blob: 2bf770c3e1866498dd14742f117dbbf2461d589f [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<xs:schema xmlns:xs=""
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
The use and distribution terms for this software are covered by the
Common Public License 1.0 (
which can be found in the file CPL.TXT at the root of this distribution.
By using this software in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound by
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You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software.
The source code schema for the Windows Installer XML Toolset Lux Extension.
<xs:import namespace="" />
<xs:element name="Mutation">
Test mutations let you author unit tests with different expected results. The mutation
id is passed as the value of the WIXLUX_RUNNING_MUTATION property. Your custom action,
typically in an '#ifdef DEBUG' block, can retrieve the WIXLUX_RUNNING_MUTATION property
and hard-code different behavior based on the mutation. To author test mutations, use
the Mutation element with UnitTest elements as children.
<xse:parent namespace="" ref="Fragment" />
<xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
Child UnitTest elements are validated when the parent mutation is being executed.
<xs:element ref="UnitTest"/>
<xs:attribute name="Id" type="xs:string">
Value of the WIXLUX_RUNNING_MUTATION property set by the mutation.
<xs:element name="UnitTest">
Describes a unit test to be executed against a particular custom action, resulting in a
particular property value. Single-value properties, multi-value properties, and
name/value-pair properties can all be tested declaratively.
<xse:parent namespace="" ref="Mutation" />
<xse:parent namespace="" ref="Fragment" />
<xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
Child UnitTest elements are used to test multi-value properties. Note that Property
and ValueDelimiter or NameValueDelimiter must be specified in the parent element.
<xs:element ref="Condition"/>
<xs:element ref="Expression"/>
<xs:element ref="UnitTest"/>
<xs:attribute name="Id" type="xs:string">
Identifier of the unit test. If you omit this attribute, a stable identifier is generated for you.
<xs:attribute name="CustomAction" type="xs:string">
Identifier of the custom action to be tested.
<xs:attribute name="Property" type="xs:string">
Name of the property set by the custom action.
<xs:attribute name="Operator" default="equal">
The operator to apply to the property and value. Default is "equal."
<xs:restriction base="xs:NMTOKEN">
<xs:enumeration value="equal">
(Default) Compares Property to Value and succeeds if they are equal.
<xs:enumeration value="notEqual">
Compares Property to Value and succeeds if they are NOT equal.
<xs:enumeration value="caseInsensitiveEqual">
Compares Property to Value and succeeds if they are equal (ignoring case).
<xs:enumeration value="caseInsensitiveNotEqual">
Compares Property to Value and succeeds if they are NOT equal (ignoring case).
<xs:attribute name="Value" type="xs:string">
The value to compare to the property.
<xs:attribute name="ValueSeparator" type="xs:string">
One character that is used to separate values in a multi-value property.
<xs:attribute name="NameValueSeparator" type="xs:string">
One character that is used to separate values in a name/value-pair multi-value property.
<xs:attribute name="Index" type="xs:string">
A formatted string that evaluates to either an integer index into a multi-value property or a string name of a name/value-pair multi-value property.
<xs:element name="Condition">
Conditions for a unit test.
<xs:extension base="xs:string" />
<xs:element name="Expression">
An expression that must evaluate to true to succeed. Cannot be specified if Property is specified.
<xs:extension base="xs:string" />
<xs:element name="UnitTestRef">
Identifies a unit test to be linked into a project.
<xse:parent namespace="" ref="Fragment" />
<xse:parent namespace="" ref="Product" />
<xs:attribute name="Id" type="xs:string">
Identifier of the unit test to be included.