blob: c415978229f89c9ba497386378a1ca5d3c1f43ad [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
\title{The Checker Framework Manual: \\ Custom pluggable types for Java}
\newcommand{\ReleaseInfo}{3.13.0 (3 May 2021)}
\date{Version \ReleaseInfo{}}
%%% TODO: This file no longer exists on buffalo; must find a new file to test.
%% Releases are made on buffalo, so this macro is really saying
%% "released version of the CF" as opposed to a development version.
% Permit text on title page by making \newpage a no-op while running \maketitle
{\let\newpage\relax \maketitle}
\textbf{For the impatient:}
describes how to \textbf{install and use} pluggable type-checkers.
%HEVEA This manual is also available in \href{}{PDF}.
%HEVEA \setcounter{tocdepth}{1}
% Not supported by Hevea, so don't bother: \dominitoc
%% Checkers
% If you add a new checker, also update the lists in introduction.tex and
% advanced-features.tex .
% These are focused on strings:
% These are focused on ints:
% Checkers that tend to be used as components of other checkers rather
% than used for their own sake:
% Special subtyping checker and external checkers:
%% Advanced material
% LocalWords: pt TODO JavaDocs Arg api HEVEA html ernst