blob: c2fff6a2284687a5d81580de0ad4bf8c8a89d614 [file] [log] [blame]
package org.checkerframework.framework.util;
import java.util.ArrayDeque;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import javax.lang.model.element.Element;
import javax.lang.model.element.TypeElement;
import javax.lang.model.element.TypeParameterElement;
import javax.lang.model.type.DeclaredType;
import javax.lang.model.type.TypeKind;
import javax.lang.model.type.TypeMirror;
import javax.lang.model.util.Types;
import org.checkerframework.javacutil.Pair;
* Records any mapping between the type parameters of a subtype to the corresponding type parameters
* of a supertype. For example, suppose we have the following classes:
* <pre>{@code
* class Map<M1,M2>
* class HashMap<H1, H2> extends Map<H1,H2>
* }</pre>
* And we pass HashMap and Map to mapTypeArguments, the result would be:
* <pre>{@code
* Map(H1 => M1, H2 => M2)
* }</pre>
* Note, a single type argument in the subtype can map to multiple type parameters in the supertype.
* e.g.,
* <pre>{@code
* class OneTypeMap<O1> extends Map<O1,O1>
* }</pre>
* would have the result:
* <pre>{@code
* Map(O1 => [M1,M2])
* }</pre>
* This utility only maps between corresponding type parameters, so the following class:
* <pre>{@code
* class StringMap extends Map<String,String>
* }</pre>
* would have an empty map as a result:
* <pre>{@code
* Map() // there are no type argument relationships between the two types
* }</pre>
public class TypeArgumentMapper {
* Returns a mapping from subtype's type parameter indices to the indices of corresponding type
* parameters in supertype.
public static Set<Pair<Integer, Integer>> mapTypeArgumentIndices(
final TypeElement subtype, final TypeElement supertype, final Types types) {
Set<Pair<Integer, Integer>> result = new HashSet<>();
if (subtype.equals(supertype)) {
for (int i = 0; i < subtype.getTypeParameters().size(); i++) {
result.add(Pair.of(Integer.valueOf(i), Integer.valueOf(i)));
} else {
Map<TypeParameterElement, Set<TypeParameterElement>> subToSuperElements =
mapTypeArguments(subtype, supertype, types);
Map<TypeParameterElement, Integer> supertypeIndexes = getElementToIndex(supertype);
final List<? extends TypeParameterElement> subtypeParams = subtype.getTypeParameters();
for (int subtypeIndex = 0; subtypeIndex < subtypeParams.size(); subtypeIndex++) {
final TypeParameterElement subtypeParam = subtypeParams.get(subtypeIndex);
final Set<TypeParameterElement> correspondingSuperArgs =
if (correspondingSuperArgs != null) {
for (TypeParameterElement supertypeParam : subToSuperElements.get(subtypeParam)) {
result.add(Pair.of(subtypeIndex, supertypeIndexes.get(supertypeParam)));
return result;
* Returns a Map(type parameter symbol &rarr; index in type parameter list).
* @param typeElement a type whose type parameters to summarize
* @return a Map(type parameter symbol &rarr; index in type parameter list)
private static Map<TypeParameterElement, Integer> getElementToIndex(TypeElement typeElement) {
Map<TypeParameterElement, Integer> result = new LinkedHashMap<>();
List<? extends TypeParameterElement> params = typeElement.getTypeParameters();
for (int i = 0; i < params.size(); i++) {
result.put(params.get(i), Integer.valueOf(i));
return result;
* Returns a mapping from the type parameters of subtype to a list of the type parameters in
* supertype that must be the same type as subtype.
* <p>e.g.,
* <pre>{@code
* class A<A1,A2,A3>
* class B<B1,B2,B3,B4> extends A<B1,B1,B3> {}
* }</pre>
* results in a {@code Map(B1 => [A1,A2], B2 => [], B3 => [A3], B4 => [])}
* @return a mapping from the type parameters of subtype to the supertype type parameter's that to
* which they are a type argument
public static Map<TypeParameterElement, Set<TypeParameterElement>> mapTypeArguments(
final TypeElement subtype, final TypeElement supertype, final Types types) {
final List<TypeRecord> pathToSupertype =
depthFirstSearchForSupertype(subtype, supertype, types);
if (pathToSupertype == null || pathToSupertype.isEmpty()) {
return new LinkedHashMap<>();
final Map<TypeParameterElement, Set<TypeParameterElement>> intermediate = new LinkedHashMap<>();
final Set<TypeParameterElement> currentTypeParams = new HashSet<>();
// takes a type records of the form:
// TypeRecord(element = MyMap<Y1,Y2>, type = null)
// TypeRecord(element = AbstractMap<A1,A2>, type = AbstractMap<Y1,Y2>)
// TypeRecord(element = Map<M1,M2>, type = AbstractMap<A1,A2>)
// And makes a map:
// Map(Y1 -> [A1], Y2 -> [A2], A1 -> [M1], A2 -> M2]
Iterator<TypeRecord> path = pathToSupertype.iterator();
TypeRecord current =;
while (path.hasNext()) {
TypeRecord next =;
final List<? extends TypeParameterElement> nextTypeParameter =
final List<? extends TypeMirror> nextTypeArgs =
next.type != null ? next.type.getTypeArguments() : Collections.emptyList();
for (int i = 0; i < nextTypeArgs.size(); i++) {
final TypeParameterElement correspondingParameter = nextTypeParameter.get(i);
final TypeMirror typeArg = nextTypeArgs.get(i);
final Element typeArgEle = types.asElement(typeArg);
if (currentTypeParams.contains(typeArgEle)) {
addToSetMap(intermediate, (TypeParameterElement) typeArgEle, correspondingParameter);
List<? extends TypeParameterElement> supertypeParams = supertype.getTypeParameters();
final Map<TypeParameterElement, Set<TypeParameterElement>> result =
new LinkedHashMap<>(subtype.getTypeParameters().size());
// You can think of the map above as a set of links from SubtypeParameter -> Supertype Parameter
for (TypeParameterElement subtypeParam : subtype.getTypeParameters()) {
Set<TypeParameterElement> subtypePath =
flattenPath(intermediate.get(subtypeParam), intermediate);
result.put(subtypeParam, subtypePath);
return result;
private static Set<TypeParameterElement> flattenPath(
Set<TypeParameterElement> elements,
Map<TypeParameterElement, Set<TypeParameterElement>> map) {
Set<TypeParameterElement> result = new HashSet<>();
if (elements == null) {
return result;
for (final TypeParameterElement oldElement : elements) {
Set<TypeParameterElement> substitutions = map.get(oldElement);
if (substitutions != null) {
result.addAll(flattenPath(elements, map));
} else {
return result;
private static void addToSetMap(
final Map<TypeParameterElement, Set<TypeParameterElement>> setMap,
final TypeParameterElement element,
final TypeParameterElement typeParam) {
Set<TypeParameterElement> set = setMap.computeIfAbsent(element, __ -> new HashSet<>());
* Create a list of TypeRecord's that form a "path" to target from subtype. e.g. Suppose I have
* the types
* <pre>{@code
* interface Map<M1,M2>
* class AbstractMap<A1,A2> implements Map<A1,A2>, Iterable<Map.Entry<M1,M2>>
* class MyMap<Y1,Y2> extends AbstractMap<Y1,Y2> implements List<Map.Entry<Y1,Y2>>
* }</pre>
* The path from MyMap to Map would be:
* <pre>{@code
* TypeRecord(element = MyMap<Y1,Y2>, type = null)
* TypeRecord(element = AbstractMap<A1,A2>, type = AbstractMap<Y1,Y2>)
* TypeRecord(element = Map<M1,M2>, type = AbstractMap<A1,A2>)
* }</pre>
* Note: You can have an implementation of the same interface inherited multiple times as long as
* the parameterization of that interface remains the same e.g.
* <pre>{@code
* interface List<E>
* class AbstractList<A> implements List<E>
* class ArrayList<T> extends AbstractList<T> implements List<T>
* }</pre>
* Notice how ArrayList implements list both by inheriting from AbstractList and from explicitly
* listing it in the implements clause. We prioritize finding a path through the list of
* interfaces first since this will be the shorter path.
* @param subtype the start of the resulting sequence
* @param target the end of the resulting sequence
* @param types utility methods for operating on types
* @return a list of type records that represents the sequence of directSupertypes between subtype
* and target
private static List<TypeRecord> depthFirstSearchForSupertype(
final TypeElement subtype, final TypeElement target, final Types types) {
ArrayDeque<TypeRecord> pathFromRoot = new ArrayDeque<>();
final TypeRecord pathStart = new TypeRecord(subtype, null);
final List<TypeRecord> result = recursiveDepthFirstSearch(pathFromRoot, target, types);
return result;
* Computes one level for depthFirstSearchForSupertype then recurses.
* @param pathFromRoot the path so far
* @param target the end of the resulting path
* @param types utility methods for operating on types
* @return a list of type records that extends pathFromRoot (a sequence of directSupertypes) to
* target
private static List<TypeRecord> recursiveDepthFirstSearch(
final ArrayDeque<TypeRecord> pathFromRoot, final TypeElement target, final Types types) {
if (pathFromRoot.isEmpty()) {
return null;
final TypeRecord currentRecord = pathFromRoot.peekLast();
final TypeElement currentElement = currentRecord.element;
if (currentElement.equals(target)) {
return new ArrayList<>(pathFromRoot);
final Iterator<? extends TypeMirror> interfaces = currentElement.getInterfaces().iterator();
final TypeMirror superclassType = currentElement.getSuperclass();
List<TypeRecord> path = null;
while (path == null && interfaces.hasNext()) {
final TypeMirror intface =;
if (intface.getKind() != TypeKind.NONE) {
DeclaredType interfaceDeclared = (DeclaredType) intface;
new TypeRecord((TypeElement) types.asElement(interfaceDeclared), interfaceDeclared));
path = recursiveDepthFirstSearch(pathFromRoot, target, types);
if (path == null && superclassType.getKind() != TypeKind.NONE) {
final DeclaredType superclass = (DeclaredType) superclassType;
pathFromRoot.addLast(new TypeRecord((TypeElement) types.asElement(superclass), superclass));
path = recursiveDepthFirstSearch(pathFromRoot, target, types);
return path;
* Maps a class or interface's declaration element to the type it would be if viewed from a
* subtype class or interface.
* <p>e.g. suppose we have the elements for the declarations:
* <pre>{@code
* class A<Ta>
* class B<Tb> extends A<Tb>
* }</pre>
* The type record of B if it is viewed as class A would bed:
* <pre>{@code
* TypeRecord( element = A<Ta>, type = A<Tb> )
* }</pre>
* That is, B can be viewed as an object of type A with an type argument of type parameter Tb
private static class TypeRecord {
public final TypeElement element;
public final DeclaredType type;
TypeRecord(final TypeElement element, final DeclaredType type) {
this.element = element;
this.type = type;
public String toString() {
return String.format("[%s => %s]", element, type);