blob: e9f0d2ddbd3273c4731d211495218e68a9737fa9 [file] [log] [blame]
package org.checkerframework.framework.util;
import com.sun.source.tree.Tree;
import java.lang.annotation.Annotation;
import java.util.Objects;
import javax.lang.model.element.AnnotationMirror;
import org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.qual.Nullable;
import org.checkerframework.dataflow.expression.JavaExpression;
import org.checkerframework.framework.qual.ConditionalPostconditionAnnotation;
import org.checkerframework.framework.qual.EnsuresQualifier;
import org.checkerframework.framework.qual.EnsuresQualifierIf;
import org.checkerframework.framework.qual.PostconditionAnnotation;
import org.checkerframework.framework.qual.PreconditionAnnotation;
import org.checkerframework.framework.qual.RequiresQualifier;
import org.checkerframework.framework.type.GenericAnnotatedTypeFactory;
import org.checkerframework.framework.util.dependenttypes.DependentTypesHelper;
import org.checkerframework.javacutil.BugInCF;
* A contract represents an annotation on an expression. It is a precondition, postcondition, or
* conditional postcondition.
* @see Precondition
* @see Postcondition
* @see ConditionalPostcondition
public abstract class Contract {
* The expression for which the condition must hold, such as {@code "foo"} in
* {@code @RequiresNonNull("foo")}.
* <p>An annotation like {@code @RequiresNonNull({"a", "b", "c"})} would be represented by
* multiple Contracts.
public final String expressionString;
/** The annotation on the type of expression, according to this contract. */
public final AnnotationMirror annotation;
/** The annotation that expressed this contract; used for diagnostic messages. */
public final AnnotationMirror contractAnnotation;
// This is redundant with the contract's class and is not used in this file, but the field
// is used by clients, for its fields.
/** The kind of contract: precondition, postcondition, or conditional postcondition. */
public final Kind kind;
/** Enumerates the kinds of contracts. */
public enum Kind {
/** A precondition. */
/** A postcondition. */
/** A conditional postcondition. */
"conditional postcondition",
/** Used for constructing error messages. */
public final String errorKey;
/** The meta-annotation identifying annotations of this kind. */
public final Class<? extends Annotation> metaAnnotation;
/** The built-in framework qualifier for this contract. */
public final Class<? extends Annotation> frameworkContractClass;
/** The built-in framework qualifier for repeated occurrences of this contract. */
public final Class<? extends Annotation> frameworkContractListClass;
* Create a new Kind.
* @param errorKey used for constructing error messages
* @param metaAnnotation the meta-annotation identifying annotations of this kind
* @param frameworkContractClass the built-in framework qualifier for this contract
* @param frameworkContractListClass the built-in framework qualifier for repeated occurrences
* of this contract
String errorKey,
Class<? extends Annotation> metaAnnotation,
Class<? extends Annotation> frameworkContractClass,
Class<? extends Annotation> frameworkContractListClass) {
this.errorKey = errorKey;
this.metaAnnotation = metaAnnotation;
this.frameworkContractClass = frameworkContractClass;
this.frameworkContractListClass = frameworkContractListClass;
* Creates a new Contract. This should be called only by the constructors for {@link
* Precondition}, {@link Postcondition}, and {@link ConditionalPostcondition}.
* @param kind precondition, postcondition, or conditional postcondition
* @param expressionString the Java expression that should have a type qualifier
* @param annotation the type qualifier that {@code expressionString} should have
* @param contractAnnotation the pre- or post-condition annotation that the programmer wrote; used
* for diagnostic messages
private Contract(
Kind kind,
String expressionString,
AnnotationMirror annotation,
AnnotationMirror contractAnnotation) {
this.expressionString = expressionString;
this.annotation = annotation;
this.contractAnnotation = contractAnnotation;
this.kind = kind;
* Creates a new Contract.
* @param kind precondition, postcondition, or conditional postcondition
* @param expressionString the Java expression that should have a type qualifier
* @param annotation the type qualifier that {@code expressionString} should have
* @param contractAnnotation the pre- or post-condition annotation that the programmer wrote; used
* for diagnostic messages
* @param ensuresQualifierIf the ensuresQualifierIf field, for a conditional postcondition
* @return a new contract
public static Contract create(
Kind kind,
String expressionString,
AnnotationMirror annotation,
AnnotationMirror contractAnnotation,
Boolean ensuresQualifierIf) {
if ((ensuresQualifierIf != null) != (kind == Kind.CONDITIONALPOSTCONDITION)) {
throw new BugInCF(
"Mismatch: Contract.create(%s, %s, %s, %s, %s)",
kind, expressionString, annotation, contractAnnotation, ensuresQualifierIf);
switch (kind) {
return new Precondition(expressionString, annotation, contractAnnotation);
return new Postcondition(expressionString, annotation, contractAnnotation);
return new ConditionalPostcondition(
expressionString, annotation, contractAnnotation, ensuresQualifierIf);
throw new BugInCF("Unrecognized kind: " + kind);
// Note that equality requires exact match of the run-time class and that it ignores the
// `contractAnnotation` field.
public boolean equals(@Nullable Object o) {
if (this == o) {
return true;
if (o == null) {
return false;
if (getClass() != o.getClass()) {
return false;
Contract otherContract = (Contract) o;
return kind == otherContract.kind
&& Objects.equals(expressionString, otherContract.expressionString)
&& Objects.equals(annotation, otherContract.annotation);
public int hashCode() {
return Objects.hash(kind, expressionString, annotation);
public String toString() {
return String.format(
"%s{expressionString=%s, annotation=%s, contractAnnotation=%s}",
getClass().getSimpleName(), expressionString, annotation, contractAnnotation);
* Viewpoint-adapt {@link #annotation} using {@code stringToJavaExpr}.
* <p>For example, if the contract is {@code @EnsuresKeyFor(value = "this.field", map = "map")},
* {@code annotation} is {@code @KeyFor("map")}. This method applies {@code stringToJava} to "map"
* and returns a new {@code KeyFor} annotation with the result.
* @param factory used to get {@link DependentTypesHelper}
* @param stringToJavaExpr function used to convert strings to {@link JavaExpression}s
* @param errorTree if non-null, where to report any errors that occur when parsing the dependent
* type annotation; if null, report no errors
* @return the viewpoint-adapted annotation, or {@link #annotation} if it is not a dependent type
* annotation
public AnnotationMirror viewpointAdaptDependentTypeAnnotation(
GenericAnnotatedTypeFactory<?, ?, ?, ?> factory,
StringToJavaExpression stringToJavaExpr,
@Nullable Tree errorTree) {
DependentTypesHelper dependentTypesHelper = factory.getDependentTypesHelper();
AnnotationMirror standardized =
dependentTypesHelper.convertAnnotationMirror(stringToJavaExpr, annotation);
if (standardized == null) {
return annotation;
if (errorTree != null) {
dependentTypesHelper.checkAnnotationForErrorExpressions(standardized, errorTree);
return standardized;
/** A precondition contract. */
public static class Precondition extends Contract {
* Create a precondition contract.
* @param expressionString the Java expression that should have a type qualifier
* @param annotation the type qualifier that {@code expressionString} should have
* @param contractAnnotation the precondition annotation that the programmer wrote; used for
* diagnostic messages
public Precondition(
String expressionString, AnnotationMirror annotation, AnnotationMirror contractAnnotation) {
super(Kind.PRECONDITION, expressionString, annotation, contractAnnotation);
/** A postcondition contract. */
public static class Postcondition extends Contract {
* Create a postcondition contract.
* @param expressionString the Java expression that should have a type qualifier
* @param annotation the type qualifier that {@code expressionString} should have
* @param contractAnnotation the postcondition annotation that the programmer wrote; used for
* diagnostic messages
public Postcondition(
String expressionString, AnnotationMirror annotation, AnnotationMirror contractAnnotation) {
super(Kind.POSTCONDITION, expressionString, annotation, contractAnnotation);
* Represents a conditional postcondition that must be verified by {@code BaseTypeVisitor} or one
* of its subclasses. Automatically extracted from annotations with meta-annotation
* {@code @ConditionalPostconditionAnnotation}, such as {@code EnsuresNonNullIf}.
public static class ConditionalPostcondition extends Contract {
* The return value for the annotated method that ensures that the conditional postcondition
* holds. For example, given
* <pre>
* {@code @EnsuresNonNullIf(expression="foo", result=false) boolean method()}
* </pre>
* {@code foo} is guaranteed to be {@code @NonNull} after a call to {@code method()} that
* returns {@code false}.
public final boolean resultValue;
* Create a new conditional postcondition.
* @param expressionString the Java expression that should have a type qualifier
* @param annotation the type qualifier that {@code expressionString} should have
* @param contractAnnotation the postcondition annotation that the programmer wrote; used for
* diagnostic messages
* @param resultValue whether the condition is the method returning true or false
public ConditionalPostcondition(
String expressionString,
AnnotationMirror annotation,
AnnotationMirror contractAnnotation,
boolean resultValue) {
super(Kind.CONDITIONALPOSTCONDITION, expressionString, annotation, contractAnnotation);
this.resultValue = resultValue;
public boolean equals(@Nullable Object o) {
return super.equals(o) && resultValue == ((ConditionalPostcondition) o).resultValue;
public int hashCode() {
return Objects.hash(super.hashCode(), resultValue);
public String toString() {
String superToString = super.toString();
return superToString.substring(0, superToString.length() - 1)
+ ", annoResult="
+ resultValue
+ "}";