blob: e0d2ddd5ce01ccb6e0bc559f9235148107af4a80 [file] [log] [blame]
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// regs.h header
// bus base define, update manually
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
#define REG_BASE_AOBUS (0xFF800000L)
#define REG_BASE_PERIPHS (0xFF634000L)
#define REG_BASE_CBUS (0xFFD00000L)
#define REG_BASE_HIU (0xFF63C000L)
#define REG_BASE_VCBUS (0xFF900000L)
#define DMC_REG_BASE (0xFF638000L)
#endif /*_BASE_REGISTER*/
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// This file is automatically generated for the SW team:
// From three scripts:./,,
// DO NOT EDIT!!!!!
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
#ifndef REGS_H
#define REGS_H
// Reading file: ./register_map.h
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
// Reading file: periphs_reg.h
// $periphs/rtl/periphs_core register defines for the
// APB bus
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
#define UART0_WFIFO (0x9000)
#define P_UART0_WFIFO (volatile uint32_t *)((0x9000 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define UART0_RFIFO (0x9001)
#define P_UART0_RFIFO (volatile uint32_t *)((0x9001 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define UART0_CONTROL (0x9002)
#define P_UART0_CONTROL (volatile uint32_t *)((0x9002 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define UART0_STATUS (0x9003)
#define P_UART0_STATUS (volatile uint32_t *)((0x9003 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define UART0_MISC (0x9004)
#define P_UART0_MISC (volatile uint32_t *)((0x9004 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define UART0_REG5 (0x9005)
#define P_UART0_REG5 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x9005 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
#define UART1_WFIFO (0x8c00)
#define P_UART1_WFIFO (volatile uint32_t *)((0x8c00 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define UART1_RFIFO (0x8c01)
#define P_UART1_RFIFO (volatile uint32_t *)((0x8c01 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define UART1_CONTROL (0x8c02)
#define P_UART1_CONTROL (volatile uint32_t *)((0x8c02 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define UART1_STATUS (0x8c03)
#define P_UART1_STATUS (volatile uint32_t *)((0x8c03 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define UART1_MISC (0x8c04)
#define P_UART1_MISC (volatile uint32_t *)((0x8c04 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define UART1_REG5 (0x8c05)
#define P_UART1_REG5 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x8c05 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
// CBUS_BASE: I2C_M_0_CBUS_BASE = 0x7c
// -----------------------------------------------
#define I2C_M_0_CONTROL_REG (0x7c00)
#define P_I2C_M_0_CONTROL_REG (volatile uint32_t *)((0x7c00 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define I2C_M_MANUAL_SDA_I 26
#define I2C_M_MANUAL_SCL_I 25
#define I2C_M_MANUAL_SDA_O 24
#define I2C_M_MANUAL_SCL_O 23
#define I2C_M_MANUAL_EN 22
#define I2C_M_DELAY_MSB 21
#define I2C_M_DELAY_LSB 12
#define I2C_M_DATA_CNT_MSB 11
#define I2C_M_DATA_CNT_LSB 8
#define I2C_M_CURR_TOKEN_MSB 7
#define I2C_M_CURR_TOKEN_LSB 4
#define I2C_M_ERROR 3
#define I2C_M_STATUS 2
#define I2C_M_ACK_IGNORE 1
#define I2C_M_START 0
#define I2C_M_0_SLAVE_ADDR (0x7c01)
#define P_I2C_M_0_SLAVE_ADDR (volatile uint32_t *)((0x7c01 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define I2C_M_0_TOKEN_LIST0 (0x7c02)
#define P_I2C_M_0_TOKEN_LIST0 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x7c02 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define I2C_M_0_TOKEN_LIST1 (0x7c03)
#define P_I2C_M_0_TOKEN_LIST1 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x7c03 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define I2C_M_0_WDATA_REG0 (0x7c04)
#define P_I2C_M_0_WDATA_REG0 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x7c04 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define I2C_M_0_WDATA_REG1 (0x7c05)
#define P_I2C_M_0_WDATA_REG1 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x7c05 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define I2C_M_0_RDATA_REG0 (0x7c06)
#define P_I2C_M_0_RDATA_REG0 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x7c06 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define I2C_M_0_RDATA_REG1 (0x7c07)
#define P_I2C_M_0_RDATA_REG1 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x7c07 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define I2C_M_0_TIMEOUT_TH (0x7c08)
#define P_I2C_M_0_TIMEOUT_TH (volatile uint32_t *)((0x7c08 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
// -----------------------------------------------
// CBUS_BASE: I2C_M_1_CBUS_BASE = 0x78
// -----------------------------------------------
#define I2C_M_1_CONTROL_REG (0x7800)
#define P_I2C_M_1_CONTROL_REG (volatile uint32_t *)((0x7800 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define I2C_M_1_SLAVE_ADDR (0x7801)
#define P_I2C_M_1_SLAVE_ADDR (volatile uint32_t *)((0x7801 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define I2C_M_1_TOKEN_LIST0 (0x7802)
#define P_I2C_M_1_TOKEN_LIST0 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x7802 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define I2C_M_1_TOKEN_LIST1 (0x7803)
#define P_I2C_M_1_TOKEN_LIST1 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x7803 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define I2C_M_1_WDATA_REG0 (0x7804)
#define P_I2C_M_1_WDATA_REG0 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x7804 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define I2C_M_1_WDATA_REG1 (0x7805)
#define P_I2C_M_1_WDATA_REG1 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x7805 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define I2C_M_1_RDATA_REG0 (0x7806)
#define P_I2C_M_1_RDATA_REG0 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x7806 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define I2C_M_1_RDATA_REG1 (0x7807)
#define P_I2C_M_1_RDATA_REG1 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x7807 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define I2C_M_1_TIMEOUT_TH (0x7808)
#define P_I2C_M_1_TIMEOUT_TH (volatile uint32_t *)((0x7808 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
// CBUS_BASE: I2C_M_2_CBUS_BASE = 0x74
// -----------------------------------------------
#define I2C_M_2_CONTROL_REG (0x7400)
#define P_I2C_M_2_CONTROL_REG (volatile uint32_t *)((0x7400 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define I2C_M_2_SLAVE_ADDR (0x7401)
#define P_I2C_M_2_SLAVE_ADDR (volatile uint32_t *)((0x7401 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define I2C_M_2_TOKEN_LIST0 (0x7402)
#define P_I2C_M_2_TOKEN_LIST0 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x7402 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define I2C_M_2_TOKEN_LIST1 (0x7403)
#define P_I2C_M_2_TOKEN_LIST1 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x7403 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define I2C_M_2_WDATA_REG0 (0x7404)
#define P_I2C_M_2_WDATA_REG0 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x7404 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define I2C_M_2_WDATA_REG1 (0x7405)
#define P_I2C_M_2_WDATA_REG1 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x7405 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define I2C_M_2_RDATA_REG0 (0x7406)
#define P_I2C_M_2_RDATA_REG0 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x7406 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define I2C_M_2_RDATA_REG1 (0x7407)
#define P_I2C_M_2_RDATA_REG1 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x7407 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define I2C_M_2_TIMEOUT_TH (0x7408)
#define P_I2C_M_2_TIMEOUT_TH (volatile uint32_t *)((0x7408 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
// CBUS_BASE: I2C_M_3_CBUS_BASE = 0x70
// -----------------------------------------------
#define I2C_M_3_CONTROL_REG (0x7000)
#define P_I2C_M_3_CONTROL_REG (volatile uint32_t *)((0x7000 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define I2C_M_3_SLAVE_ADDR (0x7001)
#define P_I2C_M_3_SLAVE_ADDR (volatile uint32_t *)((0x7001 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define I2C_M_3_TOKEN_LIST0 (0x7002)
#define P_I2C_M_3_TOKEN_LIST0 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x7002 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define I2C_M_3_TOKEN_LIST1 (0x7003)
#define P_I2C_M_3_TOKEN_LIST1 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x7003 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define I2C_M_3_WDATA_REG0 (0x7004)
#define P_I2C_M_3_WDATA_REG0 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x7004 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define I2C_M_3_WDATA_REG1 (0x7005)
#define P_I2C_M_3_WDATA_REG1 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x7005 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define I2C_M_3_RDATA_REG0 (0x7006)
#define P_I2C_M_3_RDATA_REG0 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x7006 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define I2C_M_3_RDATA_REG1 (0x7007)
#define P_I2C_M_3_RDATA_REG1 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x7007 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define I2C_M_3_TIMEOUT_TH (0x7008)
#define P_I2C_M_3_TIMEOUT_TH (volatile uint32_t *)((0x7008 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
#define PWM_PWM_A (0x6c00)
#define P_PWM_PWM_A (volatile uint32_t *)((0x6c00 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define PWM_PWM_B (0x6c01)
#define P_PWM_PWM_B (volatile uint32_t *)((0x6c01 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define PWM_MISC_REG_AB (0x6c02)
#define P_PWM_MISC_REG_AB (volatile uint32_t *)((0x6c02 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define PWM_DELTA_SIGMA_AB (0x6c03)
#define P_PWM_DELTA_SIGMA_AB (volatile uint32_t *)((0x6c03 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define PWM_TIME_AB (0x6c04)
#define P_PWM_TIME_AB (volatile uint32_t *)((0x6c04 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define PWM_A2 (0x6c05)
#define P_PWM_A2 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x6c05 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define PWM_B2 (0x6c06)
#define P_PWM_B2 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x6c06 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define PWM_BLINK_AB (0x6c07)
#define P_PWM_BLINK_AB (volatile uint32_t *)((0x6c07 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
#define PWM_PWM_C (0x6800)
#define P_PWM_PWM_C (volatile uint32_t *)((0x6800 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define PWM_PWM_D (0x6801)
#define P_PWM_PWM_D (volatile uint32_t *)((0x6801 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define PWM_MISC_REG_CD (0x6802)
#define P_PWM_MISC_REG_CD (volatile uint32_t *)((0x6802 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define PWM_DELTA_SIGMA_CD (0x6803)
#define P_PWM_DELTA_SIGMA_CD (volatile uint32_t *)((0x6803 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define PWM_TIME_CD (0x6804)
#define P_PWM_TIME_CD (volatile uint32_t *)((0x6804 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define PWM_C2 (0x6805)
#define P_PWM_C2 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x6805 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define PWM_D2 (0x6806)
#define P_PWM_D2 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x6806 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define PWM_BLINK_CD (0x6807)
#define P_PWM_BLINK_CD (volatile uint32_t *)((0x6807 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
#define MSR_CLK_DUTY (0x6000)
#define P_MSR_CLK_DUTY (volatile uint32_t *)((0x6000 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define MSR_CLK_REG0 (0x6001)
#define P_MSR_CLK_REG0 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x6001 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define MSR_CLK_REG1 (0x6002)
#define P_MSR_CLK_REG1 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x6002 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define MSR_CLK_REG2 (0x6003)
#define P_MSR_CLK_REG2 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x6003 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define MSR_CLK_REG3 (0x6004)
#define P_MSR_CLK_REG3 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x6004 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define MSR_CLK_REG4 (0x6005)
#define P_MSR_CLK_REG4 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x6005 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define MSR_CLK_REG5 (0x6006)
#define P_MSR_CLK_REG5 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x6006 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
#define SPI_FLASH_CMD (0x5000)
#define P_SPI_FLASH_CMD (volatile uint32_t *)((0x5000 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define SPI_FLASH_READ 31
#define SPI_FLASH_WREN 30
#define SPI_FLASH_WRDI 29
#define SPI_FLASH_RDID 28
#define SPI_FLASH_RDSR 27
#define SPI_FLASH_WRSR 26
#define SPI_FLASH_PP 25
#define SPI_FLASH_SE 24
#define SPI_FLASH_BE 23
#define SPI_FLASH_CE 22
#define SPI_FLASH_DP 21
#define SPI_FLASH_RES 20
#define SPI_HPM 19
#define SPI_FLASH_USR 18
#define SPI_FLASH_USR_DIN 13
#define SPI_FLASH_ADDR (0x5001)
#define P_SPI_FLASH_ADDR (volatile uint32_t *)((0x5001 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define SPI_FLASH_CTRL (0x5002)
#define P_SPI_FLASH_CTRL (volatile uint32_t *)((0x5002 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define SPI_ENABLE_AHB 17
#define SPI_SST_AAI 16
#define SPI_RES_RID 15
#define SPI_FREAD_DUAL 14
#define SPI_READ_READ_EN 13
#define SPI_CLK_DIV0 12
#define SPI_CLKCNT_N 8
#define SPI_CLKCNT_H 4
#define SPI_CLKCNT_L 0
#define SPI_FLASH_CTRL1 (0x5003)
#define P_SPI_FLASH_CTRL1 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x5003 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define SPI_FLASH_STATUS (0x5004)
#define P_SPI_FLASH_STATUS (volatile uint32_t *)((0x5004 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define SPI_FLASH_CTRL2 (0x5005)
#define P_SPI_FLASH_CTRL2 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x5005 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define SPI_FLASH_CLOCK (0x5006)
#define P_SPI_FLASH_CLOCK (volatile uint32_t *)((0x5006 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define SPI_FLASH_USER (0x5007)
#define P_SPI_FLASH_USER (volatile uint32_t *)((0x5007 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define SPI_FLASH_USER1 (0x5008)
#define P_SPI_FLASH_USER1 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x5008 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define SPI_FLASH_USER2 (0x5009)
#define P_SPI_FLASH_USER2 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x5009 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define SPI_FLASH_USER3 (0x500a)
#define P_SPI_FLASH_USER3 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x500a << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define SPI_FLASH_USER4 (0x500b)
#define P_SPI_FLASH_USER4 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x500b << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define SPI_FLASH_SLAVE (0x500c)
#define P_SPI_FLASH_SLAVE (volatile uint32_t *)((0x500c << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define SPI_FLASH_SLAVE1 (0x500d)
#define P_SPI_FLASH_SLAVE1 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x500d << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define SPI_FLASH_SLAVE2 (0x500e)
#define P_SPI_FLASH_SLAVE2 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x500e << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define SPI_FLASH_SLAVE3 (0x500f)
#define P_SPI_FLASH_SLAVE3 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x500f << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define SPI_FLASH_C0 (0x5010)
#define P_SPI_FLASH_C0 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x5010 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define SPI_FLASH_C1 (0x5011)
#define P_SPI_FLASH_C1 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x5011 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define SPI_FLASH_C2 (0x5012)
#define P_SPI_FLASH_C2 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x5012 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define SPI_FLASH_C3 (0x5013)
#define P_SPI_FLASH_C3 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x5013 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define SPI_FLASH_C4 (0x5014)
#define P_SPI_FLASH_C4 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x5014 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define SPI_FLASH_C5 (0x5015)
#define P_SPI_FLASH_C5 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x5015 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define SPI_FLASH_C6 (0x5016)
#define P_SPI_FLASH_C6 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x5016 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define SPI_FLASH_C7 (0x5017)
#define P_SPI_FLASH_C7 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x5017 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define SPI_FLASH_B8 (0x5018)
#define P_SPI_FLASH_B8 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x5018 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define SPI_FLASH_B9 (0x5019)
#define P_SPI_FLASH_B9 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x5019 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define SPI_FLASH_B10 (0x501a)
#define P_SPI_FLASH_B10 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x501a << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define SPI_FLASH_B11 (0x501b)
#define P_SPI_FLASH_B11 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x501b << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define SPI_FLASH_B12 (0x501c)
#define P_SPI_FLASH_B12 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x501c << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define SPI_FLASH_B13 (0x501d)
#define P_SPI_FLASH_B13 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x501d << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define SPI_FLASH_B14 (0x501e)
#define P_SPI_FLASH_B14 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x501e << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define SPI_FLASH_B15 (0x501f)
#define P_SPI_FLASH_B15 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x501f << 2) + 0xffd00000)
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
//spicc 0
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
#define SPICC0_RXDATA (0x4c00)
#define P_SPICC0_RXDATA (volatile uint32_t *)((0x4c00 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define SPICC0_TXDATA (0x4c01)
#define P_SPICC0_TXDATA (volatile uint32_t *)((0x4c01 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define SPICC0_CONREG (0x4c02)
#define P_SPICC0_CONREG (volatile uint32_t *)((0x4c02 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define SPICC0_INTREG (0x4c03)
#define P_SPICC0_INTREG (volatile uint32_t *)((0x4c03 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define SPICC0_DMAREG (0x4c04)
#define P_SPICC0_DMAREG (volatile uint32_t *)((0x4c04 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define SPICC0_STATREG (0x4c05)
#define P_SPICC0_STATREG (volatile uint32_t *)((0x4c05 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define SPICC0_PERIODREG (0x4c06)
#define P_SPICC0_PERIODREG (volatile uint32_t *)((0x4c06 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define SPICC0_TESTREG (0x4c07)
#define P_SPICC0_TESTREG (volatile uint32_t *)((0x4c07 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define SPICC0_DRADDR (0x4c08)
#define P_SPICC0_DRADDR (volatile uint32_t *)((0x4c08 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define SPICC0_DWADDR (0x4c09)
#define P_SPICC0_DWADDR (volatile uint32_t *)((0x4c09 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define SPICC0_LD_CNTL0 (0x4c0a)
#define P_SPICC0_LD_CNTL0 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x4c0a << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define SPICC0_LD_CNTL1 (0x4c0b)
#define P_SPICC0_LD_CNTL1 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x4c0b << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define SPICC0_LD_RADDR (0x4c0c)
#define P_SPICC0_LD_RADDR (volatile uint32_t *)((0x4c0c << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define SPICC0_LD_WADDR (0x4c0d)
#define P_SPICC0_LD_WADDR (volatile uint32_t *)((0x4c0d << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define SPICC0_ENHANCE_CNTL (0x4c0e)
#define P_SPICC0_ENHANCE_CNTL (volatile uint32_t *)((0x4c0e << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define SPICC0_ENHANCE_CNTL1 (0x4c0f)
#define P_SPICC0_ENHANCE_CNTL1 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x4c0f << 2) + 0xffd00000)
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
//spicc 1
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
#define SPICC1_RXDATA (0x5400)
#define P_SPICC1_RXDATA (volatile uint32_t *)((0x5400 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define SPICC1_TXDATA (0x5401)
#define P_SPICC1_TXDATA (volatile uint32_t *)((0x5401 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define SPICC1_CONREG (0x5402)
#define P_SPICC1_CONREG (volatile uint32_t *)((0x5402 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define SPICC1_INTREG (0x5403)
#define P_SPICC1_INTREG (volatile uint32_t *)((0x5403 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define SPICC1_DMAREG (0x5404)
#define P_SPICC1_DMAREG (volatile uint32_t *)((0x5404 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define SPICC1_STATREG (0x5405)
#define P_SPICC1_STATREG (volatile uint32_t *)((0x5405 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define SPICC1_PERIODREG (0x5406)
#define P_SPICC1_PERIODREG (volatile uint32_t *)((0x5406 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define SPICC1_TESTREG (0x5407)
#define P_SPICC1_TESTREG (volatile uint32_t *)((0x5407 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define SPICC1_DRADDR (0x5408)
#define P_SPICC1_DRADDR (volatile uint32_t *)((0x5408 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define SPICC1_DWADDR (0x5409)
#define P_SPICC1_DWADDR (volatile uint32_t *)((0x5409 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define SPICC1_LD_CNTL0 (0x540a)
#define P_SPICC1_LD_CNTL0 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x540a << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define SPICC1_LD_CNTL1 (0x540b)
#define P_SPICC1_LD_CNTL1 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x540b << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define SPICC1_LD_RADDR (0x540c)
#define P_SPICC1_LD_RADDR (volatile uint32_t *)((0x540c << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define SPICC1_LD_WADDR (0x540d)
#define P_SPICC1_LD_WADDR (volatile uint32_t *)((0x540d << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define SPICC1_ENHANCE_CNTL (0x540e)
#define P_SPICC1_ENHANCE_CNTL (volatile uint32_t *)((0x540e << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define SPICC1_ENHANCE_CNTL1 (0x540f)
#define P_SPICC1_ENHANCE_CNTL1 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x540f << 2) + 0xffd00000)
// Closing file: periphs_reg.h
// Reading file: isa_reg.h
// $isa/rtl/isa_core register defines for the APB bus
// CBUS base slave address
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
// Up to 256 registers for this base
#define ISA_DEBUG_REG0 (0x3c00)
#define P_ISA_DEBUG_REG0 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x3c00 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define ISA_DEBUG_REG1 (0x3c01)
#define P_ISA_DEBUG_REG1 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x3c01 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define ISA_DEBUG_REG2 (0x3c02)
#define P_ISA_DEBUG_REG2 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x3c02 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define ISA_DEBUG_REG3 (0x3c03)
#define P_ISA_DEBUG_REG3 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x3c03 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define ISA_PLL_CLK_SIM0 (0x3c08)
#define P_ISA_PLL_CLK_SIM0 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x3c08 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define ISA_CNTL_REG0 (0x3c09)
#define P_ISA_CNTL_REG0 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x3c09 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
// -----------------------------------------------------------
#define AO_CPU_IRQ_IN0_INTR_STAT (0x3c10)
#define P_AO_CPU_IRQ_IN0_INTR_STAT (volatile uint32_t *)((0x3c10 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define AO_CPU_IRQ_IN0_INTR_STAT_CLR (0x3c11)
#define P_AO_CPU_IRQ_IN0_INTR_STAT_CLR (volatile uint32_t *)((0x3c11 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define AO_CPU_IRQ_IN0_INTR_MASK (0x3c12)
#define P_AO_CPU_IRQ_IN0_INTR_MASK (volatile uint32_t *)((0x3c12 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define AO_CPU_IRQ_IN0_INTR_FIRQ_SEL (0x3c13)
#define P_AO_CPU_IRQ_IN0_INTR_FIRQ_SEL (volatile uint32_t *)((0x3c13 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define GPIO_INTR_EDGE_POL (0x3c20)
#define P_GPIO_INTR_EDGE_POL (volatile uint32_t *)((0x3c20 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define GPIO_INTR_GPIO_SEL0 (0x3c21)
#define P_GPIO_INTR_GPIO_SEL0 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x3c21 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define GPIO_INTR_GPIO_SEL1 (0x3c22)
#define P_GPIO_INTR_GPIO_SEL1 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x3c22 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define GPIO_INTR_FILTER_SEL0 (0x3c23)
#define P_GPIO_INTR_FILTER_SEL0 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x3c23 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
// `define GLOBAL_INTR_DISABLE 8'h24 never used
#define MEDIA_CPU_INTR_STAT (0x3c28)
#define P_MEDIA_CPU_INTR_STAT (volatile uint32_t *)((0x3c28 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define MEDIA_CPU_INTR_STAT_CLR (0x3c29)
#define P_MEDIA_CPU_INTR_STAT_CLR (volatile uint32_t *)((0x3c29 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define MEDIA_CPU_INTR_MASK (0x3c2a)
#define P_MEDIA_CPU_INTR_MASK (volatile uint32_t *)((0x3c2a << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define MEDIA_CPU_INTR_FIRQ_SEL (0x3c2b)
#define P_MEDIA_CPU_INTR_FIRQ_SEL (volatile uint32_t *)((0x3c2b << 2) + 0xffd00000)
// -----------------------------------------------------------
#define ISA_BIST_REG0 (0x3c30)
#define P_ISA_BIST_REG0 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x3c30 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define ISA_BIST_REG1 (0x3c31)
#define P_ISA_BIST_REG1 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x3c31 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
// -----------------------------------------------------------
#define WATCHDOG_CNTL (0x3c34)
#define P_WATCHDOG_CNTL (volatile uint32_t *)((0x3c34 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define WATCHDOG_CNTL1 (0x3c35)
#define P_WATCHDOG_CNTL1 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x3c35 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define WATCHDOG_TCNT (0x3c36)
#define P_WATCHDOG_TCNT (volatile uint32_t *)((0x3c36 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define WATCHDOG_RESET (0x3c37)
#define P_WATCHDOG_RESET (volatile uint32_t *)((0x3c37 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
// -----------------------------------------------------------
#define AHB_ARBITER_REG (0x3c42)
#define P_AHB_ARBITER_REG (volatile uint32_t *)((0x3c42 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define AHB_ARBDEC_REG (0x3c43)
#define P_AHB_ARBDEC_REG (volatile uint32_t *)((0x3c43 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define AHB_ARBITER2_REG (0x3c4a)
#define P_AHB_ARBITER2_REG (volatile uint32_t *)((0x3c4a << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define DEVICE_MMCP_CNTL (0x3c4b)
#define P_DEVICE_MMCP_CNTL (volatile uint32_t *)((0x3c4b << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define AUDIO_MMCP_CNTL (0x3c4c)
#define P_AUDIO_MMCP_CNTL (volatile uint32_t *)((0x3c4c << 2) + 0xffd00000)
// -----------------------------------------------------------
#define ISA_TIMER_MUX (0x3c50)
#define P_ISA_TIMER_MUX (volatile uint32_t *)((0x3c50 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define ISA_TIMERA (0x3c51)
#define P_ISA_TIMERA (volatile uint32_t *)((0x3c51 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define ISA_TIMERB (0x3c52)
#define P_ISA_TIMERB (volatile uint32_t *)((0x3c52 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define ISA_TIMERC (0x3c53)
#define P_ISA_TIMERC (volatile uint32_t *)((0x3c53 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define ISA_TIMERD (0x3c54)
#define P_ISA_TIMERD (volatile uint32_t *)((0x3c54 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define FBUF_ADDR (0x3c56)
#define P_FBUF_ADDR (volatile uint32_t *)((0x3c56 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define SDRAM_CTL0 (0x3c57)
#define P_SDRAM_CTL0 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x3c57 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define SDRAM_CTL2 (0x3c58)
#define P_SDRAM_CTL2 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x3c58 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
//`define AO_CPU_CTL 8'h59
#define SDRAM_CTL4 (0x3c5a)
#define P_SDRAM_CTL4 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x3c5a << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define SDRAM_CTL5 (0x3c5b)
#define P_SDRAM_CTL5 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x3c5b << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define SDRAM_CTL6 (0x3c5c)
#define P_SDRAM_CTL6 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x3c5c << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define SDRAM_CTL7 (0x3c5d)
#define P_SDRAM_CTL7 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x3c5d << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define SDRAM_CTL8 (0x3c5e)
#define P_SDRAM_CTL8 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x3c5e << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define AHB_MP4_MC_CTL (0x3c5f)
#define P_AHB_MP4_MC_CTL (volatile uint32_t *)((0x3c5f << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define MEDIA_CPU_PCR (0x3c60)
#define P_MEDIA_CPU_PCR (volatile uint32_t *)((0x3c60 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define MEDIA_CPU_CTL (0x3c61)
#define P_MEDIA_CPU_CTL (volatile uint32_t *)((0x3c61 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define ISA_TIMERE (0x3c62)
#define P_ISA_TIMERE (volatile uint32_t *)((0x3c62 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define ISA_TIMERE_HI (0x3c63)
#define P_ISA_TIMERE_HI (volatile uint32_t *)((0x3c63 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define ISA_TIMER_MUX1 (0x3c64)
#define P_ISA_TIMER_MUX1 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x3c64 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define ISA_TIMERF (0x3c65)
#define P_ISA_TIMERF (volatile uint32_t *)((0x3c65 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define ISA_TIMERG (0x3c66)
#define P_ISA_TIMERG (volatile uint32_t *)((0x3c66 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define ISA_TIMERH (0x3c67)
#define P_ISA_TIMERH (volatile uint32_t *)((0x3c67 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define ISA_TIMERI (0x3c68)
#define P_ISA_TIMERI (volatile uint32_t *)((0x3c68 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
// ---------------------------------------------
#define AHB_BRIDGE_CNTL_WR (0x3c80)
#define P_AHB_BRIDGE_CNTL_WR (volatile uint32_t *)((0x3c80 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define AHB_BRIDGE_REMAP0 (0x3c81)
#define P_AHB_BRIDGE_REMAP0 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x3c81 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define AHB_BRIDGE_REMAP1 (0x3c82)
#define P_AHB_BRIDGE_REMAP1 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x3c82 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define AHB_BRIDGE_REMAP2 (0x3c83)
#define P_AHB_BRIDGE_REMAP2 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x3c83 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define AHB_BRIDGE_REMAP3 (0x3c84)
#define P_AHB_BRIDGE_REMAP3 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x3c84 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define AHB_BRIDGE_CNTL_REG1 (0x3c85)
#define P_AHB_BRIDGE_CNTL_REG1 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x3c85 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define AHB_BRIDGE_CNTL_REG2 (0x3c86)
#define P_AHB_BRIDGE_CNTL_REG2 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x3c86 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
// ---------------------------------------------
// Closing file: isa_reg.h
// Reading file: emmc_reg.h
// $periphs/rtl/periphs_core register defines for the
// APB bus
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
#define EMMC_A_GCLOCK (0x40c00)
#define P_EMMC_A_GCLOCK (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40c00 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GDELAY0 (0x40c01)
#define P_EMMC_A_GDELAY0 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40c01 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GDELAY1 (0x40c02)
#define P_EMMC_A_GDELAY1 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40c02 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GADJUST (0x40c03)
#define P_EMMC_A_GADJUST (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40c03 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GCALOUT0 (0x40c04)
#define P_EMMC_A_GCALOUT0 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40c04 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GCALOUT1 (0x40c05)
#define P_EMMC_A_GCALOUT1 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40c05 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GCALOUT2 (0x40c06)
#define P_EMMC_A_GCALOUT2 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40c06 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GCALOUT3 (0x40c07)
#define P_EMMC_A_GCALOUT3 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40c07 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GADJ_LOG (0x40c08)
#define P_EMMC_A_GADJ_LOG (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40c08 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GCLKTEST_LOG (0x40c09)
#define P_EMMC_A_GCLKTEST_LOG (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40c09 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GCLKTEST_OUT (0x40c0a)
#define P_EMMC_A_GCLKTEST_OUT (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40c0a << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GEYETEST_LOG (0x40c0b)
#define P_EMMC_A_GEYETEST_LOG (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40c0b << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GEYETEST_OUT0 (0x40c0c)
#define P_EMMC_A_GEYETEST_OUT0 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40c0c << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GEYETEST_OUT1 (0x40c0d)
#define P_EMMC_A_GEYETEST_OUT1 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40c0d << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GINTF3 (0x40c0e)
#define P_EMMC_A_GINTF3 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40c0e << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GRESERVE (0x40c0f)
#define P_EMMC_A_GRESERVE (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40c0f << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GSTART (0x40c10)
#define P_EMMC_A_GSTART (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40c10 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GCFG (0x40c11)
#define P_EMMC_A_GCFG (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40c11 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GSTATUS (0x40c12)
#define P_EMMC_A_GSTATUS (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40c12 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GIRQ_EN (0x40c13)
#define P_EMMC_A_GIRQ_EN (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40c13 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GCMD_CFG (0x40c14)
#define P_EMMC_A_GCMD_CFG (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40c14 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GCMD_ARG (0x40c15)
#define P_EMMC_A_GCMD_ARG (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40c15 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GCMD_DAT (0x40c16)
#define P_EMMC_A_GCMD_DAT (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40c16 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GCMD_RSP (0x40c17)
#define P_EMMC_A_GCMD_RSP (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40c17 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GCMD_RSP1 (0x40c18)
#define P_EMMC_A_GCMD_RSP1 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40c18 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GCMD_RSP2 (0x40c19)
#define P_EMMC_A_GCMD_RSP2 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40c19 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GCMD_RSP3 (0x40c1a)
#define P_EMMC_A_GCMD_RSP3 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40c1a << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_RESERVED_6C (0x40c1b)
#define P_EMMC_A_RESERVED_6C (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40c1b << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GCURR_CFG (0x40c1c)
#define P_EMMC_A_GCURR_CFG (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40c1c << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GCURR_ARG (0x40c1d)
#define P_EMMC_A_GCURR_ARG (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40c1d << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GCURR_DAT (0x40c1e)
#define P_EMMC_A_GCURR_DAT (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40c1e << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GCURR_RSP (0x40c1f)
#define P_EMMC_A_GCURR_RSP (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40c1f << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GNEXT_CFG (0x40c20)
#define P_EMMC_A_GNEXT_CFG (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40c20 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GNEXT_ARG (0x40c21)
#define P_EMMC_A_GNEXT_ARG (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40c21 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GNEXT_DAT (0x40c22)
#define P_EMMC_A_GNEXT_DAT (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40c22 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GNEXT_RSP (0x40c23)
#define P_EMMC_A_GNEXT_RSP (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40c23 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GRXD (0x40c24)
#define P_EMMC_A_GRXD (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40c24 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GTXD (0x40c25)
#define P_EMMC_A_GTXD (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40c25 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_RESERVED_98_00 (0x40c26)
#define P_EMMC_A_RESERVED_98_00 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40c26 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_RESERVED_98_01 (0x40c27)
#define P_EMMC_A_RESERVED_98_01 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40c27 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_RESERVED_98_02 (0x40c28)
#define P_EMMC_A_RESERVED_98_02 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40c28 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_RESERVED_98_03 (0x40c29)
#define P_EMMC_A_RESERVED_98_03 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40c29 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_RESERVED_98_04 (0x40c2a)
#define P_EMMC_A_RESERVED_98_04 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40c2a << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_RESERVED_98_05 (0x40c2b)
#define P_EMMC_A_RESERVED_98_05 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40c2b << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_RESERVED_98_06 (0x40c2c)
#define P_EMMC_A_RESERVED_98_06 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40c2c << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_RESERVED_98_07 (0x40c2d)
#define P_EMMC_A_RESERVED_98_07 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40c2d << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_RESERVED_98_08 (0x40c2e)
#define P_EMMC_A_RESERVED_98_08 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40c2e << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_RESERVED_98_09 (0x40c2f)
#define P_EMMC_A_RESERVED_98_09 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40c2f << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_RESERVED_98_10 (0x40c30)
#define P_EMMC_A_RESERVED_98_10 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40c30 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_RESERVED_98_11 (0x40c31)
#define P_EMMC_A_RESERVED_98_11 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40c31 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_RESERVED_98_12 (0x40c32)
#define P_EMMC_A_RESERVED_98_12 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40c32 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_RESERVED_98_13 (0x40c33)
#define P_EMMC_A_RESERVED_98_13 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40c33 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_RESERVED_98_14 (0x40c34)
#define P_EMMC_A_RESERVED_98_14 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40c34 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_RESERVED_98_15 (0x40c35)
#define P_EMMC_A_RESERVED_98_15 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40c35 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_RESERVED_98_16 (0x40c36)
#define P_EMMC_A_RESERVED_98_16 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40c36 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_RESERVED_98_17 (0x40c37)
#define P_EMMC_A_RESERVED_98_17 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40c37 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_RESERVED_98_18 (0x40c38)
#define P_EMMC_A_RESERVED_98_18 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40c38 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_RESERVED_98_19 (0x40c39)
#define P_EMMC_A_RESERVED_98_19 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40c39 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_RESERVED_98_20 (0x40c3a)
#define P_EMMC_A_RESERVED_98_20 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40c3a << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_RESERVED_98_21 (0x40c3b)
#define P_EMMC_A_RESERVED_98_21 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40c3b << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_RESERVED_98_22 (0x40c3c)
#define P_EMMC_A_RESERVED_98_22 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40c3c << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_RESERVED_98_23 (0x40c3d)
#define P_EMMC_A_RESERVED_98_23 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40c3d << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_RESERVED_98_24 (0x40c3e)
#define P_EMMC_A_RESERVED_98_24 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40c3e << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_RESERVED_98_25 (0x40c3f)
#define P_EMMC_A_RESERVED_98_25 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40c3f << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_RESERVED_98_26 (0x40c40)
#define P_EMMC_A_RESERVED_98_26 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40c40 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_RESERVED_98_27 (0x40c41)
#define P_EMMC_A_RESERVED_98_27 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40c41 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_RESERVED_98_28 (0x40c42)
#define P_EMMC_A_RESERVED_98_28 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40c42 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_RESERVED_98_29 (0x40c43)
#define P_EMMC_A_RESERVED_98_29 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40c43 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_RESERVED_98_30 (0x40c44)
#define P_EMMC_A_RESERVED_98_30 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40c44 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_RESERVED_98_31 (0x40c45)
#define P_EMMC_A_RESERVED_98_31 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40c45 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_RESERVED_98_32 (0x40c46)
#define P_EMMC_A_RESERVED_98_32 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40c46 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_RESERVED_98_33 (0x40c47)
#define P_EMMC_A_RESERVED_98_33 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40c47 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_RESERVED_98_34 (0x40c48)
#define P_EMMC_A_RESERVED_98_34 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40c48 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_RESERVED_98_35 (0x40c49)
#define P_EMMC_A_RESERVED_98_35 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40c49 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_RESERVED_98_36 (0x40c4a)
#define P_EMMC_A_RESERVED_98_36 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40c4a << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_RESERVED_98_37 (0x40c4b)
#define P_EMMC_A_RESERVED_98_37 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40c4b << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_RESERVED_98_38 (0x40c4c)
#define P_EMMC_A_RESERVED_98_38 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40c4c << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_RESERVED_98_39 (0x40c4d)
#define P_EMMC_A_RESERVED_98_39 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40c4d << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_RESERVED_98_40 (0x40c4e)
#define P_EMMC_A_RESERVED_98_40 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40c4e << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_RESERVED_98_41 (0x40c4f)
#define P_EMMC_A_RESERVED_98_41 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40c4f << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_RESERVED_98_42 (0x40c50)
#define P_EMMC_A_RESERVED_98_42 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40c50 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_RESERVED_98_43 (0x40c51)
#define P_EMMC_A_RESERVED_98_43 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40c51 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_RESERVED_98_44 (0x40c52)
#define P_EMMC_A_RESERVED_98_44 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40c52 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_RESERVED_98_45 (0x40c53)
#define P_EMMC_A_RESERVED_98_45 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40c53 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_RESERVED_98_46 (0x40c54)
#define P_EMMC_A_RESERVED_98_46 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40c54 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_RESERVED_98_47 (0x40c55)
#define P_EMMC_A_RESERVED_98_47 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40c55 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_RESERVED_98_48 (0x40c56)
#define P_EMMC_A_RESERVED_98_48 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40c56 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_RESERVED_98_49 (0x40c57)
#define P_EMMC_A_RESERVED_98_49 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40c57 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_RESERVED_98_50 (0x40c58)
#define P_EMMC_A_RESERVED_98_50 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40c58 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_RESERVED_98_51 (0x40c59)
#define P_EMMC_A_RESERVED_98_51 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40c59 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_RESERVED_98_52 (0x40c5a)
#define P_EMMC_A_RESERVED_98_52 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40c5a << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_RESERVED_98_53 (0x40c5b)
#define P_EMMC_A_RESERVED_98_53 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40c5b << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_RESERVED_98_54 (0x40c5c)
#define P_EMMC_A_RESERVED_98_54 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40c5c << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_RESERVED_98_55 (0x40c5d)
#define P_EMMC_A_RESERVED_98_55 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40c5d << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_RESERVED_98_56 (0x40c5e)
#define P_EMMC_A_RESERVED_98_56 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40c5e << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_RESERVED_98_57 (0x40c5f)
#define P_EMMC_A_RESERVED_98_57 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40c5f << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_RESERVED_98_58 (0x40c60)
#define P_EMMC_A_RESERVED_98_58 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40c60 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_RESERVED_98_59 (0x40c61)
#define P_EMMC_A_RESERVED_98_59 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40c61 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_RESERVED_98_60 (0x40c62)
#define P_EMMC_A_RESERVED_98_60 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40c62 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_RESERVED_98_61 (0x40c63)
#define P_EMMC_A_RESERVED_98_61 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40c63 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_RESERVED_98_62 (0x40c64)
#define P_EMMC_A_RESERVED_98_62 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40c64 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_RESERVED_98_63 (0x40c65)
#define P_EMMC_A_RESERVED_98_63 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40c65 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_RESERVED_98_64 (0x40c66)
#define P_EMMC_A_RESERVED_98_64 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40c66 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_RESERVED_98_65 (0x40c67)
#define P_EMMC_A_RESERVED_98_65 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40c67 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_RESERVED_98_66 (0x40c68)
#define P_EMMC_A_RESERVED_98_66 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40c68 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_RESERVED_98_67 (0x40c69)
#define P_EMMC_A_RESERVED_98_67 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40c69 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_RESERVED_98_68 (0x40c6a)
#define P_EMMC_A_RESERVED_98_68 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40c6a << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_RESERVED_98_69 (0x40c6b)
#define P_EMMC_A_RESERVED_98_69 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40c6b << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_RESERVED_98_70 (0x40c6c)
#define P_EMMC_A_RESERVED_98_70 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40c6c << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_RESERVED_98_71 (0x40c6d)
#define P_EMMC_A_RESERVED_98_71 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40c6d << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_RESERVED_98_72 (0x40c6e)
#define P_EMMC_A_RESERVED_98_72 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40c6e << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_RESERVED_98_73 (0x40c6f)
#define P_EMMC_A_RESERVED_98_73 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40c6f << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_RESERVED_98_74 (0x40c70)
#define P_EMMC_A_RESERVED_98_74 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40c70 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_RESERVED_98_75 (0x40c71)
#define P_EMMC_A_RESERVED_98_75 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40c71 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_RESERVED_98_76 (0x40c72)
#define P_EMMC_A_RESERVED_98_76 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40c72 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_RESERVED_98_77 (0x40c73)
#define P_EMMC_A_RESERVED_98_77 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40c73 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_RESERVED_98_78 (0x40c74)
#define P_EMMC_A_RESERVED_98_78 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40c74 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_RESERVED_98_79 (0x40c75)
#define P_EMMC_A_RESERVED_98_79 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40c75 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_RESERVED_98_80 (0x40c76)
#define P_EMMC_A_RESERVED_98_80 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40c76 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_RESERVED_98_81 (0x40c77)
#define P_EMMC_A_RESERVED_98_81 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40c77 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_RESERVED_98_82 (0x40c78)
#define P_EMMC_A_RESERVED_98_82 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40c78 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_RESERVED_98_83 (0x40c79)
#define P_EMMC_A_RESERVED_98_83 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40c79 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_RESERVED_98_84 (0x40c7a)
#define P_EMMC_A_RESERVED_98_84 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40c7a << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_RESERVED_98_85 (0x40c7b)
#define P_EMMC_A_RESERVED_98_85 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40c7b << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_RESERVED_98_86 (0x40c7c)
#define P_EMMC_A_RESERVED_98_86 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40c7c << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_RESERVED_98_87 (0x40c7d)
#define P_EMMC_A_RESERVED_98_87 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40c7d << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_RESERVED_98_88 (0x40c7e)
#define P_EMMC_A_RESERVED_98_88 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40c7e << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_RESERVED_98_89 (0x40c7f)
#define P_EMMC_A_RESERVED_98_89 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40c7f << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GDESC_000 (0x40c80)
#define P_EMMC_A_GDESC_000 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40c80 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GDESC_001 (0x40c81)
#define P_EMMC_A_GDESC_001 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40c81 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GDESC_002 (0x40c82)
#define P_EMMC_A_GDESC_002 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40c82 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GDESC_003 (0x40c83)
#define P_EMMC_A_GDESC_003 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40c83 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GDESC_004 (0x40c84)
#define P_EMMC_A_GDESC_004 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40c84 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GDESC_005 (0x40c85)
#define P_EMMC_A_GDESC_005 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40c85 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GDESC_006 (0x40c86)
#define P_EMMC_A_GDESC_006 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40c86 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GDESC_007 (0x40c87)
#define P_EMMC_A_GDESC_007 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40c87 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GDESC_008 (0x40c88)
#define P_EMMC_A_GDESC_008 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40c88 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GDESC_009 (0x40c89)
#define P_EMMC_A_GDESC_009 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40c89 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GDESC_010 (0x40c8a)
#define P_EMMC_A_GDESC_010 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40c8a << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GDESC_011 (0x40c8b)
#define P_EMMC_A_GDESC_011 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40c8b << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GDESC_012 (0x40c8c)
#define P_EMMC_A_GDESC_012 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40c8c << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GDESC_013 (0x40c8d)
#define P_EMMC_A_GDESC_013 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40c8d << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GDESC_014 (0x40c8e)
#define P_EMMC_A_GDESC_014 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40c8e << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GDESC_015 (0x40c8f)
#define P_EMMC_A_GDESC_015 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40c8f << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GDESC_016 (0x40c90)
#define P_EMMC_A_GDESC_016 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40c90 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GDESC_017 (0x40c91)
#define P_EMMC_A_GDESC_017 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40c91 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GDESC_018 (0x40c92)
#define P_EMMC_A_GDESC_018 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40c92 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GDESC_019 (0x40c93)
#define P_EMMC_A_GDESC_019 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40c93 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GDESC_020 (0x40c94)
#define P_EMMC_A_GDESC_020 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40c94 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GDESC_021 (0x40c95)
#define P_EMMC_A_GDESC_021 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40c95 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GDESC_022 (0x40c96)
#define P_EMMC_A_GDESC_022 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40c96 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GDESC_023 (0x40c97)
#define P_EMMC_A_GDESC_023 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40c97 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GDESC_024 (0x40c98)
#define P_EMMC_A_GDESC_024 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40c98 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GDESC_025 (0x40c99)
#define P_EMMC_A_GDESC_025 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40c99 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GDESC_026 (0x40c9a)
#define P_EMMC_A_GDESC_026 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40c9a << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GDESC_027 (0x40c9b)
#define P_EMMC_A_GDESC_027 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40c9b << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GDESC_028 (0x40c9c)
#define P_EMMC_A_GDESC_028 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40c9c << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GDESC_029 (0x40c9d)
#define P_EMMC_A_GDESC_029 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40c9d << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GDESC_030 (0x40c9e)
#define P_EMMC_A_GDESC_030 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40c9e << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GDESC_031 (0x40c9f)
#define P_EMMC_A_GDESC_031 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40c9f << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GDESC_032 (0x40ca0)
#define P_EMMC_A_GDESC_032 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40ca0 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GDESC_033 (0x40ca1)
#define P_EMMC_A_GDESC_033 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40ca1 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GDESC_034 (0x40ca2)
#define P_EMMC_A_GDESC_034 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40ca2 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GDESC_035 (0x40ca3)
#define P_EMMC_A_GDESC_035 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40ca3 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GDESC_036 (0x40ca4)
#define P_EMMC_A_GDESC_036 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40ca4 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GDESC_037 (0x40ca5)
#define P_EMMC_A_GDESC_037 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40ca5 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GDESC_038 (0x40ca6)
#define P_EMMC_A_GDESC_038 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40ca6 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GDESC_039 (0x40ca7)
#define P_EMMC_A_GDESC_039 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40ca7 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GDESC_040 (0x40ca8)
#define P_EMMC_A_GDESC_040 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40ca8 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GDESC_041 (0x40ca9)
#define P_EMMC_A_GDESC_041 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40ca9 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GDESC_042 (0x40caa)
#define P_EMMC_A_GDESC_042 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40caa << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GDESC_043 (0x40cab)
#define P_EMMC_A_GDESC_043 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40cab << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GDESC_044 (0x40cac)
#define P_EMMC_A_GDESC_044 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40cac << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GDESC_045 (0x40cad)
#define P_EMMC_A_GDESC_045 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40cad << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GDESC_046 (0x40cae)
#define P_EMMC_A_GDESC_046 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40cae << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GDESC_047 (0x40caf)
#define P_EMMC_A_GDESC_047 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40caf << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GDESC_048 (0x40cb0)
#define P_EMMC_A_GDESC_048 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40cb0 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GDESC_049 (0x40cb1)
#define P_EMMC_A_GDESC_049 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40cb1 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GDESC_050 (0x40cb2)
#define P_EMMC_A_GDESC_050 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40cb2 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GDESC_051 (0x40cb3)
#define P_EMMC_A_GDESC_051 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40cb3 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GDESC_052 (0x40cb4)
#define P_EMMC_A_GDESC_052 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40cb4 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GDESC_053 (0x40cb5)
#define P_EMMC_A_GDESC_053 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40cb5 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GDESC_054 (0x40cb6)
#define P_EMMC_A_GDESC_054 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40cb6 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GDESC_055 (0x40cb7)
#define P_EMMC_A_GDESC_055 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40cb7 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GDESC_056 (0x40cb8)
#define P_EMMC_A_GDESC_056 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40cb8 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GDESC_057 (0x40cb9)
#define P_EMMC_A_GDESC_057 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40cb9 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GDESC_058 (0x40cba)
#define P_EMMC_A_GDESC_058 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40cba << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GDESC_059 (0x40cbb)
#define P_EMMC_A_GDESC_059 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40cbb << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GDESC_060 (0x40cbc)
#define P_EMMC_A_GDESC_060 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40cbc << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GDESC_061 (0x40cbd)
#define P_EMMC_A_GDESC_061 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40cbd << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GDESC_062 (0x40cbe)
#define P_EMMC_A_GDESC_062 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40cbe << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GDESC_063 (0x40cbf)
#define P_EMMC_A_GDESC_063 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40cbf << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GDESC_064 (0x40cc0)
#define P_EMMC_A_GDESC_064 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40cc0 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GDESC_065 (0x40cc1)
#define P_EMMC_A_GDESC_065 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40cc1 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GDESC_066 (0x40cc2)
#define P_EMMC_A_GDESC_066 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40cc2 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GDESC_067 (0x40cc3)
#define P_EMMC_A_GDESC_067 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40cc3 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GDESC_068 (0x40cc4)
#define P_EMMC_A_GDESC_068 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40cc4 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GDESC_069 (0x40cc5)
#define P_EMMC_A_GDESC_069 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40cc5 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GDESC_070 (0x40cc6)
#define P_EMMC_A_GDESC_070 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40cc6 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GDESC_071 (0x40cc7)
#define P_EMMC_A_GDESC_071 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40cc7 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GDESC_072 (0x40cc8)
#define P_EMMC_A_GDESC_072 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40cc8 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GDESC_073 (0x40cc9)
#define P_EMMC_A_GDESC_073 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40cc9 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GDESC_074 (0x40cca)
#define P_EMMC_A_GDESC_074 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40cca << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GDESC_075 (0x40ccb)
#define P_EMMC_A_GDESC_075 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40ccb << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GDESC_076 (0x40ccc)
#define P_EMMC_A_GDESC_076 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40ccc << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GDESC_077 (0x40ccd)
#define P_EMMC_A_GDESC_077 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40ccd << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GDESC_078 (0x40cce)
#define P_EMMC_A_GDESC_078 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40cce << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GDESC_079 (0x40ccf)
#define P_EMMC_A_GDESC_079 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40ccf << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GDESC_080 (0x40cd0)
#define P_EMMC_A_GDESC_080 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40cd0 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GDESC_081 (0x40cd1)
#define P_EMMC_A_GDESC_081 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40cd1 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GDESC_082 (0x40cd2)
#define P_EMMC_A_GDESC_082 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40cd2 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GDESC_083 (0x40cd3)
#define P_EMMC_A_GDESC_083 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40cd3 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GDESC_084 (0x40cd4)
#define P_EMMC_A_GDESC_084 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40cd4 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GDESC_085 (0x40cd5)
#define P_EMMC_A_GDESC_085 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40cd5 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GDESC_086 (0x40cd6)
#define P_EMMC_A_GDESC_086 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40cd6 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GDESC_087 (0x40cd7)
#define P_EMMC_A_GDESC_087 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40cd7 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GDESC_088 (0x40cd8)
#define P_EMMC_A_GDESC_088 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40cd8 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GDESC_089 (0x40cd9)
#define P_EMMC_A_GDESC_089 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40cd9 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GDESC_090 (0x40cda)
#define P_EMMC_A_GDESC_090 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40cda << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GDESC_091 (0x40cdb)
#define P_EMMC_A_GDESC_091 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40cdb << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GDESC_092 (0x40cdc)
#define P_EMMC_A_GDESC_092 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40cdc << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GDESC_093 (0x40cdd)
#define P_EMMC_A_GDESC_093 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40cdd << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GDESC_094 (0x40cde)
#define P_EMMC_A_GDESC_094 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40cde << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GDESC_095 (0x40cdf)
#define P_EMMC_A_GDESC_095 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40cdf << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GDESC_096 (0x40ce0)
#define P_EMMC_A_GDESC_096 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40ce0 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GDESC_097 (0x40ce1)
#define P_EMMC_A_GDESC_097 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40ce1 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GDESC_098 (0x40ce2)
#define P_EMMC_A_GDESC_098 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40ce2 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GDESC_099 (0x40ce3)
#define P_EMMC_A_GDESC_099 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40ce3 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GDESC_100 (0x40ce4)
#define P_EMMC_A_GDESC_100 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40ce4 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GDESC_101 (0x40ce5)
#define P_EMMC_A_GDESC_101 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40ce5 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GDESC_102 (0x40ce6)
#define P_EMMC_A_GDESC_102 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40ce6 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GDESC_103 (0x40ce7)
#define P_EMMC_A_GDESC_103 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40ce7 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GDESC_104 (0x40ce8)
#define P_EMMC_A_GDESC_104 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40ce8 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GDESC_105 (0x40ce9)
#define P_EMMC_A_GDESC_105 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40ce9 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GDESC_106 (0x40cea)
#define P_EMMC_A_GDESC_106 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40cea << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GDESC_107 (0x40ceb)
#define P_EMMC_A_GDESC_107 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40ceb << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GDESC_108 (0x40cec)
#define P_EMMC_A_GDESC_108 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40cec << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GDESC_109 (0x40ced)
#define P_EMMC_A_GDESC_109 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40ced << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GDESC_110 (0x40cee)
#define P_EMMC_A_GDESC_110 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40cee << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GDESC_111 (0x40cef)
#define P_EMMC_A_GDESC_111 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40cef << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GDESC_112 (0x40cf0)
#define P_EMMC_A_GDESC_112 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40cf0 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GDESC_113 (0x40cf1)
#define P_EMMC_A_GDESC_113 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40cf1 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GDESC_114 (0x40cf2)
#define P_EMMC_A_GDESC_114 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40cf2 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GDESC_115 (0x40cf3)
#define P_EMMC_A_GDESC_115 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40cf3 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GDESC_116 (0x40cf4)
#define P_EMMC_A_GDESC_116 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40cf4 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GDESC_117 (0x40cf5)
#define P_EMMC_A_GDESC_117 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40cf5 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GDESC_118 (0x40cf6)
#define P_EMMC_A_GDESC_118 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40cf6 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GDESC_119 (0x40cf7)
#define P_EMMC_A_GDESC_119 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40cf7 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GDESC_120 (0x40cf8)
#define P_EMMC_A_GDESC_120 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40cf8 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GDESC_121 (0x40cf9)
#define P_EMMC_A_GDESC_121 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40cf9 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GDESC_122 (0x40cfa)
#define P_EMMC_A_GDESC_122 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40cfa << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GDESC_123 (0x40cfb)
#define P_EMMC_A_GDESC_123 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40cfb << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GDESC_124 (0x40cfc)
#define P_EMMC_A_GDESC_124 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40cfc << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GDESC_125 (0x40cfd)
#define P_EMMC_A_GDESC_125 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40cfd << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GDESC_126 (0x40cfe)
#define P_EMMC_A_GDESC_126 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40cfe << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GDESC_127 (0x40cff)
#define P_EMMC_A_GDESC_127 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40cff << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPING_000 (0x40d00)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPING_000 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40d00 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPING_001 (0x40d01)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPING_001 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40d01 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPING_002 (0x40d02)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPING_002 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40d02 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPING_003 (0x40d03)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPING_003 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40d03 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPING_004 (0x40d04)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPING_004 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40d04 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPING_005 (0x40d05)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPING_005 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40d05 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPING_006 (0x40d06)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPING_006 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40d06 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPING_007 (0x40d07)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPING_007 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40d07 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPING_008 (0x40d08)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPING_008 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40d08 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPING_009 (0x40d09)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPING_009 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40d09 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPING_010 (0x40d0a)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPING_010 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40d0a << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPING_011 (0x40d0b)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPING_011 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40d0b << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPING_012 (0x40d0c)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPING_012 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40d0c << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPING_013 (0x40d0d)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPING_013 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40d0d << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPING_014 (0x40d0e)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPING_014 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40d0e << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPING_015 (0x40d0f)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPING_015 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40d0f << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPING_016 (0x40d10)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPING_016 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40d10 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPING_017 (0x40d11)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPING_017 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40d11 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPING_018 (0x40d12)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPING_018 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40d12 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPING_019 (0x40d13)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPING_019 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40d13 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPING_020 (0x40d14)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPING_020 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40d14 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPING_021 (0x40d15)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPING_021 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40d15 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPING_022 (0x40d16)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPING_022 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40d16 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPING_023 (0x40d17)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPING_023 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40d17 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPING_024 (0x40d18)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPING_024 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40d18 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPING_025 (0x40d19)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPING_025 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40d19 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPING_026 (0x40d1a)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPING_026 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40d1a << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPING_027 (0x40d1b)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPING_027 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40d1b << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPING_028 (0x40d1c)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPING_028 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40d1c << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPING_029 (0x40d1d)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPING_029 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40d1d << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPING_030 (0x40d1e)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPING_030 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40d1e << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPING_031 (0x40d1f)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPING_031 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40d1f << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPING_032 (0x40d20)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPING_032 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40d20 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPING_033 (0x40d21)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPING_033 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40d21 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPING_034 (0x40d22)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPING_034 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40d22 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPING_035 (0x40d23)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPING_035 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40d23 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPING_036 (0x40d24)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPING_036 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40d24 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPING_037 (0x40d25)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPING_037 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40d25 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPING_038 (0x40d26)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPING_038 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40d26 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPING_039 (0x40d27)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPING_039 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40d27 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPING_040 (0x40d28)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPING_040 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40d28 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPING_041 (0x40d29)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPING_041 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40d29 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPING_042 (0x40d2a)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPING_042 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40d2a << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPING_043 (0x40d2b)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPING_043 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40d2b << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPING_044 (0x40d2c)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPING_044 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40d2c << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPING_045 (0x40d2d)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPING_045 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40d2d << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPING_046 (0x40d2e)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPING_046 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40d2e << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPING_047 (0x40d2f)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPING_047 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40d2f << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPING_048 (0x40d30)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPING_048 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40d30 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPING_049 (0x40d31)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPING_049 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40d31 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPING_050 (0x40d32)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPING_050 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40d32 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPING_051 (0x40d33)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPING_051 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40d33 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPING_052 (0x40d34)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPING_052 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40d34 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPING_053 (0x40d35)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPING_053 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40d35 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPING_054 (0x40d36)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPING_054 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40d36 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPING_055 (0x40d37)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPING_055 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40d37 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPING_056 (0x40d38)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPING_056 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40d38 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPING_057 (0x40d39)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPING_057 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40d39 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPING_058 (0x40d3a)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPING_058 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40d3a << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPING_059 (0x40d3b)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPING_059 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40d3b << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPING_060 (0x40d3c)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPING_060 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40d3c << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPING_061 (0x40d3d)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPING_061 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40d3d << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPING_062 (0x40d3e)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPING_062 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40d3e << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPING_063 (0x40d3f)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPING_063 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40d3f << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPING_064 (0x40d40)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPING_064 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40d40 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPING_065 (0x40d41)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPING_065 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40d41 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPING_066 (0x40d42)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPING_066 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40d42 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPING_067 (0x40d43)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPING_067 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40d43 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPING_068 (0x40d44)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPING_068 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40d44 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPING_069 (0x40d45)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPING_069 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40d45 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPING_070 (0x40d46)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPING_070 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40d46 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPING_071 (0x40d47)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPING_071 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40d47 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPING_072 (0x40d48)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPING_072 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40d48 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPING_073 (0x40d49)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPING_073 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40d49 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPING_074 (0x40d4a)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPING_074 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40d4a << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPING_075 (0x40d4b)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPING_075 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40d4b << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPING_076 (0x40d4c)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPING_076 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40d4c << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPING_077 (0x40d4d)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPING_077 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40d4d << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPING_078 (0x40d4e)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPING_078 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40d4e << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPING_079 (0x40d4f)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPING_079 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40d4f << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPING_080 (0x40d50)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPING_080 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40d50 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPING_081 (0x40d51)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPING_081 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40d51 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPING_082 (0x40d52)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPING_082 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40d52 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPING_083 (0x40d53)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPING_083 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40d53 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPING_084 (0x40d54)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPING_084 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40d54 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPING_085 (0x40d55)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPING_085 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40d55 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPING_086 (0x40d56)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPING_086 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40d56 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPING_087 (0x40d57)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPING_087 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40d57 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPING_088 (0x40d58)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPING_088 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40d58 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPING_089 (0x40d59)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPING_089 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40d59 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPING_090 (0x40d5a)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPING_090 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40d5a << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPING_091 (0x40d5b)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPING_091 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40d5b << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPING_092 (0x40d5c)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPING_092 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40d5c << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPING_093 (0x40d5d)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPING_093 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40d5d << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPING_094 (0x40d5e)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPING_094 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40d5e << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPING_095 (0x40d5f)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPING_095 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40d5f << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPING_096 (0x40d60)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPING_096 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40d60 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPING_097 (0x40d61)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPING_097 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40d61 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPING_098 (0x40d62)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPING_098 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40d62 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPING_099 (0x40d63)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPING_099 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40d63 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPING_100 (0x40d64)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPING_100 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40d64 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPING_101 (0x40d65)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPING_101 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40d65 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPING_102 (0x40d66)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPING_102 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40d66 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPING_103 (0x40d67)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPING_103 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40d67 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPING_104 (0x40d68)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPING_104 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40d68 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPING_105 (0x40d69)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPING_105 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40d69 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPING_106 (0x40d6a)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPING_106 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40d6a << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPING_107 (0x40d6b)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPING_107 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40d6b << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPING_108 (0x40d6c)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPING_108 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40d6c << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPING_109 (0x40d6d)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPING_109 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40d6d << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPING_110 (0x40d6e)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPING_110 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40d6e << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPING_111 (0x40d6f)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPING_111 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40d6f << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPING_112 (0x40d70)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPING_112 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40d70 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPING_113 (0x40d71)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPING_113 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40d71 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPING_114 (0x40d72)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPING_114 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40d72 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPING_115 (0x40d73)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPING_115 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40d73 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPING_116 (0x40d74)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPING_116 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40d74 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPING_117 (0x40d75)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPING_117 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40d75 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPING_118 (0x40d76)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPING_118 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40d76 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPING_119 (0x40d77)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPING_119 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40d77 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPING_120 (0x40d78)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPING_120 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40d78 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPING_121 (0x40d79)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPING_121 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40d79 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPING_122 (0x40d7a)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPING_122 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40d7a << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPING_123 (0x40d7b)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPING_123 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40d7b << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPING_124 (0x40d7c)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPING_124 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40d7c << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPING_125 (0x40d7d)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPING_125 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40d7d << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPING_126 (0x40d7e)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPING_126 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40d7e << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPING_127 (0x40d7f)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPING_127 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40d7f << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPONG_000 (0x40d80)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPONG_000 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40d80 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPONG_001 (0x40d81)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPONG_001 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40d81 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPONG_002 (0x40d82)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPONG_002 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40d82 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPONG_003 (0x40d83)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPONG_003 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40d83 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPONG_004 (0x40d84)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPONG_004 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40d84 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPONG_005 (0x40d85)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPONG_005 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40d85 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPONG_006 (0x40d86)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPONG_006 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40d86 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPONG_007 (0x40d87)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPONG_007 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40d87 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPONG_008 (0x40d88)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPONG_008 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40d88 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPONG_009 (0x40d89)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPONG_009 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40d89 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPONG_010 (0x40d8a)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPONG_010 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40d8a << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPONG_011 (0x40d8b)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPONG_011 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40d8b << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPONG_012 (0x40d8c)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPONG_012 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40d8c << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPONG_013 (0x40d8d)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPONG_013 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40d8d << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPONG_014 (0x40d8e)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPONG_014 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40d8e << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPONG_015 (0x40d8f)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPONG_015 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40d8f << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPONG_016 (0x40d90)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPONG_016 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40d90 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPONG_017 (0x40d91)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPONG_017 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40d91 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPONG_018 (0x40d92)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPONG_018 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40d92 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPONG_019 (0x40d93)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPONG_019 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40d93 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPONG_020 (0x40d94)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPONG_020 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40d94 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPONG_021 (0x40d95)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPONG_021 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40d95 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPONG_022 (0x40d96)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPONG_022 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40d96 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPONG_023 (0x40d97)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPONG_023 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40d97 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPONG_024 (0x40d98)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPONG_024 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40d98 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPONG_025 (0x40d99)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPONG_025 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40d99 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPONG_026 (0x40d9a)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPONG_026 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40d9a << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPONG_027 (0x40d9b)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPONG_027 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40d9b << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPONG_028 (0x40d9c)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPONG_028 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40d9c << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPONG_029 (0x40d9d)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPONG_029 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40d9d << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPONG_030 (0x40d9e)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPONG_030 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40d9e << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPONG_031 (0x40d9f)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPONG_031 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40d9f << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPONG_032 (0x40da0)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPONG_032 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40da0 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPONG_033 (0x40da1)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPONG_033 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40da1 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPONG_034 (0x40da2)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPONG_034 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40da2 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPONG_035 (0x40da3)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPONG_035 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40da3 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPONG_036 (0x40da4)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPONG_036 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40da4 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPONG_037 (0x40da5)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPONG_037 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40da5 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPONG_038 (0x40da6)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPONG_038 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40da6 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPONG_039 (0x40da7)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPONG_039 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40da7 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPONG_040 (0x40da8)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPONG_040 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40da8 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPONG_041 (0x40da9)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPONG_041 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40da9 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPONG_042 (0x40daa)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPONG_042 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40daa << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPONG_043 (0x40dab)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPONG_043 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40dab << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPONG_044 (0x40dac)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPONG_044 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40dac << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPONG_045 (0x40dad)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPONG_045 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40dad << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPONG_046 (0x40dae)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPONG_046 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40dae << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPONG_047 (0x40daf)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPONG_047 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40daf << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPONG_048 (0x40db0)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPONG_048 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40db0 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPONG_049 (0x40db1)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPONG_049 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40db1 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPONG_050 (0x40db2)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPONG_050 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40db2 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPONG_051 (0x40db3)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPONG_051 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40db3 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPONG_052 (0x40db4)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPONG_052 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40db4 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPONG_053 (0x40db5)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPONG_053 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40db5 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPONG_054 (0x40db6)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPONG_054 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40db6 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPONG_055 (0x40db7)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPONG_055 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40db7 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPONG_056 (0x40db8)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPONG_056 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40db8 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPONG_057 (0x40db9)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPONG_057 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40db9 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPONG_058 (0x40dba)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPONG_058 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40dba << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPONG_059 (0x40dbb)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPONG_059 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40dbb << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPONG_060 (0x40dbc)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPONG_060 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40dbc << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPONG_061 (0x40dbd)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPONG_061 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40dbd << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPONG_062 (0x40dbe)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPONG_062 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40dbe << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPONG_063 (0x40dbf)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPONG_063 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40dbf << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPONG_064 (0x40dc0)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPONG_064 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40dc0 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPONG_065 (0x40dc1)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPONG_065 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40dc1 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPONG_066 (0x40dc2)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPONG_066 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40dc2 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPONG_067 (0x40dc3)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPONG_067 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40dc3 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPONG_068 (0x40dc4)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPONG_068 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40dc4 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPONG_069 (0x40dc5)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPONG_069 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40dc5 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPONG_070 (0x40dc6)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPONG_070 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40dc6 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPONG_071 (0x40dc7)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPONG_071 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40dc7 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPONG_072 (0x40dc8)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPONG_072 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40dc8 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPONG_073 (0x40dc9)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPONG_073 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40dc9 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPONG_074 (0x40dca)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPONG_074 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40dca << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPONG_075 (0x40dcb)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPONG_075 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40dcb << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPONG_076 (0x40dcc)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPONG_076 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40dcc << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPONG_077 (0x40dcd)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPONG_077 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40dcd << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPONG_078 (0x40dce)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPONG_078 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40dce << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPONG_079 (0x40dcf)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPONG_079 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40dcf << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPONG_080 (0x40dd0)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPONG_080 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40dd0 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPONG_081 (0x40dd1)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPONG_081 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40dd1 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPONG_082 (0x40dd2)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPONG_082 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40dd2 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPONG_083 (0x40dd3)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPONG_083 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40dd3 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPONG_084 (0x40dd4)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPONG_084 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40dd4 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPONG_085 (0x40dd5)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPONG_085 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40dd5 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPONG_086 (0x40dd6)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPONG_086 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40dd6 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPONG_087 (0x40dd7)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPONG_087 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40dd7 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPONG_088 (0x40dd8)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPONG_088 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40dd8 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPONG_089 (0x40dd9)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPONG_089 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40dd9 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPONG_090 (0x40dda)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPONG_090 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40dda << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPONG_091 (0x40ddb)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPONG_091 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40ddb << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPONG_092 (0x40ddc)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPONG_092 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40ddc << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPONG_093 (0x40ddd)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPONG_093 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40ddd << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPONG_094 (0x40dde)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPONG_094 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40dde << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPONG_095 (0x40ddf)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPONG_095 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40ddf << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPONG_096 (0x40de0)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPONG_096 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40de0 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPONG_097 (0x40de1)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPONG_097 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40de1 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPONG_098 (0x40de2)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPONG_098 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40de2 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPONG_099 (0x40de3)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPONG_099 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40de3 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPONG_100 (0x40de4)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPONG_100 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40de4 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPONG_101 (0x40de5)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPONG_101 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40de5 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPONG_102 (0x40de6)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPONG_102 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40de6 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPONG_103 (0x40de7)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPONG_103 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40de7 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPONG_104 (0x40de8)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPONG_104 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40de8 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPONG_105 (0x40de9)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPONG_105 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40de9 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPONG_106 (0x40dea)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPONG_106 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40dea << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPONG_107 (0x40deb)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPONG_107 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40deb << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPONG_108 (0x40dec)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPONG_108 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40dec << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPONG_109 (0x40ded)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPONG_109 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40ded << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPONG_110 (0x40dee)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPONG_110 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40dee << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPONG_111 (0x40def)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPONG_111 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40def << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPONG_112 (0x40df0)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPONG_112 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40df0 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPONG_113 (0x40df1)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPONG_113 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40df1 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPONG_114 (0x40df2)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPONG_114 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40df2 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPONG_115 (0x40df3)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPONG_115 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40df3 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPONG_116 (0x40df4)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPONG_116 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40df4 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPONG_117 (0x40df5)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPONG_117 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40df5 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPONG_118 (0x40df6)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPONG_118 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40df6 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPONG_119 (0x40df7)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPONG_119 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40df7 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPONG_120 (0x40df8)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPONG_120 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40df8 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPONG_121 (0x40df9)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPONG_121 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40df9 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPONG_122 (0x40dfa)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPONG_122 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40dfa << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPONG_123 (0x40dfb)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPONG_123 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40dfb << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPONG_124 (0x40dfc)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPONG_124 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40dfc << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPONG_125 (0x40dfd)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPONG_125 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40dfd << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPONG_126 (0x40dfe)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPONG_126 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40dfe << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_A_GPONG_127 (0x40dff)
#define P_EMMC_A_GPONG_127 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x40dff << 2) + 0xffd00000)
// -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------
#define EMMC_B_GCLOCK (0x41400)
#define P_EMMC_B_GCLOCK (volatile uint32_t *)((0x41400 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_B_GDELAY0 (0x41401)
#define P_EMMC_B_GDELAY0 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x41401 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_B_GDELAY1 (0x41402)
#define P_EMMC_B_GDELAY1 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x41402 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_B_GADJUST (0x41403)
#define P_EMMC_B_GADJUST (volatile uint32_t *)((0x41403 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_B_GCALOUT0 (0x41404)
#define P_EMMC_B_GCALOUT0 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x41404 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_B_GCALOUT1 (0x41405)
#define P_EMMC_B_GCALOUT1 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x41405 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_B_GCALOUT2 (0x41406)
#define P_EMMC_B_GCALOUT2 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x41406 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_B_GCALOUT3 (0x41407)
#define P_EMMC_B_GCALOUT3 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x41407 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_B_GADJ_LOG (0x41408)
#define P_EMMC_B_GADJ_LOG (volatile uint32_t *)((0x41408 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_B_GCLKTEST_LOG (0x41409)
#define P_EMMC_B_GCLKTEST_LOG (volatile uint32_t *)((0x41409 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_B_GCLKTEST_OUT (0x4140a)
#define P_EMMC_B_GCLKTEST_OUT (volatile uint32_t *)((0x4140a << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_B_GEYETEST_LOG (0x4140b)
#define P_EMMC_B_GEYETEST_LOG (volatile uint32_t *)((0x4140b << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_B_GEYETEST_OUT0 (0x4140c)
#define P_EMMC_B_GEYETEST_OUT0 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x4140c << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_B_GEYETEST_OUT1 (0x4140d)
#define P_EMMC_B_GEYETEST_OUT1 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x4140d << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_B_GINTF3 (0x4140e)
#define P_EMMC_B_GINTF3 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x4140e << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_B_GRESERVE (0x4140f)
#define P_EMMC_B_GRESERVE (volatile uint32_t *)((0x4140f << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_B_GSTART (0x41410)
#define P_EMMC_B_GSTART (volatile uint32_t *)((0x41410 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_B_GCFG (0x41411)
#define P_EMMC_B_GCFG (volatile uint32_t *)((0x41411 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_B_GSTATUS (0x41412)
#define P_EMMC_B_GSTATUS (volatile uint32_t *)((0x41412 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_B_GIRQ_EN (0x41413)
#define P_EMMC_B_GIRQ_EN (volatile uint32_t *)((0x41413 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_B_GCMD_CFG (0x41414)
#define P_EMMC_B_GCMD_CFG (volatile uint32_t *)((0x41414 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_B_GCMD_ARG (0x41415)
#define P_EMMC_B_GCMD_ARG (volatile uint32_t *)((0x41415 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_B_GCMD_DAT (0x41416)
#define P_EMMC_B_GCMD_DAT (volatile uint32_t *)((0x41416 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_B_GCMD_RSP (0x41417)
#define P_EMMC_B_GCMD_RSP (volatile uint32_t *)((0x41417 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_B_GCMD_RSP1 (0x41418)
#define P_EMMC_B_GCMD_RSP1 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x41418 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_B_GCMD_RSP2 (0x41419)
#define P_EMMC_B_GCMD_RSP2 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x41419 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_B_GCMD_RSP3 (0x4141a)
#define P_EMMC_B_GCMD_RSP3 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x4141a << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_B_RESERVED_6C (0x4141b)
#define P_EMMC_B_RESERVED_6C (volatile uint32_t *)((0x4141b << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_B_GCURR_CFG (0x4141c)
#define P_EMMC_B_GCURR_CFG (volatile uint32_t *)((0x4141c << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_B_GCURR_ARG (0x4141d)
#define P_EMMC_B_GCURR_ARG (volatile uint32_t *)((0x4141d << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_B_GCURR_DAT (0x4141e)
#define P_EMMC_B_GCURR_DAT (volatile uint32_t *)((0x4141e << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_B_GCURR_RSP (0x4141f)
#define P_EMMC_B_GCURR_RSP (volatile uint32_t *)((0x4141f << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_B_GNEXT_CFG (0x41420)
#define P_EMMC_B_GNEXT_CFG (volatile uint32_t *)((0x41420 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_B_GNEXT_ARG (0x41421)
#define P_EMMC_B_GNEXT_ARG (volatile uint32_t *)((0x41421 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_B_GNEXT_DAT (0x41422)
#define P_EMMC_B_GNEXT_DAT (volatile uint32_t *)((0x41422 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_B_GNEXT_RSP (0x41423)
#define P_EMMC_B_GNEXT_RSP (volatile uint32_t *)((0x41423 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_B_GRXD (0x41424)
#define P_EMMC_B_GRXD (volatile uint32_t *)((0x41424 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_B_GTXD (0x41425)
#define P_EMMC_B_GTXD (volatile uint32_t *)((0x41425 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_B_RESERVED_98_00 (0x41426)
#define P_EMMC_B_RESERVED_98_00 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x41426 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_B_RESERVED_98_01 (0x41427)
#define P_EMMC_B_RESERVED_98_01 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x41427 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_B_RESERVED_98_02 (0x41428)
#define P_EMMC_B_RESERVED_98_02 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x41428 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_B_RESERVED_98_03 (0x41429)
#define P_EMMC_B_RESERVED_98_03 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x41429 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_B_RESERVED_98_04 (0x4142a)
#define P_EMMC_B_RESERVED_98_04 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x4142a << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_B_RESERVED_98_05 (0x4142b)
#define P_EMMC_B_RESERVED_98_05 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x4142b << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_B_RESERVED_98_06 (0x4142c)
#define P_EMMC_B_RESERVED_98_06 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x4142c << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_B_RESERVED_98_07 (0x4142d)
#define P_EMMC_B_RESERVED_98_07 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x4142d << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_B_RESERVED_98_08 (0x4142e)
#define P_EMMC_B_RESERVED_98_08 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x4142e << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_B_RESERVED_98_09 (0x4142f)
#define P_EMMC_B_RESERVED_98_09 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x4142f << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_B_RESERVED_98_10 (0x41430)
#define P_EMMC_B_RESERVED_98_10 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x41430 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_B_RESERVED_98_11 (0x41431)
#define P_EMMC_B_RESERVED_98_11 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x41431 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_B_RESERVED_98_12 (0x41432)
#define P_EMMC_B_RESERVED_98_12 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x41432 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_B_RESERVED_98_13 (0x41433)
#define P_EMMC_B_RESERVED_98_13 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x41433 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_B_RESERVED_98_14 (0x41434)
#define P_EMMC_B_RESERVED_98_14 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x41434 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_B_RESERVED_98_15 (0x41435)
#define P_EMMC_B_RESERVED_98_15 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x41435 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_B_RESERVED_98_16 (0x41436)
#define P_EMMC_B_RESERVED_98_16 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x41436 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_B_RESERVED_98_17 (0x41437)
#define P_EMMC_B_RESERVED_98_17 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x41437 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_B_RESERVED_98_18 (0x41438)
#define P_EMMC_B_RESERVED_98_18 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x41438 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_B_RESERVED_98_19 (0x41439)
#define P_EMMC_B_RESERVED_98_19 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x41439 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_B_RESERVED_98_20 (0x4143a)
#define P_EMMC_B_RESERVED_98_20 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x4143a << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_B_RESERVED_98_21 (0x4143b)
#define P_EMMC_B_RESERVED_98_21 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x4143b << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_B_RESERVED_98_22 (0x4143c)
#define P_EMMC_B_RESERVED_98_22 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x4143c << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_B_RESERVED_98_23 (0x4143d)
#define P_EMMC_B_RESERVED_98_23 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x4143d << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_B_RESERVED_98_24 (0x4143e)
#define P_EMMC_B_RESERVED_98_24 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x4143e << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_B_RESERVED_98_25 (0x4143f)
#define P_EMMC_B_RESERVED_98_25 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x4143f << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_B_RESERVED_98_26 (0x41440)
#define P_EMMC_B_RESERVED_98_26 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x41440 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_B_RESERVED_98_27 (0x41441)
#define P_EMMC_B_RESERVED_98_27 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x41441 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_B_RESERVED_98_28 (0x41442)
#define P_EMMC_B_RESERVED_98_28 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x41442 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_B_RESERVED_98_29 (0x41443)
#define P_EMMC_B_RESERVED_98_29 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x41443 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_B_RESERVED_98_30 (0x41444)
#define P_EMMC_B_RESERVED_98_30 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x41444 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_B_RESERVED_98_31 (0x41445)
#define P_EMMC_B_RESERVED_98_31 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x41445 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_B_RESERVED_98_32 (0x41446)
#define P_EMMC_B_RESERVED_98_32 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x41446 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_B_RESERVED_98_33 (0x41447)
#define P_EMMC_B_RESERVED_98_33 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x41447 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_B_RESERVED_98_34 (0x41448)
#define P_EMMC_B_RESERVED_98_34 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x41448 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_B_RESERVED_98_35 (0x41449)
#define P_EMMC_B_RESERVED_98_35 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x41449 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_B_RESERVED_98_36 (0x4144a)
#define P_EMMC_B_RESERVED_98_36 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x4144a << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_B_RESERVED_98_37 (0x4144b)
#define P_EMMC_B_RESERVED_98_37 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x4144b << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_B_RESERVED_98_38 (0x4144c)
#define P_EMMC_B_RESERVED_98_38 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x4144c << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_B_RESERVED_98_39 (0x4144d)
#define P_EMMC_B_RESERVED_98_39 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x4144d << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_B_RESERVED_98_40 (0x4144e)
#define P_EMMC_B_RESERVED_98_40 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x4144e << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_B_RESERVED_98_41 (0x4144f)
#define P_EMMC_B_RESERVED_98_41 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x4144f << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_B_RESERVED_98_42 (0x41450)
#define P_EMMC_B_RESERVED_98_42 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x41450 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_B_RESERVED_98_43 (0x41451)
#define P_EMMC_B_RESERVED_98_43 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x41451 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_B_RESERVED_98_44 (0x41452)
#define P_EMMC_B_RESERVED_98_44 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x41452 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_B_RESERVED_98_45 (0x41453)
#define P_EMMC_B_RESERVED_98_45 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x41453 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_B_RESERVED_98_46 (0x41454)
#define P_EMMC_B_RESERVED_98_46 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x41454 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_B_RESERVED_98_47 (0x41455)
#define P_EMMC_B_RESERVED_98_47 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x41455 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_B_RESERVED_98_48 (0x41456)
#define P_EMMC_B_RESERVED_98_48 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x41456 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_B_RESERVED_98_49 (0x41457)
#define P_EMMC_B_RESERVED_98_49 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x41457 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_B_RESERVED_98_50 (0x41458)
#define P_EMMC_B_RESERVED_98_50 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x41458 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_B_RESERVED_98_51 (0x41459)
#define P_EMMC_B_RESERVED_98_51 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x41459 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_B_RESERVED_98_52 (0x4145a)
#define P_EMMC_B_RESERVED_98_52 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x4145a << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_B_RESERVED_98_53 (0x4145b)
#define P_EMMC_B_RESERVED_98_53 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x4145b << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_B_RESERVED_98_54 (0x4145c)
#define P_EMMC_B_RESERVED_98_54 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x4145c << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_B_RESERVED_98_55 (0x4145d)
#define P_EMMC_B_RESERVED_98_55 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x4145d << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_B_RESERVED_98_56 (0x4145e)
#define P_EMMC_B_RESERVED_98_56 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x4145e << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_B_RESERVED_98_57 (0x4145f)
#define P_EMMC_B_RESERVED_98_57 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x4145f << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_B_RESERVED_98_58 (0x41460)
#define P_EMMC_B_RESERVED_98_58 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x41460 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_B_RESERVED_98_59 (0x41461)
#define P_EMMC_B_RESERVED_98_59 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x41461 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_B_RESERVED_98_60 (0x41462)
#define P_EMMC_B_RESERVED_98_60 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x41462 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_B_RESERVED_98_61 (0x41463)
#define P_EMMC_B_RESERVED_98_61 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x41463 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_B_RESERVED_98_62 (0x41464)
#define P_EMMC_B_RESERVED_98_62 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x41464 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_B_RESERVED_98_63 (0x41465)
#define P_EMMC_B_RESERVED_98_63 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x41465 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_B_RESERVED_98_64 (0x41466)
#define P_EMMC_B_RESERVED_98_64 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x41466 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_B_RESERVED_98_65 (0x41467)
#define P_EMMC_B_RESERVED_98_65 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x41467 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_B_RESERVED_98_66 (0x41468)
#define P_EMMC_B_RESERVED_98_66 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x41468 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_B_RESERVED_98_67 (0x41469)
#define P_EMMC_B_RESERVED_98_67 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x41469 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_B_RESERVED_98_68 (0x4146a)
#define P_EMMC_B_RESERVED_98_68 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x4146a << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_B_RESERVED_98_69 (0x4146b)
#define P_EMMC_B_RESERVED_98_69 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x4146b << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_B_RESERVED_98_70 (0x4146c)
#define P_EMMC_B_RESERVED_98_70 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x4146c << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_B_RESERVED_98_71 (0x4146d)
#define P_EMMC_B_RESERVED_98_71 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x4146d << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_B_RESERVED_98_72 (0x4146e)
#define P_EMMC_B_RESERVED_98_72 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x4146e << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_B_RESERVED_98_73 (0x4146f)
#define P_EMMC_B_RESERVED_98_73 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x4146f << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_B_RESERVED_98_74 (0x41470)
#define P_EMMC_B_RESERVED_98_74 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x41470 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_B_RESERVED_98_75 (0x41471)
#define P_EMMC_B_RESERVED_98_75 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x41471 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_B_RESERVED_98_76 (0x41472)
#define P_EMMC_B_RESERVED_98_76 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x41472 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_B_RESERVED_98_77 (0x41473)
#define P_EMMC_B_RESERVED_98_77 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x41473 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_B_RESERVED_98_78 (0x41474)
#define P_EMMC_B_RESERVED_98_78 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x41474 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_B_RESERVED_98_79 (0x41475)
#define P_EMMC_B_RESERVED_98_79 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x41475 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_B_RESERVED_98_80 (0x41476)
#define P_EMMC_B_RESERVED_98_80 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x41476 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_B_RESERVED_98_81 (0x41477)
#define P_EMMC_B_RESERVED_98_81 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x41477 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_B_RESERVED_98_82 (0x41478)
#define P_EMMC_B_RESERVED_98_82 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x41478 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_B_RESERVED_98_83 (0x41479)
#define P_EMMC_B_RESERVED_98_83 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x41479 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_B_RESERVED_98_84 (0x4147a)
#define P_EMMC_B_RESERVED_98_84 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x4147a << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_B_RESERVED_98_85 (0x4147b)
#define P_EMMC_B_RESERVED_98_85 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x4147b << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_B_RESERVED_98_86 (0x4147c)
#define P_EMMC_B_RESERVED_98_86 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x4147c << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_B_RESERVED_98_87 (0x4147d)
#define P_EMMC_B_RESERVED_98_87 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x4147d << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_B_RESERVED_98_88 (0x4147e)
#define P_EMMC_B_RESERVED_98_88 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x4147e << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_B_RESERVED_98_89 (0x4147f)
#define P_EMMC_B_RESERVED_98_89 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x4147f << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_B_GDESC_000 (0x41480)
#define P_EMMC_B_GDESC_000 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x41480 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_B_GDESC_001 (0x41481)
#define P_EMMC_B_GDESC_001 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x41481 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_B_GDESC_002 (0x41482)
#define P_EMMC_B_GDESC_002 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x41482 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_B_GDESC_003 (0x41483)
#define P_EMMC_B_GDESC_003 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x41483 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_B_GDESC_004 (0x41484)
#define P_EMMC_B_GDESC_004 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x41484 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_B_GDESC_005 (0x41485)
#define P_EMMC_B_GDESC_005 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x41485 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_B_GDESC_006 (0x41486)
#define P_EMMC_B_GDESC_006 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x41486 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_B_GDESC_007 (0x41487)
#define P_EMMC_B_GDESC_007 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x41487 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_B_GDESC_008 (0x41488)
#define P_EMMC_B_GDESC_008 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x41488 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_B_GDESC_009 (0x41489)
#define P_EMMC_B_GDESC_009 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x41489 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_B_GDESC_010 (0x4148a)
#define P_EMMC_B_GDESC_010 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x4148a << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_B_GDESC_011 (0x4148b)
#define P_EMMC_B_GDESC_011 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x4148b << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_B_GDESC_012 (0x4148c)
#define P_EMMC_B_GDESC_012 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x4148c << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_B_GDESC_013 (0x4148d)
#define P_EMMC_B_GDESC_013 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x4148d << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_B_GDESC_014 (0x4148e)
#define P_EMMC_B_GDESC_014 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x4148e << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_B_GDESC_015 (0x4148f)
#define P_EMMC_B_GDESC_015 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x4148f << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_B_GDESC_016 (0x41490)
#define P_EMMC_B_GDESC_016 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x41490 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_B_GDESC_017 (0x41491)
#define P_EMMC_B_GDESC_017 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x41491 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_B_GDESC_018 (0x41492)
#define P_EMMC_B_GDESC_018 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x41492 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_B_GDESC_019 (0x41493)
#define P_EMMC_B_GDESC_019 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x41493 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_B_GDESC_020 (0x41494)
#define P_EMMC_B_GDESC_020 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x41494 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_B_GDESC_021 (0x41495)
#define P_EMMC_B_GDESC_021 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x41495 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_B_GDESC_022 (0x41496)
#define P_EMMC_B_GDESC_022 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x41496 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_B_GDESC_023 (0x41497)
#define P_EMMC_B_GDESC_023 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x41497 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_B_GDESC_024 (0x41498)
#define P_EMMC_B_GDESC_024 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x41498 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_B_GDESC_025 (0x41499)
#define P_EMMC_B_GDESC_025 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x41499 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_B_GDESC_026 (0x4149a)
#define P_EMMC_B_GDESC_026 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x4149a << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_B_GDESC_027 (0x4149b)
#define P_EMMC_B_GDESC_027 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x4149b << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_B_GDESC_028 (0x4149c)
#define P_EMMC_B_GDESC_028 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x4149c << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_B_GDESC_029 (0x4149d)
#define P_EMMC_B_GDESC_029 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x4149d << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_B_GDESC_030 (0x4149e)
#define P_EMMC_B_GDESC_030 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x4149e << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_B_GDESC_031 (0x4149f)
#define P_EMMC_B_GDESC_031 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x4149f << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_B_GDESC_032 (0x414a0)
#define P_EMMC_B_GDESC_032 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x414a0 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_B_GDESC_033 (0x414a1)
#define P_EMMC_B_GDESC_033 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x414a1 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_B_GDESC_034 (0x414a2)
#define P_EMMC_B_GDESC_034 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x414a2 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_B_GDESC_035 (0x414a3)
#define P_EMMC_B_GDESC_035 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x414a3 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_B_GDESC_036 (0x414a4)
#define P_EMMC_B_GDESC_036 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x414a4 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_B_GDESC_037 (0x414a5)
#define P_EMMC_B_GDESC_037 (volatile uint32_t *)((0x414a5 << 2) + 0xffd00000)
#define EMMC_B_GDESC_038 (0x414a6<