blob: 955a1f1ec559c82f1f449ce5155b267ebb631ded [file] [log] [blame]
#pragma once
// <copyright file="conutil.h" company="Outercurve Foundation">
// Copyright (c) 2004, Outercurve Foundation.
// This software is released under Microsoft Reciprocal License (MS-RL).
// The license and further copyright text can be found in the file
// LICENSE.TXT at the root directory of the distribution.
// </copyright>
// <summary>
// Console helper functions.
// </summary>
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#define ConsoleExitOnFailure(x, c, f) if (FAILED(x)) { ConsoleWriteError(x, c, f); ExitTrace(x, f); goto LExit; }
#define ConsoleExitOnFailure1(x, c, f, s) if (FAILED(x)) { ConsoleWriteError(x, c, f, s, NULL); ExitTrace1(x, f, s); goto LExit; }
#define ConsoleExitOnFailure2(x, c, f, s, t) if (FAILED(x)) { ConsoleWriteError(x, c, f, s, t); ExitTrace2(x, f, s, t); goto LExit; }
#define ConsoleExitOnFailure3(x, c, f, s, t, u) if (FAILED(x)) { ConsoleWriteError(x, c, f, s, t, u); ExitTrace3(x, f, s, t, u); goto LExit; }
#define ConsoleExitOnLastError(x, c, f) { x = ::GetLastError(); x = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(x); if (FAILED(x)) { ConsoleWriteError(x, c, f); ExitTrace(x, f); goto LExit; } }
#define ConsoleExitOnLastError1(x, c, f, s) { x = ::GetLastError(); x = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(x); if (FAILED(x)) { ConsoleWriteError(x, c, f, s, NULL); ExitTrace1(x, f, s); goto LExit; } }
#define ConsoleExitOnLastError2(x, c, f, s, t) { x = ::GetLastError(); x = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(x); if (FAILED(x)) { ConsoleWriteError(x, c, f, s, t); ExitTrace2(x, f, s, t); goto LExit; } }
#define ConsoleExitOnLastError3(x, c, f, s, t, u) { x = ::GetLastError(); x = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(x); if (FAILED(x)) { ConsoleWriteError(x, c, f, s, t, u); ExitTrace3(x, f, s, t, u); goto LExit; } }
#define ConsoleExitOnNull(p, x, e, c, f) if (NULL == p) { x = e; ConsoleWriteError(x, c, f); ExitTrace(x, f); goto LExit; }
#define ConsoleExitOnNull1(p, x, e, c, f, s) if (NULL == p) { x = e; ConsoleWriteError(x, c, f, s, NULL); ExitTrace1(x, f, s); goto LExit; }
#define ConsoleExitOnNull2(p, x, e, c, f, s, t) if (NULL == p) { x = e; ConsoleWriteError(x, c, f, s, t); ExitTrace2(x, f, s, t); goto LExit; }
#define ConsoleExitOnNull3(p, x, e, c, f, s, t, u) if (NULL == p) { x = e; ConsoleWriteError(x, c, f, s, t, u); ExitTrace2(x, f, s, t, u); goto LExit; }
// the following macros need to go away
#define ConsoleTrace(l, f) { ConsoleWriteLine(CONSOLE_COLOR_NORMAL, f); Trace(l, f); }
#define ConsoleTrace1(l, f, s) { ConsoleWriteLine(CONSOLE_COLOR_NORMAL, f, s); Trace1(l, f, s); }
#define ConsoleTrace2(l, f, s, t) { ConsoleWriteLine(CONSOLE_COLOR_NORMAL, f, s, t); Trace2(l, f, s, t); }
#define ConsoleTrace3(l, f, s, t, u) { ConsoleWriteLine(CONSOLE_COLOR_NORMAL, f, s, t, u); Trace3(l, f, s, t, u); }
#define ConsoleWarning(f) { ConsoleWriteLine(CONSOLE_COLOR_YELLOW, f); Trace(REPORT_STANDARD, f); }
#define ConsoleWarning1(f, s) { ConsoleWriteLine(CONSOLE_COLOR_YELLOW, f, s); Trace1(REPORT_STANDARD, f, s); }
#define ConsoleWarning2(f, s, t) { ConsoleWriteLine(CONSOLE_COLOR_YELLOW, f, s, t); Trace2(REPORT_STANDARD, f, s, t); }
#define ConsoleWarning3(f, s, t, u) { ConsoleWriteLine(CONSOLE_COLOR_YELLOW, f, s, t, u); Trace3(REPORT_STANDARD, f, s, t, u); }
#define ConsoleError(x, f) { ConsoleWriteError(x, CONSOLE_COLOR_RED, f); TraceError(x, f); }
#define ConsoleError1(x, f, s) { ConsoleWriteError(x, CONSOLE_COLOR_RED, f, s); TraceError1(x, f, s); }
#define ConsoleError2(x, f, s, t) { ConsoleWriteError(x, CONSOLE_COLOR_RED, f, s, t); TraceError2(x, f, s, t); }
#define ConsoleError3(x, f, s, t, u) { ConsoleWriteError(x, CONSOLE_COLOR_RED, f, s, t, u); TraceError3(x, f, s, t, u); }
// enums
// structs
// functions
HRESULT DAPI ConsoleInitialize();
void DAPI ConsoleUninitialize();
void DAPI ConsoleGreen();
void DAPI ConsoleRed();
void DAPI ConsoleYellow();
void DAPI ConsoleNormal();
HRESULT DAPI ConsoleWrite(
__in_z __format_string LPCSTR szFormat,
HRESULT DAPI ConsoleWriteLine(
__in_z __format_string LPCSTR szFormat,
HRESULT DAPI ConsoleWriteError(
HRESULT hrError,
__in_z __format_string LPCSTR szFormat,
__deref_out_z LPWSTR* ppwzBuffer
HRESULT DAPI ConsoleReadStringA(
__deref_out_ecount_part(cchCharBuffer,*pcchNumCharReturn) LPSTR* szCharBuffer,
CONST DWORD cchCharBuffer,
__out DWORD* pcchNumCharReturn
HRESULT DAPI ConsoleReadStringW(
__deref_out_ecount_part(cchCharBuffer,*pcchNumCharReturn) LPWSTR* szCharBuffer,
CONST DWORD cchCharBuffer,
__out DWORD* pcchNumCharReturn
HRESULT DAPI ConsoleReadNonBlockingW(
__deref_out_ecount_opt(*pcchSize) LPWSTR* ppwzBuffer,
__out DWORD* pcchSize,
BOOL fReadLine
HRESULT DAPI ConsoleSetReadHidden(void);
HRESULT DAPI ConsoleSetReadNormal(void);
#ifdef __cplusplus