blob: afc1923fbed0f2d616a44b668537b87f8461556b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <zircon/types.h>
// Defines and structures for zx_log_*()
typedef struct zx_log_record {
// Each log record is assigned a sequence number at the time it enters the
// debuglog. A record's sequence number is exactly one greater than the record
// that preceded it.
uint64_t sequence;
uint8_t padding1[4];
uint16_t datalen;
uint8_t severity;
uint8_t flags;
zx_time_t timestamp;
uint64_t pid;
uint64_t tid;
char data[];
} zx_log_record_t;
// The maximum size of zx_log_record_t.
#define ZX_LOG_RECORD_MAX ((size_t)256)
// The maximum size of zx_log_record_t::data. Records containing more than this
// amount of data may be truncated to this value or less.
#define ZX_LOG_RECORD_DATA_MAX (ZX_LOG_RECORD_MAX - sizeof(zx_log_record_t))
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// Log Levels
#define ZX_LOG_TRACE (0x10)
#define ZX_LOG_DEBUG (0x20)
#define ZX_LOG_INFO (0x30)
#define ZX_LOG_WARNING (0x40)
#define ZX_LOG_ERROR (0x50)
#define ZX_LOG_FATAL (0x60)
// Filter Flags
// Do not forward this message via network
// (for logging in network core and drivers)
#define ZX_LOG_LOCAL (0x10)
#define ZX_LOG_FLAGS_MASK (0x10)
// Options
#define ZX_LOG_FLAG_READABLE 0x40000000
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