blob: b906ed3f5eea9351790f74b755153d2be41eb635 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2014 Amlogic, Inc. All rights reserved.
* This source code is subject to the terms and conditions defined in the
* file 'LICENSE' which is part of this source code package.
* Reigsters definitions
#include "secure_apb.h"
/* CBUS Registers */
#define P_ISA_TIMER_MUX ((0x2650 << 2) + 0xc1100000)
#define P_ISA_TIMERA ((0x2651 << 2) + 0xc1100000)
#define P_ISA_TIMERB ((0x2652 << 2) + 0xc1100000)
#define P_ISA_TIMERC ((0x2653 << 2) + 0xc1100000)
#define P_ISA_TIMERD ((0x2654 << 2) + 0xc1100000)
#define P_ISA_TIMERE ((0x2662 << 2) + 0xc1100000)
#define P_ISA_TIMERE_HI ((0x2663 << 2) + 0xc1100000)
#define P_ISA_TIMER_MUX1 ((0x2664 << 2) + 0xc1100000)
#define P_ISA_TIMERF ((0x2665 << 2) + 0xc1100000)
#define P_ISA_TIMERG ((0x2666 << 2) + 0xc1100000)
#define P_ISA_TIMERH ((0x2667 << 2) + 0xc1100000)
#define P_ISA_TIMERI ((0x2668 << 2) + 0xc1100000)
/* 80K share SRAM base address*/
#define P_SHARE_SRAM_BASE 0xd9000000
/*Interrupt number list*/
#define IRQ_TIMERC_NUM 0
#define IRQ_TIMERA_NUM 1
#define IRQ_TIMERB_NUM 2
#define IRQ_TIMERD_NUM 3
#define IRQ_TIMERF_NUM 4
#define IRQ_TIMERG_NUM 5
#define IRQ_TIMERH_NUM 6
#define IRQ_TIMERI_NUM 7
#define IRQ_GPIO0_NUM 8
#define IRQ_GPIO1_NUM 9
#define IRQ_GPIO2_NUM 10
#define IRQ_GPIO3_NUM 11
#define IRQ_SAR_ADC_NUM 12
#define IRQ_ASIT_MBOX0_NUM 13
#define IRQ_ASIT_MBOX1_NUM 14
#define IRQ_ASIT_MBOX2_NUM 15
#define IRQ_MBOX3_NUM 16
//17 reserve
#define IRQ_ETH_GMAC_NUM 18
#define IRQ_ETH_PMT_NUM 19
#define IRQ_ETH_LIP_NUM 20
//21~31 reserve
#define IRQ_MBOX3_RECV_NUM 32
#define IRQ_MBOX4_RECV_NUM 33
#define IRQ_MBOX5_RECV_NUM 34
#define IRQ_MBOX0_SEND_NUM 35
#define IRQ_MBOX1_SEND_NUM 36
#define IRQ_MBOX2_SEND_NUM 37
//38 reserve
#define IRQ_AO_UART_NUM 39
#define IRQ_AO_I2C_S_NUM 40
#define IRQ_AO_I2C_M_NUM 41
#define IRQ_AO_IR_DEC_NUM 42
#define IRQ_AO_UART2_NUM 43
#define IRQ_AO_IR_BLST_NUM 44
#define IRQ_AO_CEC_NUM 45
#define IRQ_AO_GPIO0_NUM 46
#define IRQ_AO_GPIO1_NUM 47
//48 reserve
//51 reserve
#define IRQ_AO_TIMERA_NUM 52