blob: cc1b4dbddbf435d31c6aa3a38d41b81f5bd984ea [file] [log] [blame]
#pragma once
// <copyright file="dutil.h" company="Microsoft">
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// The use and distribution terms for this software are covered by the
// Common Public License 1.0 (
// which can be found in the file CPL.TXT at the root of this distribution.
// By using this software in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound by
// the terms of this license.
// You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software.
// </copyright>
// <summary>
// Header for utility layer that provides standard support for asserts, exit macros
// </summary>
#define DAPI __stdcall
#define DAPIV __cdecl // used only for functions taking variable length arguments
#define DAPI_(type) EXTERN_C type DAPI
#define DAPIV_(type) EXTERN_C type DAPIV
// enums
REPORT_NONE, // turns off report (only valid for XXXSetLevel())
REPORT_STANDARD, // written if reporting is on
REPORT_VERBOSE, // written only if verbose reporting is on
REPORT_DEBUG, // reporting useful when debugging code
REPORT_ERROR, // always gets reported, but can never be specified
// asserts and traces
extern "C" void DAPI Dutil_SetAssertModule(__in HMODULE hAssertModule);
extern "C" void DAPI Dutil_SetAssertDisplayFunction(__in DUTIL_ASSERTDISPLAYFUNCTION pfn);
extern "C" void DAPI Dutil_Assert(__in_z LPCSTR szFile, __in int iLine);
extern "C" void DAPI Dutil_AssertSz(__in_z LPCSTR szFile, __in int iLine, __in_z LPCSTR szMsg);
extern "C" void DAPI Dutil_TraceSetLevel(__in REPORT_LEVEL ll, __in BOOL fTraceFilenames);
extern "C" REPORT_LEVEL DAPI Dutil_TraceGetLevel();
extern "C" void __cdecl Dutil_Trace(__in_z LPCSTR szFile, __in int iLine, __in REPORT_LEVEL rl, __in_z __format_string LPCSTR szMessage, ...);
extern "C" void __cdecl Dutil_TraceError(__in_z LPCSTR szFile, __in int iLine, __in REPORT_LEVEL rl, __in HRESULT hr, __in_z __format_string LPCSTR szMessage, ...);
extern "C" void DAPI Dutil_RootFailure(__in_z LPCSTR szFile, __in int iLine, __in HRESULT hrError);
#ifdef DEBUG
#define AssertSetModule(m) (void)Dutil_SetAssertModule(m)
#define AssertSetDisplayFunction(pfn) (void)Dutil_SetAssertDisplayFunction(pfn)
#define Assert(f) ((f) ? (void)0 : (void)Dutil_Assert(__FILE__, __LINE__))
#define AssertSz(f, sz) ((f) ? (void)0 : (void)Dutil_AssertSz(__FILE__, __LINE__, sz))
#define TraceSetLevel(l, f) (void)Dutil_TraceSetLevel(l, f)
#define TraceGetLevel() (REPORT_LEVEL)Dutil_TraceGetLevel()
#define Trace(l, f) (void)Dutil_Trace(__FILE__, __LINE__, l, f, NULL)
#define Trace1(l, f, s) (void)Dutil_Trace(__FILE__, __LINE__, l, f, s)
#define Trace2(l, f, s, t) (void)Dutil_Trace(__FILE__, __LINE__, l, f, s, t)
#define Trace3(l, f, s, t, u) (void)Dutil_Trace(__FILE__, __LINE__, l, f, s, t, u)
#define TraceError(x, f) (void)Dutil_TraceError(__FILE__, __LINE__, REPORT_ERROR, x, f, NULL)
#define TraceError1(x, f, s) (void)Dutil_TraceError(__FILE__, __LINE__, REPORT_ERROR, x, f, s)
#define TraceError2(x, f, s, t) (void)Dutil_TraceError(__FILE__, __LINE__, REPORT_ERROR, x, f, s, t)
#define TraceError3(x, f, s, t, u) (void)Dutil_TraceError(__FILE__, __LINE__, REPORT_ERROR, x, f, s, t, u)
#define TraceErrorDebug(x, f) (void)Dutil_TraceError(__FILE__, __LINE__, REPORT_DEBUG, x, f, NULL)
#define TraceErrorDebug1(x, f, s) (void)Dutil_TraceError(__FILE__, __LINE__, REPORT_DEBUG, x, f, s)
#define TraceErrorDebug2(x, f, s, t) (void)Dutil_TraceError(__FILE__, __LINE__, REPORT_DEBUG, x, f, s, t)
#define TraceErrorDebug3(x, f, s, t, u) (void)Dutil_TraceError(__FILE__, __LINE__, REPORT_DEBUG, x, f, s, t, u)
#else // !DEBUG
#define AssertSetModule(m)
#define AssertSetDisplayFunction(pfn)
#define Assert(f)
#define AssertSz(f, sz)
#define TraceSetLevel(l, f)
#define Trace(l, f)
#define Trace1(l, f, s)
#define Trace2(l, f, s, t)
#define Trace3(l, f, s, t, u)
#define TraceError(x, f)
#define TraceError1(x, f, s)
#define TraceError2(x, f, s, t)
#define TraceError3(x, f, s, t, u)
#define TraceErrorDebug(x, f)
#define TraceErrorDebug1(x, f, s)
#define TraceErrorDebug2(x, f, s, t)
#define TraceErrorDebug3(x, f, s, t, u)
#endif // DEBUG
// ExitTrace can be overriden
#ifndef ExitTrace
#define ExitTrace TraceError
#ifndef ExitTrace1
#define ExitTrace1 TraceError1
#ifndef ExitTrace2
#define ExitTrace2 TraceError2
#ifndef ExitTrace3
#define ExitTrace3 TraceError3
// Exit macros
#define ExitFunction() { goto LExit; }
#define ExitFunction1(x) { x; goto LExit; }
#define ExitOnLastError(x, s) { x = ::GetLastError(); x = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(x); if (FAILED(x)) { Dutil_RootFailure(__FILE__, __LINE__, x); ExitTrace(x, s); goto LExit; } }
#define ExitOnLastError1(x, f, s) { x = ::GetLastError(); x = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(x); if (FAILED(x)) { Dutil_RootFailure(__FILE__, __LINE__, x); ExitTrace1(x, f, s); goto LExit; } }
#define ExitOnLastError2(x, f, s, t) { x = ::GetLastError(); x = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(x); if (FAILED(x)) { Dutil_RootFailure(__FILE__, __LINE__, x); ExitTrace2(x, f, s, t); goto LExit; } }
#define ExitOnLastErrorDebugTrace(x, s) { x = ::GetLastError(); x = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(x); if (FAILED(x)) { Dutil_RootFailure(__FILE__, __LINE__, x); TraceErrorDebug(x, s); goto LExit; } }
#define ExitOnLastErrorDebugTrace1(x, f, s) { x = ::GetLastError(); x = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(x); if (FAILED(x)) { Dutil_RootFailure(__FILE__, __LINE__, x); TraceErrorDebug1(x, f, s); goto LExit; } }
#define ExitOnLastErrorDebugTrace2(x, f, s, t) { x = ::GetLastError(); x = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(x); if (FAILED(x)) { Dutil_RootFailure(__FILE__, __LINE__, x); TraceErrorDebug2(x, f, s, t); goto LExit; } }
#define ExitWithLastError(x, s) { x = ::GetLastError(); x = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(x); if (!FAILED(x)) { x = E_FAIL; } Dutil_RootFailure(__FILE__, __LINE__, x); ExitTrace(x, s); goto LExit; }
#define ExitWithLastError1(x, f, s) { x = ::GetLastError(); x = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(x); if (!FAILED(x)) { x = E_FAIL; } Dutil_RootFailure(__FILE__, __LINE__, x); ExitTrace1(x, f, s); goto LExit; }
#define ExitWithLastError2(x, f, s, t) { x = ::GetLastError(); x = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(x); if (!FAILED(x)) { x = E_FAIL; } Dutil_RootFailure(__FILE__, __LINE__, x); ExitTrace2(x, f, s, t); goto LExit; }
#define ExitWithLastError3(x, f, s, t, u) { x = ::GetLastError(); x = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(x); if (!FAILED(x)) { x = E_FAIL; } Dutil_RootFailure(__FILE__, __LINE__, x); ExitTrace3(x, f, s, t, u); goto LExit; }
#define ExitOnFailure(x, s) if (FAILED(x)) { ExitTrace(x, s); goto LExit; }
#define ExitOnFailure1(x, f, s) if (FAILED(x)) { ExitTrace1(x, f, s); goto LExit; }
#define ExitOnFailure2(x, f, s, t) if (FAILED(x)) { ExitTrace2(x, f, s, t); goto LExit; }
#define ExitOnFailure3(x, f, s, t, u) if (FAILED(x)) { ExitTrace3(x, f, s, t, u); goto LExit; }
#define ExitOnRootFailure(x, s) if (FAILED(x)) { Dutil_RootFailure(__FILE__, __LINE__, x); ExitTrace(x, s); goto LExit; }
#define ExitOnRootFailure1(x, f, s) if (FAILED(x)) { Dutil_RootFailure(__FILE__, __LINE__, x); ExitTrace1(x, f, s); goto LExit; }
#define ExitOnRootFailure2(x, f, s, t) if (FAILED(x)) { Dutil_RootFailure(__FILE__, __LINE__, x); ExitTrace2(x, f, s, t); goto LExit; }
#define ExitOnRootFailure3(x, f, s, t, u) if (FAILED(x)) { Dutil_RootFailure(__FILE__, __LINE__, x); ExitTrace3(x, f, s, t, u); goto LExit; }
#define ExitOnFailureDebugTrace(x, s) if (FAILED(x)) { TraceErrorDebug(x, s); goto LExit; }
#define ExitOnFailureDebugTrace1(x, f, s) if (FAILED(x)) { TraceErrorDebug1(x, f, s); goto LExit; }
#define ExitOnFailureDebugTrace2(x, f, s, t) if (FAILED(x)) { TraceErrorDebug2(x, f, s, t); goto LExit; }
#define ExitOnFailureDebugTrace3(x, f, s, t, u) if (FAILED(x)) { TraceErrorDebug3(x, f, s, t, u); goto LExit; }
#define ExitOnNull(p, x, e, s) if (NULL == p) { x = e; Dutil_RootFailure(__FILE__, __LINE__, x); ExitTrace(x, s); goto LExit; }
#define ExitOnNull1(p, x, e, f, s) if (NULL == p) { x = e; Dutil_RootFailure(__FILE__, __LINE__, x); ExitTrace1(x, f, s); goto LExit; }
#define ExitOnNull2(p, x, e, f, s, t) if (NULL == p) { x = e; Dutil_RootFailure(__FILE__, __LINE__, x); ExitTrace2(x, f, s, t); goto LExit; }
#define ExitOnNullWithLastError(p, x, s) if (NULL == p) { x = ::GetLastError(); x = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(x); if (!FAILED(x)) { x = E_FAIL; } Dutil_RootFailure(__FILE__, __LINE__, x); ExitTrace(x, s); goto LExit; }
#define ExitOnNullWithLastError1(p, x, f, s) if (NULL == p) { x = ::GetLastError(); x = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(x); if (!FAILED(x)) { x = E_FAIL; } Dutil_RootFailure(__FILE__, __LINE__, x); ExitTrace1(x, f, s); goto LExit; }
#define ExitOnNullDebugTrace(p, x, e, s) if (NULL == p) { x = e; Dutil_RootFailure(__FILE__, __LINE__, x); TraceErrorDebug(x, s); goto LExit; }
#define ExitOnNullDebugTrace1(p, x, e, f, s) if (NULL == p) { x = e; Dutil_RootFailure(__FILE__, __LINE__, x); TraceErrorDebug1(x, f, s); goto LExit; }
#define ExitOnInvalidHandleWithLastError(p, x, s) if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == p) { x = ::GetLastError(); x = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(x); if (!FAILED(x)) { x = E_FAIL; } Dutil_RootFailure(__FILE__, __LINE__, x); ExitTrace(x, s); goto LExit; }
#define ExitOnInvalidHandleWithLastError1(p, x, f, s) if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == p) { x = ::GetLastError(); x = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(x); if (!FAILED(x)) { x = E_FAIL; } Dutil_RootFailure(__FILE__, __LINE__, x); ExitTrace1(x, f, s); goto LExit; }
#define ExitOnWin32Error(e, x, s) if (ERROR_SUCCESS != e) { x = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(e); if (!FAILED(x)) { x = E_FAIL; } Dutil_RootFailure(__FILE__, __LINE__, x); ExitTrace(x, s); goto LExit; }
#define ExitOnWin32Error1(e, x, f, s) if (ERROR_SUCCESS != e) { x = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(e); if (!FAILED(x)) { x = E_FAIL; } Dutil_RootFailure(__FILE__, __LINE__, x); ExitTrace1(x, f, s); goto LExit; }
// release macros
#define ReleaseObject(x) if (x) { x->Release(); }
#define ReleaseObjectArray(prg, cel) if (prg) { for (DWORD Dutil_ReleaseObjectArrayIndex = 0; Dutil_ReleaseObjectArrayIndex < cel; ++Dutil_ReleaseObjectArrayIndex) { ReleaseObject(prg[Dutil_ReleaseObjectArrayIndex]); } ReleaseMem(prg); }
#define ReleaseVariant(x) { ::VariantClear(&x); }
#define ReleaseNullObject(x) if (x) { (x)->Release(); x = NULL; }
#define ReleaseCertificate(x) if (x) { ::CertFreeCertificateContext(x); x=NULL; }
#define ReleaseHandle(x) if (x) { ::CloseHandle(x); x = NULL; }
// useful defines and macros
#define Unused(x) ((void)x)
#ifndef countof
#if 1
#define countof(ary) (sizeof(ary) / sizeof(ary[0]))
#ifndef __cplusplus
#define countof(ary) (sizeof(ary) / sizeof(ary[0]))
template<typename T> static char countofVerify(void const *, T) throw() { return 0; }
template<typename T> static void countofVerify(T *const, T *const *) throw() {};
#define countof(arr) (sizeof(countofVerify(arr,&(arr))) * sizeof(arr)/sizeof(*(arr)))
#define roundup(x, n) roundup_typed(x, n, DWORD)
#define roundup_typed(x, n, t) (((t)(x) + ((t)(n) - 1)) & ~((t)(n) - 1))
#ifndef MAXSIZE_T
#define MAXSIZE_T ((SIZE_T)~((SIZE_T)0))
typedef const BYTE* LPCBYTE;
#define AddRefAndRelease(x) { x->AddRef(); x->Release(); }
#define MAKEQWORDVERSION(mj, mi, b, r) (((DWORD64)MAKELONG(r, b)) | (((DWORD64)MAKELONG(mi, mj)) << 32))
// other functions
extern "C" HRESULT DAPI LoadSystemLibrary(__in_z LPCWSTR wzModuleName, __out HMODULE *phModule);