blob: 388991b3d4213cfb421be37bc19dec2cd850449d [file] [log] [blame]
package org.checkerframework.framework.test.diagnostics;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
import org.checkerframework.checker.index.qual.GTENegativeOne;
import org.checkerframework.checker.initialization.qual.UnknownInitialization;
import org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.qual.Nullable;
import org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.qual.RequiresNonNull;
import org.checkerframework.dataflow.qual.Pure;
import org.plumelib.util.CollectionsPlume;
* This class reads expected javac diagnostics from a single file. Its implementation is as an
* iterator over {@link TestDiagnosticLine}. However, clients should call the static methods: {@link
* #readJavaSourceFiles} reads diagnostics from multiple Java source files, and {@link
* #readDiagnosticFiles} reads diagnostics from multiple "diagnostic files".
public class JavaDiagnosticReader implements Iterator<TestDiagnosticLine> {
/// This class begins with the public static methods that clients use to read diagnostics.
* Returns all the diagnostics in any of the Java source files.
* @param files the Java files to read; each is a File or a JavaFileObject
* @return the TestDiagnostics from the input file
// The argument has type Iterable<? extends Object> because Java cannot resolve the overload
// of two versions that take Iterable<? extends File> and Iterable<? extends JavaFileObject>.
public static List<TestDiagnostic> readJavaSourceFiles(Iterable<? extends Object> files) {
List<JavaDiagnosticReader> readers = new ArrayList<>();
for (Object file : files) {
if (file instanceof JavaFileObject) {
new JavaDiagnosticReader(
(JavaFileObject) file, TestDiagnosticUtils::fromJavaSourceLine));
} else if (file instanceof File) {
readers.add(new JavaDiagnosticReader((File) file, TestDiagnosticUtils::fromJavaSourceLine));
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Elements of argument should be File or JavaFileObject, not %s: %s",
file.getClass(), file));
return readDiagnostics(readers);
* Reads diagnostics line-by-line from the input diagnostic files.
* @param files a set of diagnostic files
* @return the TestDiagnosticLines from the input files
public static List<TestDiagnostic> readDiagnosticFiles(Iterable<? extends File> files) {
List<JavaDiagnosticReader> readers =
(File file) ->
new JavaDiagnosticReader(
(filename, line, lineNumber) ->
return readDiagnostics(readers);
/// End of public static methods, start of private static methods.
* Returns all the diagnostics in any of the files.
* @param readers the files (Java or Diagnostics format) to read
* @return the List of TestDiagnosticLines from the input file
private static List<TestDiagnostic> readDiagnostics(Iterable<JavaDiagnosticReader> readers) {
return diagnosticLinesToDiagnostics(readDiagnosticLines(readers));
* Reads the entire input file using the given codec and returns the resulting line.
* @param readers the files (Java or Diagnostics format) to read
* @return the List of TestDiagnosticLines from the input file
private static List<TestDiagnosticLine> readDiagnosticLines(
Iterable<JavaDiagnosticReader> readers) {
List<TestDiagnosticLine> result = new ArrayList<>();
for (JavaDiagnosticReader reader : readers) {
return result;
* Reads the entire input file using the given codec and returns the resulting lines, filtering
* out empty ones produced by JavaDiagnosticReader.
* @param reader the file (Java or Diagnostics format) to read
* @return the List of TestDiagnosticLines from the input file
private static List<TestDiagnosticLine> readDiagnosticLines(JavaDiagnosticReader reader) {
List<TestDiagnosticLine> diagnosticLines = new ArrayList<>();
while (reader.hasNext()) {
TestDiagnosticLine line =;
// A JavaDiagnosticReader can return a lot of empty diagnostics. Filter them out.
if (line.hasDiagnostics()) {
return diagnosticLines;
/** Converts a list of TestDiagnosticLine into a list of TestDiagnostic. */
private static List<TestDiagnostic> diagnosticLinesToDiagnostics(List<TestDiagnosticLine> lines) {
List<TestDiagnostic> result = new ArrayList<>((int) (lines.size() * 1.1));
for (TestDiagnosticLine line : lines) {
return result;
* StringToTestDiagnosticLine converts a line of a file into a TestDiagnosticLine. There are
* currently two possible formats: one for Java source code, and one for Diagnostic files.
* <p>No classes implement this interface. The methods TestDiagnosticUtils.fromJavaSourceLine and
* TestDiagnosticUtils.fromDiagnosticFileLine instantiate the method.
private interface StringToTestDiagnosticLine {
* Converts the specified line of the file into a {@link TestDiagnosticLine}.
* @param filename name of the file
* @param line the text of the line to convert to a TestDiagnosticLine
* @param lineNumber the line number of the line
* @return TestDiagnosticLine corresponding to {@code line}
TestDiagnosticLine createTestDiagnosticLine(String filename, String line, long lineNumber);
/// End of static methods, start of per-instance state.
private final StringToTestDiagnosticLine codec;
private final String filename;
private LineNumberReader reader;
private @Nullable String nextLine = null;
private @GTENegativeOne int nextLineNumber = -1;
private JavaDiagnosticReader(File toRead, StringToTestDiagnosticLine codec) {
this.codec = codec;
this.filename = toRead.getName();
try {
reader = new LineNumberReader(new FileReader(toRead));
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
private JavaDiagnosticReader(JavaFileObject toReadFileObject, StringToTestDiagnosticLine codec) {
this.codec = codec;
this.filename = new File(toReadFileObject.getName()).getName();
try {
reader = new LineNumberReader(toReadFileObject.openReader(true));
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
public boolean hasNext() {
return nextLine != null;
public void remove() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
"Cannot remove elements using JavaDiagnosticFileReader.");
public TestDiagnosticLine next() {
if (nextLine == null) {
throw new NoSuchElementException();
String currentLine = nextLine;
int currentLineNumber = nextLineNumber;
try {
currentLine = TestDiagnosticUtils.handleEndOfLineJavaDiagnostic(currentLine);
if (TestDiagnosticUtils.isJavaDiagnosticLineStart(currentLine)) {
while (TestDiagnosticUtils.isJavaDiagnosticLineContinuation(nextLine)) {
currentLine = currentLine.trim() + " " + TestDiagnosticUtils.continuationPart(nextLine);
currentLineNumber = nextLineNumber;
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
return codec.createTestDiagnosticLine(filename, currentLine, currentLineNumber);
protected void advance(@UnknownInitialization JavaDiagnosticReader this) throws IOException {
nextLine = reader.readLine();
nextLineNumber = reader.getLineNumber();
if (nextLine == null) {