blob: 049181e9a71487824d597616b77bd066265fe796 [file] [log] [blame]
package org.checkerframework.framework.util.element;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.EnumMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.StringJoiner;
import javax.lang.model.element.Element;
import javax.lang.model.type.TypeKind;
import org.checkerframework.framework.type.AnnotatedTypeMirror;
import org.checkerframework.framework.util.element.ElementAnnotationUtil.UnexpectedAnnotationLocationException;
import org.checkerframework.javacutil.BugInCF;
import org.plumelib.util.StringsPlume;
* TargetedElementAnnotationApplier filters annotations for an element into 3 groups. TARGETED
* annotations are those we wish to apply in this ElementAnnotationApplier. VALID annotations are
* those that are valid on the current element (or its enclosure, see getRawTypeAttributes) but
* should not be applied to the given type. Invalid annotations are those that should NEVER appear
* for the given element. Invalid annotations are reported as errors by default in the handleInvalid
* method. See method extractAndApply. Please read getRawTypeAttributes for an idea of what types of
* annotations may be encountered by this ElementAnnotationApplier.
* <p>Note: Subtypes of this class likely want to implement the handleTargeted and handleValid
* methods though they have default empty implementations for brevity.
abstract class TargetedElementAnnotationApplier {
* Three annotation types that may be encountered when calling getRawTypeAttributes. see sift().
static enum TargetClass {
/** The type to which we wish to apply annotations. */
protected final AnnotatedTypeMirror type;
/** An Element that type represents. */
protected final Element element;
* Returns the TargetTypes that identify annotations we wish to apply with this object. Any
* annotations that have these target types will be passed to handleTargeted.
* @return the TargetTypes that identify annotations we wish to apply with this object. Any
* annotations that have these target types will be passed to handleTargeted
protected abstract TargetType[] annotatedTargets();
* Returns the TargetTypes that identify annotations that are valid but we wish to ignore. Any
* annotations that have these target types will be passed to handleValid, providing they aren't
* also in annotatedTargets.
* @return the TargetTypes that identify annotations that are valid but we wish to ignore
protected abstract TargetType[] validTargets();
* Annotations on elements are represented as Attribute.TypeCompounds ( a subtype of
* AnnotationMirror) that are usually accessed through a getRawTypeAttributes method on the
* element.
* <p>In Java 8 and later these annotations are generally contained by elements to which they
* apply. However, in earlier versions of Java many of these annotations are handled by either the
* enclosing method, e.g. parameters and method type parameters, or enclosing class, e.g. class
* type parameters. Therefore, many annotations are addressed by first getting all annotations on
* a method or class and the picking out only the ones we wish to target (see extractAndApply).
* @return the annotations that we MAY wish to apply to the given type
protected abstract Iterable<Attribute.TypeCompound> getRawTypeAttributes();
* Tests element/type fields to ensure that this TargetedElementAnnotationApplier is valid for
* this element/type pair.
* @return true if the type/element members are handled by this class false otherwise
protected abstract boolean isAccepted();
* @param type the type to annotate
* @param element an element identifying type
TargetedElementAnnotationApplier(final AnnotatedTypeMirror type, final Element element) {
this.type = type;
this.element = element;
* This method should apply all annotations that are handled by this object.
* @param targeted the list of annotations that were returned by getRawTypeAttributes and had a
* TargetType contained by annotatedTargets
protected abstract void handleTargeted(List<TypeCompound> targeted)
throws UnexpectedAnnotationLocationException;
* The default implementation of this method does nothing.
* @param valid the list of annotations that were returned by getRawTypeAttributes and had a
* TargetType contained by valid and NOT annotatedTargets
protected void handleValid(List<Attribute.TypeCompound> valid) {}
* This implementation reports all invalid annotations as errors.
* @param invalid the list of annotations that were returned by getRawTypeAttributes and were not
* handled by handleTargeted or handleValid
protected void handleInvalid(List<Attribute.TypeCompound> invalid) {
List<Attribute.TypeCompound> remaining = new ArrayList<>(invalid.size());
for (Attribute.TypeCompound tc : invalid) {
if (tc.getAnnotationType().getKind() != TypeKind.ERROR) {
// Filter out annotations that have an error type. javac will
// already have raised an error for them.
if (!remaining.isEmpty()) {
StringJoiner msg = new StringJoiner(System.lineSeparator());
msg.add("handleInvalid(this=" + this.getClass().getName() + "):");
msg.add("Invalid variable and element passed to extractAndApply; type: " + type);
String elementInfoPrefix =
" element: " + element + " (kind: " + element.getKind() + "), invalid annotations: ";
StringJoiner remainingInfo = new StringJoiner(", ", elementInfoPrefix, "");
for (Attribute.TypeCompound r : remaining) {
remainingInfo.add(r.toString() + " (" + r.position + ")");
msg.add("Targeted annotations: " + StringsPlume.join(", ", annotatedTargets()));
msg.add("Valid annotations: " + StringsPlume.join(", ", validTargets()));
throw new BugInCF(msg.toString());
* Separate the input annotations into a Map of TargetClass (TARGETED, VALID, INVALID) to the
* annotations that fall into each of those categories.
* @param typeCompounds annotations to sift through, should be those returned by
* getRawTypeAttributes
* @return a {@literal Map<TargetClass => Annotations>.}
protected Map<TargetClass, List<Attribute.TypeCompound>> sift(
final Iterable<Attribute.TypeCompound> typeCompounds) {
final Map<TargetClass, List<Attribute.TypeCompound>> targetClassToCompound =
new EnumMap<>(TargetClass.class);
for (TargetClass targetClass : TargetClass.values()) {
targetClassToCompound.put(targetClass, new ArrayList<>());
for (final Attribute.TypeCompound typeCompound : typeCompounds) {
final TargetType typeCompoundTarget = typeCompound.position.type;
final List<Attribute.TypeCompound> destList;
if (ElementAnnotationUtil.contains(typeCompoundTarget, annotatedTargets())) {
destList = targetClassToCompound.get(TargetClass.TARGETED);
} else if (ElementAnnotationUtil.contains(typeCompoundTarget, validTargets())) {
destList = targetClassToCompound.get(TargetClass.VALID);
} else {
destList = targetClassToCompound.get(TargetClass.INVALID);
return targetClassToCompound;
* Reads the list of annotations that apply to this element (see getRawTypeAttributes). Sifts them
* into three groups (TARGETED, INVALID, VALID) and then calls the appropriate handle method on
* them. The handleTargeted method should apply all annotations that are handled by this object.
* <p>This method will throw a runtime exception if isAccepted returns false.
public void extractAndApply() throws UnexpectedAnnotationLocationException {
if (!isAccepted()) {
throw new BugInCF(
"LocalVariableExtractor.extractAndApply: "
+ "Invalid variable and element passed to "
+ this.getClass().getName()
+ "::extractAndApply ("
+ type
+ ", "
+ element);
final Map<TargetClass, List<Attribute.TypeCompound>> targetClassToAnno =