blob: 7befc4cb36f841e64b0660d1a9298a6665b79f04 [file] [log] [blame]
package org.checkerframework.common.wholeprograminference;
import com.sun.source.tree.ClassTree;
import javax.lang.model.element.AnnotationMirror;
import javax.lang.model.element.Element;
import javax.lang.model.element.ExecutableElement;
import javax.lang.model.element.VariableElement;
import javax.lang.model.type.TypeMirror;
import org.checkerframework.common.basetype.BaseTypeChecker;
import org.checkerframework.dataflow.analysis.Analysis;
import org.checkerframework.framework.qual.TypeUseLocation;
import org.checkerframework.framework.type.AnnotatedTypeFactory;
import org.checkerframework.framework.type.AnnotatedTypeMirror;
* Stores annotations from whole-program inference. For a given location such as a field or method,
* an object can be obtained containing the inferred annotations for that object.
* <p>Also writes stored annotations to storage files. The specific format depends on the
* implementation.
* @param <T> the type used by the storage to store annotations. The methods {@link
* #atmFromStorageLocation} and {@link #updateStorageLocationFromAtm} can be used to manipulate
* a storage location.
public interface WholeProgramInferenceStorage<T> {
* Returns the file corresponding to the given element. This may side-effect the storage to load
* the file if it hasn't been read yet.
* @param elt an element
* @return the path to the file where inference results for the element will be written
public String getFileForElement(Element elt);
* Given an ExecutableElement in a compilation unit that has already been read into storage,
* returns whether there exists a stored method matching {@code elt}.
* <p>An implementation is permitted to return false if {@code elt} represents a method that was
* synthetically added by javac, such as zero-argument constructors or valueOf(String) methods for
* enum types.
* @param methodElt a method or constructor Element
* @return true if the storage has a method corresponding to {@code elt}
public boolean hasStorageLocationForMethod(ExecutableElement methodElt);
* Get the annotations for a formal parameter type.
* @param methodElt the method or constructor Element
* @param i the parameter index (0-based)
* @param paramATM the parameter type
* @param ve the parameter variable
* @param atypeFactory the type factory
* @return the annotations for a formal parameter type
public T getParameterAnnotations(
ExecutableElement methodElt,
int i,
AnnotatedTypeMirror paramATM,
VariableElement ve,
AnnotatedTypeFactory atypeFactory);
* Get the annotations for the receiver type.
* @param methodElt the method or constructor Element
* @param paramATM the receiver type
* @param atypeFactory the type factory
* @return the annotations for the receiver type
public T getReceiverAnnotations(
ExecutableElement methodElt, AnnotatedTypeMirror paramATM, AnnotatedTypeFactory atypeFactory);
* Get the annotations for the return type.
* @param methodElt the method or constructor Element
* @param atm the return type
* @param atypeFactory the type factory
* @return the annotations for the return type
public T getReturnAnnotations(
ExecutableElement methodElt, AnnotatedTypeMirror atm, AnnotatedTypeFactory atypeFactory);
* Get the annotations for a field type.
* @param element the element for the field
* @param fieldName the simple field name
* @param lhsATM the field type
* @param atypeFactory the annotated type factory
* @return the annotations for a field type
public T getFieldAnnotations(
Element element,
String fieldName,
AnnotatedTypeMirror lhsATM,
AnnotatedTypeFactory atypeFactory);
// Fields are special because currently WPI computes preconditions for fields only, not for
// other expressions.
* Returns the pre- or postcondition annotations for a field.
* @param preOrPost whether to get the precondition or postcondition
* @param methodElement the method
* @param fieldElement the field
* @param atypeFactory the type factory
* @return the pre- or postcondition annotations for a field
public T getPreOrPostconditionsForField(
Analysis.BeforeOrAfter preOrPost,
ExecutableElement methodElement,
VariableElement fieldElement,
AnnotatedTypeFactory atypeFactory);
* Updates a method to add a declaration annotation.
* @param methodElt the method to annotate
* @param anno the declaration annotation to add to the method
* @return true if {@code anno} is a new declaration annotation for {@code methodElt}, false
* otherwise
public boolean addMethodDeclarationAnnotation(ExecutableElement methodElt, AnnotationMirror anno);
* Obtain the type from a storage location.
* @param typeMirror the underlying type for the result
* @param storageLocation the storage location from which to obtain annotations
* @return an annotated type mirror with underlying type {@code typeMirror} and annotations from
* {@code storageLocation}
public AnnotatedTypeMirror atmFromStorageLocation(TypeMirror typeMirror, T storageLocation);
* Updates a storage location to have the annotations of the given {@code AnnotatedTypeMirror}.
* Annotations in the original set that should be ignored are not added to the resulting set. If
* {@code ignoreIfAnnotated} is true, doesn't add annotations for locations with explicit
* annotations in source code.
* <p>This method removes from the storage location all annotations supported by the
* AnnotatedTypeFactory before inserting new ones. It is assumed that every time this method is
* called, the new {@code AnnotatedTypeMirror} has a better type estimate for the given location.
* Therefore, it is not a problem to remove all annotations before inserting the new annotations.
* <p>The {@code update*} methods in {@link WholeProgramInference} perform LUB. This one just does
* replacement. (Thus, the naming may be a bit confusing.)
* @param newATM the type whose annotations will be added to the {@code AnnotatedTypeMirror}
* @param curATM the annotations currently stored at the location, used to check if the element
* that will be updated has explicit annotations in source code
* @param storageLocationToUpdate the storage location that will be updated
* @param defLoc the location where the annotation will be added
* @param ignoreIfAnnotated if true, don't update any type that is explicitly annotated in the
* source code
public void updateStorageLocationFromAtm(
AnnotatedTypeMirror newATM,
AnnotatedTypeMirror curATM,
T storageLocationToUpdate,
TypeUseLocation defLoc,
boolean ignoreIfAnnotated);
* Writes the inferred results to a file. Ideally, it should be called at the end of the
* type-checking process. In practice, it is called after each class, because we don't know which
* class will be the last one in the type-checking process.
* @param outputFormat the file format in which to write the results
* @param checker the checker from which this method is called, for naming stub files
public void writeResultsToFile(
WholeProgramInference.OutputFormat outputFormat, BaseTypeChecker checker);
* Indicates that inferred annotations for the file at {@code path} have changed since last
* written. This causes output files for {@code path} to be written out next time {@link
* #writeResultsToFile} is called.
* @param path path to the file with annotations that have been modified
public void setFileModified(String path);
* Performs any preparation required for inference on the elements of a class. Should be called on
* each top-level class declaration in a compilation unit before processing it.
* @param classTree the class to preprocess
void preprocessClassTree(ClassTree classTree);