blob: 0062c043cdae7011dbd3073775e225d642335a6e [file] [log] [blame]
package org.checkerframework.framework.type;
import javax.lang.model.element.AnnotationMirror;
import org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.qual.Nullable;
* Stores the result of {@link StructuralEqualityComparer} for type arguments.
* <p>This is similar to {@link SubtypeVisitHistory}, but both true and false results are stored.
public class StructuralEqualityVisitHistory {
* Types in this history are structurally equal. (Use {@link SubtypeVisitHistory} because it
* implements a {@code Map<Pair<AnnotatedTypeMirror, AnnotatedTypeMirror>,
* Set<AnnotationMirror>>})
private final SubtypeVisitHistory trueHistory;
* Types in this history are not structurally equal. (Use {@link SubtypeVisitHistory} because it
* implements a {@code Map<Pair<AnnotatedTypeMirror, AnnotatedTypeMirror>,
* Set<AnnotationMirror>>})
private final SubtypeVisitHistory falseHistory;
/** Creates an empty StructuralEqualityVisitHistory. */
public StructuralEqualityVisitHistory() {
this.trueHistory = new SubtypeVisitHistory();
this.falseHistory = new SubtypeVisitHistory();
* Put result of comparing {@code type1} and {@code type2} for structural equality for the given
* hierarchy.
* @param type1 the first type
* @param type2 the second type
* @param hierarchy the top of the relevant type hierarchy; only annotations from that hierarchy
* are considered
* @param result whether {@code type1} is structurally equal to {@code type2}
public void put(
final AnnotatedTypeMirror type1,
final AnnotatedTypeMirror type2,
AnnotationMirror hierarchy,
boolean result) {
if (result) {
trueHistory.put(type1, type2, hierarchy, true);
falseHistory.remove(type1, type2, hierarchy);
} else {
falseHistory.put(type1, type2, hierarchy, true);
trueHistory.remove(type1, type2, hierarchy);
* Return whether or not the two types are structurally equal for the given hierarchy or {@code
* null} if the types have not been visited for the given hierarchy.
* @param type1 the first type
* @param type2 the second type
* @param hierarchy the top of the relevant type hierarchy; only annotations from that hierarchy
* are considered
* @return whether or not the two types are structurally equal for the given hierarchy or {@code
* null} if the types have not been visited for the given hierarchy
public @Nullable Boolean get(
final AnnotatedTypeMirror type1,
final AnnotatedTypeMirror type2,
AnnotationMirror hierarchy) {
if (falseHistory.contains(type1, type2, hierarchy)) {
return false;
} else if (trueHistory.contains(type1, type2, hierarchy)) {
return true;
return null;