |
| |
| %%% ***** |
| %%% New sections go at the top of the file, not the bottom. |
| %%% ***** |
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| |
| % LocalWords: SCJ EnerJ CheckLT unsanitized JavaUI CCS IGJ OIGJ FIO08 |
| %% LocalWords: jOOQ typesafe |