blob: 720c50f64b9257412fbf49a8f8f00a5aba482d88 [file] [log] [blame]
package org.checkerframework.framework.util.typeinference.constraint;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Set;
import javax.lang.model.type.TypeVariable;
import org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.qual.Nullable;
import org.checkerframework.framework.type.AnnotatedTypeMirror;
import org.checkerframework.framework.util.typeinference.TypeArgInferenceUtil;
* AFConstraint represent the initial constraints used to infer type arguments for method
* invocations and new class invocations. These constraints are simplified then converted to
* TUConstraints during type argument inference.
* <p>Subclasses of AFConstraint represent the following <a
* href="">types of
* constraints</a>:
* <p>A 《 F and F 》 A both imply that A is convertible to F. F 《 A and A 》 F both imply that F is
* convertible to A (this may happen due to wildcard/typevar bounds and recursive types) A = F
* implies that A is exactly F
* <p>In the Checker Framework a type, A will be convertible to another type F, if
* AnnotatedTypes.asSuper will return a non-null value when A is passed as a subtype and F the
* supertype to the method.
* <p>In Java type A will be convertible to another type F if there exists a conversion
* context/method that transforms the one type into the other.
* <p>A 《 F and F 》 A are represented by class A2F F 《 A and A 》 F are represented by class F2A F =
* A is represented by class FIsA
public abstract class AFConstraint {
/** The argument type. */
public final AnnotatedTypeMirror argument;
/** The formal parameter type. */
public final AnnotatedTypeMirror formalParameter;
/** Create a constraint for type arguments for a methodd invocation or new class invocation. */
protected AFConstraint(
final AnnotatedTypeMirror argument, final AnnotatedTypeMirror formalParameter) {
this.argument = argument;
this.formalParameter = formalParameter;
* Returns true if this constraint can't be broken up into other constraints or further
* simplified. In general, if either argument or formal parameter is a use of the type parameters
* we are inferring over then the constraint cannot be reduced further.
* @param targets the type parameters whose arguments we are trying to solve for
* @return true if this constraint can't be broken up into other constraints or further simplified
public boolean isIrreducible(final Set<TypeVariable> targets) {
return TypeArgInferenceUtil.isATarget(argument, targets)
|| TypeArgInferenceUtil.isATarget(formalParameter, targets);
public boolean equals(@Nullable Object thatObject) {
if (this == thatObject) {
return true;
} // else
if (thatObject == null || this.getClass() != thatObject.getClass()) {
return false;
final AFConstraint that = (AFConstraint) thatObject;
return this.argument.equals(that.argument) && this.formalParameter.equals(that.formalParameter);
public int hashCode() {
return Objects.hash(this.getClass(), formalParameter, argument);
* Once AFConstraints are irreducible it can be converted to a TU constraint, constraints between
* individual type parameters for which we are inferring an argument (T) and Java types (U).
* @return a TUConstraint that represents this AFConstraint
public abstract TUConstraint toTUConstraint();
* Given a partial solution to our type argument inference, replace any uses of type parameters
* that have been solved with their arguments.
* <p>That is: Let S be a partial solution to our inference (i.e. we have inferred type arguments
* for some types) Let S be a map {@code (T0 => A0, T1 => A1, ..., TN => AN)} where Ti is a type
* parameter and Ai is its solved argument. For all uses of Ti in this constraint, replace them
* with Ai.
* <p>For the mapping {@code (T0 => A0)}, the following constraint: {@code ArrayList<T0> <<
* List<T1>}
* <p>Becomes: {@code ArrayList<A0> << List<T1>}
* <p>A constraint: {@code T0 << T1}
* <p>Becomes: {@code A0 << T1}
* @param substitutions a mapping of target type parameter to the type argument to
* @return a new constraint that contains no use of the keys in substitutions
public AFConstraint substitute(final Map<TypeVariable, AnnotatedTypeMirror> substitutions) {
final AnnotatedTypeMirror newArgument =
TypeArgInferenceUtil.substitute(substitutions, argument);
final AnnotatedTypeMirror newFormalParameter =
TypeArgInferenceUtil.substitute(substitutions, formalParameter);
return construct(newArgument, newFormalParameter);
/** Used to create a new constraint of the same subclass of AFConstraint. */
protected abstract AFConstraint construct(
AnnotatedTypeMirror newArgument, AnnotatedTypeMirror newFormalParameter);