blob: d4007c2c4890171a9e2a4953ba3e4f116867d518 [file] [log] [blame]
package org.checkerframework.common.value;
import java.lang.annotation.Annotation;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
import javax.lang.model.element.AnnotationMirror;
import org.checkerframework.checker.regex.qual.Regex;
import org.checkerframework.common.value.util.Range;
import org.checkerframework.framework.type.ElementQualifierHierarchy;
import org.checkerframework.javacutil.AnnotationUtils;
import org.checkerframework.javacutil.BugInCF;
import org.checkerframework.javacutil.SystemUtil;
/** The qualifier hierarchy for the Value type system. */
final class ValueQualifierHierarchy extends ElementQualifierHierarchy {
/** The type factory to use. */
private final ValueAnnotatedTypeFactory atypeFactory;
* Creates a ValueQualifierHierarchy from the given classes.
* @param atypeFactory ValueAnnotatedTypeFactory
* @param qualifierClasses classes of annotations that are the qualifiers for this hierarchy
ValueAnnotatedTypeFactory atypeFactory,
Collection<Class<? extends Annotation>> qualifierClasses) {
super(qualifierClasses, atypeFactory.getElementUtils());
this.atypeFactory = atypeFactory;
* Computes greatest lower bound of a @StringVal annotation with another Value Checker annotation.
* @param stringValAnno annotation of type @StringVal
* @param otherAnno annotation from the value checker hierarchy
* @return greatest lower bound of {@code stringValAnno} and {@code otherAnno}
private AnnotationMirror glbOfStringVal(
AnnotationMirror stringValAnno, AnnotationMirror otherAnno) {
List<String> values = atypeFactory.getStringValues(stringValAnno);
switch (AnnotationUtils.annotationName(otherAnno)) {
case ValueAnnotatedTypeFactory.STRINGVAL_NAME:
// Intersection of value lists
List<String> otherValues = atypeFactory.getStringValues(otherAnno);
case ValueAnnotatedTypeFactory.ARRAYLEN_NAME:
// Retain strings of correct lengths
List<Integer> otherLengths = atypeFactory.getArrayLength(otherAnno);
ArrayList<String> result = new ArrayList<>();
for (String s : values) {
if (otherLengths.contains(s.length())) {
values = result;
case ValueAnnotatedTypeFactory.ARRAYLENRANGE_NAME:
// Retain strings of lengths from a range
Range otherRange = atypeFactory.getRange(otherAnno);
ArrayList<String> range = new ArrayList<>();
for (String s : values) {
if (otherRange.contains(s.length())) {
values = range;
case ValueAnnotatedTypeFactory.MATCHES_REGEX_NAME:
List<@Regex String> regexes =
otherAnno, atypeFactory.matchesRegexValueElement, String.class);
values =
.filter(value ->
return atypeFactory.BOTTOMVAL;
return atypeFactory.createStringAnnotation(values);
public AnnotationMirror greatestLowerBound(AnnotationMirror a1, AnnotationMirror a2) {
if (isSubtype(a1, a2)) {
return a1;
} else if (isSubtype(a2, a1)) {
return a2;
} else {
// Implementation of GLB where one of the annotations is StringVal is needed for
// length-based refinement of constant string values. Other cases of length-based
// refinement are handled by subtype check.
if (AnnotationUtils.areSameByName(a1, ValueAnnotatedTypeFactory.STRINGVAL_NAME)) {
return glbOfStringVal(a1, a2);
} else if (AnnotationUtils.areSameByName(a2, ValueAnnotatedTypeFactory.STRINGVAL_NAME)) {
return glbOfStringVal(a2, a1);
// Simply return BOTTOMVAL in other cases. Refine this if we discover use cases
// that need a more precise GLB.
return atypeFactory.BOTTOMVAL;
public int numberOfIterationsBeforeWidening() {
return ValueAnnotatedTypeFactory.MAX_VALUES + 1;
public AnnotationMirror widenedUpperBound(
AnnotationMirror newQualifier, AnnotationMirror previousQualifier) {
AnnotationMirror lub = leastUpperBound(newQualifier, previousQualifier);
if (AnnotationUtils.areSameByName(lub, ValueAnnotatedTypeFactory.INTRANGE_NAME)) {
Range lubRange = atypeFactory.getRange(lub);
Range newRange = atypeFactory.getRange(newQualifier);
Range oldRange = atypeFactory.getRange(previousQualifier);
Range wubRange = widenedRange(newRange, oldRange, lubRange);
return atypeFactory.createIntRangeAnnotation(wubRange);
} else if (AnnotationUtils.areSameByName(lub, ValueAnnotatedTypeFactory.ARRAYLENRANGE_NAME)) {
Range lubRange = atypeFactory.getRange(lub);
Range newRange = atypeFactory.getRange(newQualifier);
Range oldRange = atypeFactory.getRange(previousQualifier);
Range wubRange = widenedRange(newRange, oldRange, lubRange);
return atypeFactory.createArrayLenRangeAnnotation(wubRange);
} else {
return lub;
* Determine the widened range from other ranges.
* @param newRange the new range
* @param oldRange the old range
* @param lubRange the LUB range
* @return the widened range
private Range widenedRange(Range newRange, Range oldRange, Range lubRange) {
if (newRange == null || oldRange == null || lubRange.equals(oldRange)) {
return lubRange;
// If both bounds of the new range are bigger than the old range, then returned range
// should use the lower bound of the new range and a MAX_VALUE.
if ((newRange.from >= oldRange.from && >= {
long max =;
if (max < Byte.MAX_VALUE) {
max = Byte.MAX_VALUE;
} else if (max < Short.MAX_VALUE) {
max = Short.MAX_VALUE;
} else if (max < Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
max = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
} else {
max = Long.MAX_VALUE;
return Range.create(newRange.from, max);
// If both bounds of the old range are bigger than the new range, then returned range
// should use a MIN_VALUE and the upper bound of the new range.
if ((newRange.from <= oldRange.from && <= {
long min = lubRange.from;
if (min > Byte.MIN_VALUE) {
min = Byte.MIN_VALUE;
} else if (min > Short.MIN_VALUE) {
min = Short.MIN_VALUE;
} else if (min > Integer.MIN_VALUE) {
min = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
} else {
min = Long.MIN_VALUE;
return Range.create(min,;
if (lubRange.isWithin(Byte.MIN_VALUE + 1, Byte.MAX_VALUE)
|| lubRange.isWithin(Byte.MIN_VALUE, Byte.MAX_VALUE - 1)) {
} else if (lubRange.isWithin(Short.MIN_VALUE + 1, Short.MAX_VALUE)
|| lubRange.isWithin(Short.MIN_VALUE, Short.MAX_VALUE - 1)) {
} else if (lubRange.isWithin(Long.MIN_VALUE + 1, Long.MAX_VALUE)
|| lubRange.isWithin(Long.MIN_VALUE, Long.MAX_VALUE - 1)) {
return Range.INT_EVERYTHING;
} else {
return Range.EVERYTHING;
* Determines the least upper bound of a1 and a2, which contains the union of their sets of
* possible values.
* @return the least upper bound of a1 and a2
public AnnotationMirror leastUpperBound(AnnotationMirror a1, AnnotationMirror a2) {
if (!AnnotationUtils.areSameByName(getTopAnnotation(a1), getTopAnnotation(a2))) {
// The annotations are in different hierarchies
return null;
a1 = atypeFactory.convertSpecialIntRangeToStandardIntRange(a1);
a2 = atypeFactory.convertSpecialIntRangeToStandardIntRange(a2);
if (isSubtype(a1, a2)) {
return a2;
} else if (isSubtype(a2, a1)) {
return a1;
String qual1 = AnnotationUtils.annotationName(a1);
String qual2 = AnnotationUtils.annotationName(a2);
if (qual1.equals(qual2)) {
// If both are the same type, determine the type and merge
switch (qual1) {
case ValueAnnotatedTypeFactory.INTRANGE_NAME:
// special handling for IntRange
Range intrange1 = atypeFactory.getRange(a1);
Range intrange2 = atypeFactory.getRange(a2);
return atypeFactory.createIntRangeAnnotation(intrange1.union(intrange2));
case ValueAnnotatedTypeFactory.ARRAYLENRANGE_NAME:
// special handling for ArrayLenRange
Range range1 = atypeFactory.getRange(a1);
Range range2 = atypeFactory.getRange(a2);
return atypeFactory.createArrayLenRangeAnnotation(range1.union(range2));
case ValueAnnotatedTypeFactory.INTVAL_NAME:
List<Long> longs = atypeFactory.getIntValues(a1);
SystemUtil.addWithoutDuplicates(longs, atypeFactory.getIntValues(a2));
return atypeFactory.createIntValAnnotation(longs);
case ValueAnnotatedTypeFactory.ARRAYLEN_NAME:
List<Integer> arrayLens = atypeFactory.getArrayLength(a1);
SystemUtil.addWithoutDuplicates(arrayLens, atypeFactory.getArrayLength(a2));
return atypeFactory.createArrayLenAnnotation(arrayLens);
case ValueAnnotatedTypeFactory.STRINGVAL_NAME:
List<String> strings = atypeFactory.getStringValues(a1);
SystemUtil.addWithoutDuplicates(strings, atypeFactory.getStringValues(a2));
return atypeFactory.createStringAnnotation(strings);
case ValueAnnotatedTypeFactory.BOOLVAL_NAME:
List<Boolean> bools = atypeFactory.getBooleanValues(a1);
SystemUtil.addWithoutDuplicates(bools, atypeFactory.getBooleanValues(a2));
return atypeFactory.createBooleanAnnotation(bools);
case ValueAnnotatedTypeFactory.DOUBLEVAL_NAME:
List<Double> doubles = atypeFactory.getDoubleValues(a1);
SystemUtil.addWithoutDuplicates(doubles, atypeFactory.getDoubleValues(a2));
return atypeFactory.createDoubleAnnotation(doubles);
case ValueAnnotatedTypeFactory.MATCHES_REGEX_NAME:
List<@Regex String> regexes = atypeFactory.getMatchesRegexValues(a1);
SystemUtil.addWithoutDuplicates(regexes, atypeFactory.getMatchesRegexValues(a2));
return atypeFactory.createMatchesRegexAnnotation(regexes);
throw new BugInCF("default case: %s %s %s%n", qual1, a1, a2);
// Special handling for dealing with the lub of two annotations that are distinct but
// convertible (e.g. a StringVal and a MatchesRegex, or an IntVal and an IntRange).
// Each of these variables is an annotation of the given type, or is null if neither of
// the arguments to leastUpperBound is of the given types.
AnnotationMirror arrayLenAnno = null;
AnnotationMirror arrayLenRangeAnno = null;
AnnotationMirror stringValAnno = null;
AnnotationMirror matchesRegexAnno = null;
AnnotationMirror intValAnno = null;
AnnotationMirror intRangeAnno = null;
AnnotationMirror doubleValAnno = null;
switch (qual1) {
case ValueAnnotatedTypeFactory.ARRAYLEN_NAME:
arrayLenAnno = a1;
case ValueAnnotatedTypeFactory.ARRAYLENRANGE_NAME:
arrayLenRangeAnno = a1;
case ValueAnnotatedTypeFactory.STRINGVAL_NAME:
stringValAnno = a1;
case ValueAnnotatedTypeFactory.MATCHES_REGEX_NAME:
matchesRegexAnno = a1;
case ValueAnnotatedTypeFactory.INTVAL_NAME:
intValAnno = a1;
case ValueAnnotatedTypeFactory.INTRANGE_NAME:
intRangeAnno = a1;
case ValueAnnotatedTypeFactory.DOUBLEVAL_NAME:
doubleValAnno = a1;
// Do nothing
switch (qual2) {
case ValueAnnotatedTypeFactory.ARRAYLEN_NAME:
arrayLenAnno = a2;
case ValueAnnotatedTypeFactory.ARRAYLENRANGE_NAME:
arrayLenRangeAnno = a2;
case ValueAnnotatedTypeFactory.STRINGVAL_NAME:
stringValAnno = a2;
case ValueAnnotatedTypeFactory.MATCHES_REGEX_NAME:
matchesRegexAnno = a2;
case ValueAnnotatedTypeFactory.INTVAL_NAME:
intValAnno = a2;
case ValueAnnotatedTypeFactory.INTRANGE_NAME:
intRangeAnno = a2;
case ValueAnnotatedTypeFactory.DOUBLEVAL_NAME:
doubleValAnno = a2;
// Do nothing
// Special handling for dealing with the lub of an ArrayLenRange and an ArrayLen,
// a StringVal with one of them, or a StringVal and a MatchesRegex.
if (arrayLenAnno != null && arrayLenRangeAnno != null) {
return leastUpperBound(
arrayLenRangeAnno, atypeFactory.convertArrayLenToArrayLenRange(arrayLenAnno));
} else if (stringValAnno != null && arrayLenAnno != null) {
return leastUpperBound(arrayLenAnno, atypeFactory.convertStringValToArrayLen(stringValAnno));
} else if (stringValAnno != null && arrayLenRangeAnno != null) {
return leastUpperBound(
arrayLenRangeAnno, atypeFactory.convertStringValToArrayLenRange(stringValAnno));
} else if (stringValAnno != null && matchesRegexAnno != null) {
return leastUpperBound(
matchesRegexAnno, atypeFactory.convertStringValToMatchesRegex(stringValAnno));
// Annotations are both in the same hierarchy, but they are not the same.
// If a1 and a2 are not the same type of *Value annotation, they may still be mergeable
// because some values can be implicitly cast as others. For example, if a1 and a2 are
// both in {DoubleVal, IntVal} then they will be converted upwards: IntVal -> DoubleVal
// to arrive at a common annotation type.
if (doubleValAnno != null) {
if (intRangeAnno != null) {
intValAnno = atypeFactory.convertIntRangeToIntVal(intRangeAnno);
if (AnnotationUtils.areSameByName(intValAnno, ValueAnnotatedTypeFactory.UNKNOWN_NAME)) {
intValAnno = null;
if (intValAnno != null) {
// Convert intValAnno to a @DoubleVal AnnotationMirror
AnnotationMirror doubleValAnno2 = atypeFactory.convertIntValToDoubleVal(intValAnno);
return leastUpperBound(doubleValAnno, doubleValAnno2);
return atypeFactory.UNKNOWNVAL;
if (intRangeAnno != null && intValAnno != null) {
// Convert intValAnno to an @IntRange AnnotationMirror
AnnotationMirror intRangeAnno2 = atypeFactory.convertIntValToIntRange(intValAnno);
return leastUpperBound(intRangeAnno, intRangeAnno2);
// In all other cases, the LUB is UnknownVal.
return atypeFactory.UNKNOWNVAL;
* Computes subtyping as per the subtyping in the qualifier hierarchy structure unless both
* annotations are Value. In this case, subAnno is a subtype of superAnno iff superAnno contains
* at least every element of subAnno.
* @return true if subAnno is a subtype of superAnno, false otherwise
public boolean isSubtype(AnnotationMirror subAnno, AnnotationMirror superAnno) {
subAnno = atypeFactory.convertSpecialIntRangeToStandardIntRange(subAnno);
superAnno = atypeFactory.convertSpecialIntRangeToStandardIntRange(superAnno);
String subQual = AnnotationUtils.annotationName(subAnno);
if (subQual.equals(ValueAnnotatedTypeFactory.UNKNOWN_NAME)) {
superAnno = atypeFactory.convertToUnknown(superAnno);
String superQual = AnnotationUtils.annotationName(superAnno);
if (superQual.equals(ValueAnnotatedTypeFactory.UNKNOWN_NAME)
|| subQual.equals(ValueAnnotatedTypeFactory.BOTTOMVAL_NAME)) {
return true;
} else if (superQual.equals(ValueAnnotatedTypeFactory.BOTTOMVAL_NAME)
|| subQual.equals(ValueAnnotatedTypeFactory.UNKNOWN_NAME)) {
return false;
} else if (superQual.equals(ValueAnnotatedTypeFactory.POLY_NAME)) {
return subQual.equals(ValueAnnotatedTypeFactory.POLY_NAME);
} else if (subQual.equals(ValueAnnotatedTypeFactory.POLY_NAME)) {
return false;
} else if (superQual.equals(subQual)) {
// Same type, so might be subtype
if (subQual.equals(ValueAnnotatedTypeFactory.INTRANGE_NAME)
|| subQual.equals(ValueAnnotatedTypeFactory.ARRAYLENRANGE_NAME)) {
// Special case for range-based annotations
Range superRange = atypeFactory.getRange(superAnno);
Range subRange = atypeFactory.getRange(subAnno);
return superRange.contains(subRange);
} else {
// The annotations are one of: ArrayLen, BoolVal, DoubleVal, EnumVal, StringVal.
@SuppressWarnings("deprecation") // concrete annotation class is not known
List<Object> superValues =
AnnotationUtils.getElementValueArray(superAnno, "value", Object.class, false);
@SuppressWarnings("deprecation") // concrete annotation class is not known
List<Object> subValues =
AnnotationUtils.getElementValueArray(subAnno, "value", Object.class, false);
return superValues.containsAll(subValues);
switch (superQual + subQual) {
case ValueAnnotatedTypeFactory.DOUBLEVAL_NAME + ValueAnnotatedTypeFactory.INTVAL_NAME:
List<Double> superValues = atypeFactory.getDoubleValues(superAnno);
List<Double> subValues =
return superValues.containsAll(subValues);
case ValueAnnotatedTypeFactory.INTRANGE_NAME + ValueAnnotatedTypeFactory.INTVAL_NAME:
case ValueAnnotatedTypeFactory.ARRAYLENRANGE_NAME + ValueAnnotatedTypeFactory.ARRAYLEN_NAME:
Range superRange = atypeFactory.getRange(superAnno);
List<Long> subLongValues = atypeFactory.getArrayLenOrIntValue(subAnno);
Range subLongRange = Range.create(subLongValues);
return superRange.contains(subLongRange);
case ValueAnnotatedTypeFactory.DOUBLEVAL_NAME + ValueAnnotatedTypeFactory.INTRANGE_NAME:
Range subRange = atypeFactory.getRange(subAnno);
if (subRange.isWiderThan(ValueAnnotatedTypeFactory.MAX_VALUES)) {
return false;
List<Double> superDoubleValues = atypeFactory.getDoubleValues(superAnno);
List<Double> subDoubleValues = ValueCheckerUtils.getValuesFromRange(subRange, Double.class);
return superDoubleValues.containsAll(subDoubleValues);
case ValueAnnotatedTypeFactory.INTVAL_NAME + ValueAnnotatedTypeFactory.INTRANGE_NAME:
case ValueAnnotatedTypeFactory.ARRAYLEN_NAME + ValueAnnotatedTypeFactory.ARRAYLENRANGE_NAME:
Range subRange2 = atypeFactory.getRange(subAnno);
if (subRange2.isWiderThan(ValueAnnotatedTypeFactory.MAX_VALUES)) {
return false;
List<Long> superValues2 = atypeFactory.getArrayLenOrIntValue(superAnno);
List<Long> subValues2 = ValueCheckerUtils.getValuesFromRange(subRange2, Long.class);
return superValues2.containsAll(subValues2);
case ValueAnnotatedTypeFactory.STRINGVAL_NAME + ValueAnnotatedTypeFactory.ARRAYLENRANGE_NAME:
case ValueAnnotatedTypeFactory.STRINGVAL_NAME + ValueAnnotatedTypeFactory.ARRAYLEN_NAME:
// Allow @ArrayLen(0) to be converted to @StringVal("")
List<String> superStringValues = atypeFactory.getStringValues(superAnno);
return superStringValues.contains("") && atypeFactory.getMaxLenValue(subAnno) == 0;
case ValueAnnotatedTypeFactory.MATCHES_REGEX_NAME + ValueAnnotatedTypeFactory.STRINGVAL_NAME:
List<String> strings = atypeFactory.getStringValues(subAnno);
List<String> regexes =
superAnno, atypeFactory.matchesRegexValueElement, String.class);
return ->;
case ValueAnnotatedTypeFactory.ARRAYLEN_NAME + ValueAnnotatedTypeFactory.STRINGVAL_NAME:
// StringVal is a subtype of ArrayLen, if all the strings have one of the correct lengths.
List<Integer> superIntValues = atypeFactory.getArrayLength(superAnno);
List<String> subStringValues = atypeFactory.getStringValues(subAnno);
for (String value : subStringValues) {
if (!superIntValues.contains(value.length())) {
return false;
return true;
case ValueAnnotatedTypeFactory.ARRAYLENRANGE_NAME + ValueAnnotatedTypeFactory.STRINGVAL_NAME:
// StringVal is a subtype of ArrayLenRange, if all the strings have a length in the range.
Range superRange2 = atypeFactory.getRange(superAnno);
List<String> subValues3 = atypeFactory.getStringValues(subAnno);
for (String value : subValues3) {
if (!superRange2.contains(value.length())) {
return false;
return true;
return false;