blob: 6412ff1dae94b8c3329ded22c46405e30bb9b7f2 [file] [log] [blame]
#pragma once
// <copyright file="balutil.h" company="Outercurve Foundation">
// Copyright (c) 2004, Outercurve Foundation.
// This software is released under Microsoft Reciprocal License (MS-RL).
// The license and further copyright text can be found in the file
// LICENSE.TXT at the root directory of the distribution.
// </copyright>
// <summary>
// Burn utility library.
// </summary>
#include "dutil.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#define BalExitOnFailure(x, f) if (FAILED(x)) { BalLogError(x, f); ExitTrace(x, f); goto LExit; }
#define BalExitOnFailure1(x, f, s) if (FAILED(x)) { BalLogError(x, f, s); ExitTrace1(x, f, s); goto LExit; }
#define BalExitOnFailure2(x, f, s, t) if (FAILED(x)) { BalLogError(x, f, s, t); ExitTrace2(x, f, s, t); goto LExit; }
#define BalExitOnFailure3(x, f, s, t, u) if (FAILED(x)) { BalLogError(x, f, s, t, u); ExitTrace3(x, f, s, t, u); goto LExit; }
#define BalExitOnRootFailure(x, f) if (FAILED(x)) { BalLogError(x, f); Dutil_RootFailure(__FILE__, __LINE__, x); ExitTrace(x, f); goto LExit; }
#define BalExitOnRootFailure1(x, f, s) if (FAILED(x)) { BalLogError(x, f, s); Dutil_RootFailure(__FILE__, __LINE__, x); ExitTrace1(x, f, s); goto LExit; }
#define BalExitOnRootFailure2(x, f, s, t) if (FAILED(x)) { BalLogError(x, f, s, t); Dutil_RootFailure(__FILE__, __LINE__, x); ExitTrace2(x, f, s, t); goto LExit; }
#define BalExitOnRootFailure3(x, f, s, t, u) if (FAILED(x)) { BalLogError(x, f, s, t, u); Dutil_RootFailure(__FILE__, __LINE__, x); ExitTrace3(x, f, s, t, u); goto LExit; }
#define BalExitOnNullWithLastError(p, x, f) if (NULL == p) { DWORD Dutil_er = ::GetLastError(); x = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(Dutil_er); if (!FAILED(x)) { x = E_FAIL; } BalLogError(x, f); ExitTrace(x, f); goto LExit; }
#define BalExitOnNullWithLastError1(p, x, f, s) if (NULL == p) { DWORD Dutil_er = ::GetLastError(); x = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(Dutil_er); if (!FAILED(x)) { x = E_FAIL; } BalLogError(x, f, s); ExitTrace1(x, f, s); goto LExit; }
BalInitialize - remembers the engine interface to enable logging and
other functions.
DAPI_(void) BalInitialize(
__in IBootstrapperEngine* pEngine
BalUninitialize - cleans up utility layer internals.
DAPI_(void) BalUninitialize();
BalManifestLoad - loads the Application manifest into an XML document.
DAPI_(HRESULT) BalManifestLoad(
__in HMODULE hUXModule,
__out IXMLDOMDocument** ppixdManifest
BalFormatString - formats a string using variables in the engine.
Note: Use StrFree() to release psczOut.
DAPI_(HRESULT) BalFormatString(
__in_z LPCWSTR wzFormat,
__inout LPWSTR* psczOut
BalGetNumericVariable - gets a number from a variable in the engine.
Note: Returns E_NOTFOUND if variable does not exist.
DAPI_(HRESULT) BalGetNumericVariable(
__in_z LPCWSTR wzVariable,
__out LONGLONG* pllValue
BalStringVariableExists - checks if a string variable exists in the engine.
DAPI_(BOOL) BalStringVariableExists(
__in_z LPCWSTR wzVariable
BalGetStringVariable - gets a string from a variable in the engine.
Note: Use StrFree() to release psczValue.
DAPI_(HRESULT) BalGetStringVariable(
__in_z LPCWSTR wzVariable,
__inout LPWSTR* psczValue
BalLog - logs a message with the engine.
__in_z __format_string LPCSTR szFormat,
BalLogError - logs an error message with the engine.
__in HRESULT hr,
__in_z __format_string LPCSTR szFormat,
#ifdef __cplusplus