Fix jqXHR use in unit tests run by CI

When running our unit tests on Sauce via Circle, we POST the test
results back to Circle CI with jQuery, but in 4e2a50f on #653
(build.release-process) "New 2-step release process:
script/{prep,push}" we downgraded the jQuery our tests use
from 1.7.2 to 1.5.2, apparently before jqXHR::always was added.

I figured this out thanks to Sauce's nifty feature of letting you take
over in-progress JS Unit Test sessions, though it was frustrating
because Developer Tools kept closing immediately after opening, as you
can see in the video of the session:
(but if you freeze it at 00:37 you can see the `$.post(...).always is
not a function` that lead to this conclusion)
1 file changed
tree: 20682c759177be3cb0a1dda42fea54e0fe27c304
  1. docs/
  2. script/
  3. src/
  4. test/
  5. .gitattributes
  6. .gitignore
  9. circle.yml
  10. Makefile
  11. mkdocs.yml
  12. package.json
  13. quickstart.html


by Han, Jeanine, and Mary (

MathQuill is a web formula editor designed to make typing math easy and beautiful.

The MathQuill project is supported by its partners. We hold ourselves to a compassionate Code of Conduct.

MathQuill is resuming active development and we‘re committed to getting things running smoothly. Find a dusty corner? Let us know in Slack. (Prefer IRC? We’re #mathquill on Freenode.)

Getting Started

MathQuill has a simple interface. This brief example creates a MathQuill element and renders, then reads a given input:

var htmlElement = document.getElementById('some_id');
var config = {
  handlers: { edit: function(){ ... } },
  restrictMismatchedBrackets: true
var mathField = MQ.MathField(htmlElement, config);

mathField.latex('2^{\\frac{3}{2}}'); // Renders the given LaTeX in the MathQuill field
mathField.latex(); // => '2^{\\frac{3}{2}}'

Check out our Getting Started Guide for setup instructions and basic MathQuill usage.


Most documentation for MathQuill is located on ReadTheDocs.

Some older documentation still exists on the Wiki.

Open-Source License

The Source Code Form of MathQuill is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0:

The quick-and-dirty is you can do whatever if modifications to MathQuill are in public GitHub forks. (Other ways to publicize modifications are also fine, as are private use modifications. See also: MPL 2.0 FAQ)