blob: d0597652d1d849b8023d553cd1e34579fb9f231a [file] [log] [blame]
* Commands and Operators.
var scale, // = function(jQ, x, y) { ... }
//will use a CSS 2D transform to scale the jQuery-wrapped HTML elements,
//or the filter matrix transform fallback for IE 5.5-8, or gracefully degrade to
//increasing the fontSize to match the vertical Y scaling factor.
//ideas from
//see also
forceIERedraw = noop,
div = document.createElement('div'),
div_style =,
transformPropNames = {
for (var prop in transformPropNames) {
if (prop in div_style) {
transformPropName = prop;
if (transformPropName) {
scale = function(jQ, x, y) {
jQ.css(transformPropName, 'scale('+x+','+y+')');
else if ('filter' in div_style) { //IE 6, 7, & 8 fallback, see
forceIERedraw = function(el){ el.className = el.className; };
scale = function(jQ, x, y) { //NOTE: assumes y > x
x /= (1+(y-1)/2);
jQ.css('fontSize', y + 'em');
if (!jQ.hasClass('mq-matrixed-container')) {
.wrapInner('<span class="mq-matrixed"></span>');
var innerjQ = jQ.children()
.css('filter', 'progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft'
+ '.Matrix(M11=' + x + ",SizingMethod='auto expand')"
function calculateMarginRight() {
jQ.css('marginRight', (innerjQ.width()-1)*(x-1)/x + 'px');
var intervalId = setInterval(calculateMarginRight);
$(window).load(function() {
else {
scale = function(jQ, x, y) {
jQ.css('fontSize', y + 'em');
var Style = P(MathCommand, function(_, super_) {
_.init = function(ctrlSeq, tagName, attrs) {, ctrlSeq, '<'+tagName+' '+attrs+'>&0</'+tagName+'>');
LatexCmds.mathrm = bind(Style, '\\mathrm', 'span', 'class="mq-roman mq-font"');
LatexCmds.mathit = bind(Style, '\\mathit', 'i', 'class="mq-font"');
LatexCmds.mathbf = bind(Style, '\\mathbf', 'b', 'class="mq-font"');
LatexCmds.mathsf = bind(Style, '\\mathsf', 'span', 'class="mq-sans-serif mq-font"');
LatexCmds.mathtt = bind(Style, '\\mathtt', 'span', 'class="mq-monospace mq-font"');
LatexCmds.underline = bind(Style, '\\underline', 'span', 'class="mq-non-leaf mq-underline"');
LatexCmds.overline = = bind(Style, '\\overline', 'span', 'class="mq-non-leaf mq-overline"');
LatexCmds.overrightarrow = bind(Style, '\\overrightarrow', 'span', 'class="mq-non-leaf mq-overarrow mq-arrow-right"');
LatexCmds.overleftarrow = bind(Style, '\\overleftarrow', 'span', 'class="mq-non-leaf mq-overarrow mq-arrow-left"');
// `\textcolor{color}{math}` will apply a color to the given math content, where
// `color` is any valid CSS Color Value (see [SitePoint docs][] (recommended),
// [Mozilla docs][], or [W3C spec][]).
// [SitePoint docs]:
// [Mozilla docs]:
// [W3C spec]:
var TextColor = LatexCmds.textcolor = P(MathCommand, function(_, super_) {
_.setColor = function(color) {
this.color = color;
this.htmlTemplate =
'<span class="mq-textcolor" style="color:' + color + '">&0</span>';
_.latex = function() {
return '\\textcolor{' + this.color + '}{' + this.blocks[0].latex() + '}';
_.parser = function() {
var self = this;
var optWhitespace = Parser.optWhitespace;
var string = Parser.string;
var regex = Parser.regex;
return optWhitespace
.then(function(color) {
_.isStyleBlock = function() {
return true;
// Very similar to the \textcolor command, but will add the given CSS class.
// Usage: \class{classname}{math}
// Note regex that whitelists valid CSS classname characters:
var Class = LatexCmds['class'] = P(MathCommand, function(_, super_) {
_.parser = function() {
var self = this, string = Parser.string, regex = Parser.regex;
return Parser.optWhitespace
.then(function(cls) {
self.htmlTemplate = '<span class="mq-class '+cls+'">&0</span>';
_.isStyleBlock = function() {
return true;
var SupSub = P(MathCommand, function(_, super_) {
_.ctrlSeq = '_{...}^{...}';
_.createLeftOf = function(cursor) {
if (!this.replacedFragment && !cursor[L] && cursor.options.supSubsRequireOperand) return;
return super_.createLeftOf.apply(this, arguments);
_.contactWeld = function(cursor) {
// Look on either side for a SupSub, if one is found compare my
// .sub, .sup with its .sub, .sup. If I have one that it doesn't,
// then call .addBlock() on it with my block; if I have one that
// it also has, then insert my block's children into its block,
// unless my block has none, in which case insert the cursor into
// its block (and not mine, I'm about to remove myself) in the case
// I was just typed.
// TODO: simplify
// equiv. to [L, R].forEach(function(dir) { ... });
for (var dir = L; dir; dir = (dir === L ? R : false)) {
if (this[dir] instanceof SupSub) {
// equiv. to 'sub sup'.split(' ').forEach(function(supsub) { ... });
for (var supsub = 'sub'; supsub; supsub = (supsub === 'sub' ? 'sup' : false)) {
var src = this[supsub], dest = this[dir][supsub];
if (!src) continue;
if (!dest) this[dir].addBlock(src.disown());
else if (!src.isEmpty()) { // ins src children at -dir end of dest
src.jQ.children().insAtDirEnd(-dir, dest.jQ);
var children = src.children().disown();
var pt = Point(dest, children.ends[R], dest.ends[L]);
if (dir === L) children.adopt(dest, dest.ends[R], 0);
else children.adopt(dest, 0, dest.ends[L]);
else var pt = Point(dest, 0, dest.ends[L]);
this.placeCursor = (function(dest, src) { // TODO: don't monkey-patch
return function(cursor) { cursor.insAtDirEnd(-dir, dest || src); };
}(dest, src));
if (cursor && cursor[L] === this) {
if (dir === R && pt) {
pt[L] ? cursor.insRightOf(pt[L]) : cursor.insAtLeftEnd(pt.parent);
else cursor.insRightOf(this[dir]);
Options.p.charsThatBreakOutOfSupSub = '';
_.finalizeTree = function() {
this.ends[L].write = function(cursor, ch) {
if (cursor.options.autoSubscriptNumerals && this === this.parent.sub) {
if (ch === '_') return;
var cmd = this.chToCmd(ch, cursor.options);
if (cmd instanceof Symbol) cursor.deleteSelection();
else cursor.clearSelection().insRightOf(this.parent);
return cmd.createLeftOf(;
if (cursor[L] && !cursor[R] && !cursor.selection
&& cursor.options.charsThatBreakOutOfSupSub.indexOf(ch) > -1) {
MathBlock.p.write.apply(this, arguments);
_.moveTowards = function(dir, cursor, updown) {
if (cursor.options.autoSubscriptNumerals && !this.sup) {
cursor.insDirOf(dir, this);
else super_.moveTowards.apply(this, arguments);
_.deleteTowards = function(dir, cursor) {
if (cursor.options.autoSubscriptNumerals && this.sub) {
var cmd = this.sub.ends[-dir];
if (cmd instanceof Symbol) cmd.remove();
else if (cmd) cmd.deleteTowards(dir, cursor.insAtDirEnd(-dir, this.sub));
// TODO: factor out a .removeBlock() or something
if (this.sub.isEmpty()) {
this.sub.deleteOutOf(L, cursor.insAtLeftEnd(this.sub));
if (this.sup) cursor.insDirOf(-dir, this);
// Note `-dir` because in e.g. x_1^2| want backspacing (leftward)
// to delete the 1 but to end up rightward of x^2; with non-negated
// `dir` (try it), the cursor appears to have gone "through" the ^2.
else super_.deleteTowards.apply(this, arguments);
_.latex = function() {
function latex(prefix, block) {
var l = block && block.latex();
return block ? prefix + (l.length === 1 ? l : '{' + (l || ' ') + '}') : '';
return latex('_', this.sub) + latex('^', this.sup);
_.addBlock = function(block) {
if (this.supsub === 'sub') {
this.sup = this.upInto = this.sub.upOutOf = block;
block.adopt(this, this.sub, 0).downOutOf = this.sub;
block.jQ = $('<span class="mq-sup"/>').append(block.jQ.children())
else {
this.sub = this.downInto = this.sup.downOutOf = block;
block.adopt(this, 0, this.sup).upOutOf = this.sup;
block.jQ = $('<span class="mq-sub"></span>').append(block.jQ.children())
this.jQ.append('<span style="display:inline-block;width:0">&#8203;</span>');
// like 'sub sup'.split(' ').forEach(function(supsub) { ... });
for (var i = 0; i < 2; i += 1) (function(cmd, supsub, oppositeSupsub, updown) {
cmd[supsub].deleteOutOf = function(dir, cursor) {
cursor.insDirOf((this[dir] ? -dir : dir), this.parent);
if (!this.isEmpty()) {
var end = this.ends[dir];
.withDirAdopt(dir, cursor.parent, cursor[dir], cursor[-dir])
.jQ.insDirOf(-dir, cursor.jQ);
cursor[-dir] = end;
cmd.supsub = oppositeSupsub;
delete cmd[supsub];
delete cmd[updown+'Into'];
cmd[oppositeSupsub][updown+'OutOf'] = insLeftOfMeUnlessAtEnd;
delete cmd[oppositeSupsub].deleteOutOf;
if (supsub === 'sub') $(cmd.jQ.addClass('mq-sup-only')[0].lastChild).remove();
}(this, 'sub sup'.split(' ')[i], 'sup sub'.split(' ')[i], 'down up'.split(' ')[i]));
function insLeftOfMeUnlessAtEnd(cursor) {
// cursor.insLeftOf(cmd), unless cursor at the end of block, and every
// ancestor cmd is at the end of every ancestor block
var cmd = this.parent, ancestorCmd = cursor;
do {
if (ancestorCmd[R]) return cursor.insLeftOf(cmd);
ancestorCmd = ancestorCmd.parent.parent;
} while (ancestorCmd !== cmd);
LatexCmds.subscript =
LatexCmds._ = P(SupSub, function(_, super_) {
_.supsub = 'sub';
_.htmlTemplate =
'<span class="mq-supsub mq-non-leaf">'
+ '<span class="mq-sub">&0</span>'
+ '<span style="display:inline-block;width:0">&#8203;</span>'
+ '</span>'
_.textTemplate = [ '_' ];
_.finalizeTree = function() {
this.downInto = this.sub = this.ends[L];
this.sub.upOutOf = insLeftOfMeUnlessAtEnd;;
LatexCmds.superscript =
LatexCmds.supscript =
LatexCmds['^'] = P(SupSub, function(_, super_) {
_.supsub = 'sup';
_.htmlTemplate =
'<span class="mq-supsub mq-non-leaf mq-sup-only">'
+ '<span class="mq-sup">&0</span>'
+ '</span>'
_.textTemplate = [ '^' ];
_.finalizeTree = function() {
this.upInto = this.sup = this.ends[R];
this.sup.downOutOf = insLeftOfMeUnlessAtEnd;;
var SummationNotation = P(MathCommand, function(_, super_) {
_.init = function(ch, html) {
var htmlTemplate =
'<span class="mq-large-operator mq-non-leaf">'
+ '<span class="mq-to"><span>&1</span></span>'
+ '<big>'+html+'</big>'
+ '<span class="mq-from"><span>&0</span></span>'
+ '</span>'
;, ch, htmlTemplate);
_.createLeftOf = function(cursor) {
super_.createLeftOf.apply(this, arguments);
if (cursor.options.sumStartsWithNEquals) {
_.latex = function() {
function simplify(latex) {
return latex.length === 1 ? latex : '{' + (latex || ' ') + '}';
return this.ctrlSeq + '_' + simplify(this.ends[L].latex()) +
'^' + simplify(this.ends[R].latex());
_.parser = function() {
var string = Parser.string;
var optWhitespace = Parser.optWhitespace;
var succeed = Parser.succeed;
var block = latexMathParser.block;
var self = this;
var blocks = self.blocks = [ MathBlock(), MathBlock() ];
for (var i = 0; i < blocks.length; i += 1) {
blocks[i].adopt(self, self.ends[R], 0);
return optWhitespace.then(string('_').or(string('^'))).then(function(supOrSub) {
var child = blocks[supOrSub === '_' ? 0 : 1];
return block.then(function(block) {
block.children().adopt(child, child.ends[R], 0);
return succeed(self);
_.finalizeTree = function() {
this.downInto = this.ends[L];
this.upInto = this.ends[R];
this.ends[L].upOutOf = this.ends[R];
this.ends[R].downOutOf = this.ends[L];
LatexCmds['∑'] =
LatexCmds.sum =
LatexCmds.summation = bind(SummationNotation,'\\sum ','&sum;');
LatexCmds['∏'] = =
LatexCmds.product = bind(SummationNotation,'\\prod ','&prod;');
LatexCmds.coprod =
LatexCmds.coproduct = bind(SummationNotation,'\\coprod ','&#8720;');
LatexCmds['∫'] =
LatexCmds['int'] =
LatexCmds.integral = P(SummationNotation, function(_, super_) {
_.init = function() {
var htmlTemplate =
'<span class="mq-int mq-non-leaf">'
+ '<big>&int;</big>'
+ '<span class="mq-supsub mq-non-leaf">'
+ '<span class="mq-sup"><span class="mq-sup-inner">&1</span></span>'
+ '<span class="mq-sub">&0</span>'
+ '<span style="display:inline-block;width:0">&#8203</span>'
+ '</span>'
+ '</span>'
;, '\\int ', htmlTemplate);
// FIXME: refactor rather than overriding
_.createLeftOf = MathCommand.p.createLeftOf;
var Fraction =
LatexCmds.frac =
LatexCmds.dfrac =
LatexCmds.cfrac =
LatexCmds.fraction = P(MathCommand, function(_, super_) {
_.ctrlSeq = '\\frac';
_.htmlTemplate =
'<span class="mq-fraction mq-non-leaf">'
+ '<span class="mq-numerator">&0</span>'
+ '<span class="mq-denominator">&1</span>'
+ '<span style="display:inline-block;width:0">&#8203;</span>'
+ '</span>'
_.textTemplate = ['(', ')/(', ')'];
_.finalizeTree = function() {
this.upInto = this.ends[R].upOutOf = this.ends[L];
this.downInto = this.ends[L].downOutOf = this.ends[R];
var LiveFraction =
LatexCmds.over =
CharCmds['/'] = P(Fraction, function(_, super_) {
_.createLeftOf = function(cursor) {
if (!this.replacedFragment) {
var leftward = cursor[L];
while (leftward &&
leftward instanceof BinaryOperator ||
leftward instanceof (LatexCmds.text || noop) ||
leftward instanceof SummationNotation ||
leftward.ctrlSeq === '\\ ' ||
) //lookbehind for operator
) leftward = leftward[L];
if (leftward instanceof SummationNotation && leftward[R] instanceof SupSub) {
leftward = leftward[R];
if (leftward[R] instanceof SupSub && leftward[R].ctrlSeq != leftward.ctrlSeq)
leftward = leftward[R];
if (leftward !== cursor[L]) {
this.replaces(Fragment(leftward[R] || cursor.parent.ends[L], cursor[L]));
cursor[L] = leftward;
}, cursor);
var SquareRoot =
LatexCmds.sqrt =
LatexCmds['√'] = P(MathCommand, function(_, super_) {
_.ctrlSeq = '\\sqrt';
_.htmlTemplate =
'<span class="mq-non-leaf">'
+ '<span class="mq-scaled mq-sqrt-prefix">&radic;</span>'
+ '<span class="mq-non-leaf mq-sqrt-stem">&0</span>'
+ '</span>'
_.textTemplate = ['sqrt(', ')'];
_.parser = function() {
return latexMathParser.optBlock.then(function(optBlock) {
return {
var nthroot = NthRoot();
nthroot.blocks = [ optBlock, block ];
optBlock.adopt(nthroot, 0, 0);
block.adopt(nthroot, optBlock, 0);
return nthroot;
_.reflow = function() {
var block = this.ends[R].jQ;
scale(block.prev(), 1, block.innerHeight()/+block.css('fontSize').slice(0,-2) - .1);
var Hat = LatexCmds.hat = P(MathCommand, function(_, super_) {
_.ctrlSeq = '\\hat';
_.htmlTemplate =
'<span class="mq-non-leaf">'
+ '<span class="mq-hat-prefix">^</span>'
+ '<span class="mq-hat-stem">&0</span>'
+ '</span>'
_.textTemplate = ['hat(', ')'];
var NthRoot =
LatexCmds.nthroot = P(SquareRoot, function(_, super_) {
_.htmlTemplate =
'<sup class="mq-nthroot mq-non-leaf">&0</sup>'
+ '<span class="mq-scaled">'
+ '<span class="mq-sqrt-prefix mq-scaled">&radic;</span>'
+ '<span class="mq-sqrt-stem mq-non-leaf">&1</span>'
+ '</span>'
_.textTemplate = ['sqrt[', '](', ')'];
_.latex = function() {
return '\\sqrt['+this.ends[L].latex()+']{'+this.ends[R].latex()+'}';
var DiacriticAbove = P(MathCommand, function(_, super_) {
_.init = function(ctrlSeq, symbol, textTemplate) {
var htmlTemplate =
'<span class="mq-non-leaf">'
+ '<span class="mq-diacritic-above">'+symbol+'</span>'
+ '<span class="mq-diacritic-stem">&0</span>'
+ '</span>'
;, ctrlSeq, htmlTemplate, textTemplate);
LatexCmds.vec = bind(DiacriticAbove, '\\vec', '&rarr;', ['vec(', ')']);
LatexCmds.tilde = bind(DiacriticAbove, '\\tilde', '~', ['tilde(', ')']);
function DelimsMixin(_, super_) {
_.jQadd = function() {
super_.jQadd.apply(this, arguments);
this.delimjQs = this.jQ.children(':first').add(this.jQ.children(':last'));
this.contentjQ = this.jQ.children(':eq(1)');
_.reflow = function() {
var height = this.contentjQ.outerHeight()
/ parseFloat(this.contentjQ.css('fontSize'));
scale(this.delimjQs, min(1 + .2*(height - 1), 1.2), 1.2*height);
// Round/Square/Curly/Angle Brackets (aka Parens/Brackets/Braces)
// first typed as one-sided bracket with matching "ghost" bracket at
// far end of current block, until you type an opposing one
var Bracket = P(P(MathCommand, DelimsMixin), function(_, super_) {
_.init = function(side, open, close, ctrlSeq, end) {, '\\left'+ctrlSeq, undefined, [open, close]);
this.side = side;
this.sides = {};
this.sides[L] = { ch: open, ctrlSeq: ctrlSeq };
this.sides[R] = { ch: close, ctrlSeq: end };
_.numBlocks = function() { return 1; };
_.html = function() { // wait until now so that .side may
this.htmlTemplate = // be set by createLeftOf or parser
'<span class="mq-non-leaf">'
+ '<span class="mq-scaled mq-paren'+(this.side === R ? ' mq-ghost' : '')+'">'
+ this.sides[L].ch
+ '</span>'
+ '<span class="mq-non-leaf">&0</span>'
+ '<span class="mq-scaled mq-paren'+(this.side === L ? ' mq-ghost' : '')+'">'
+ this.sides[R].ch
+ '</span>'
+ '</span>'
_.latex = function() {
return '\\left'+this.sides[L].ctrlSeq+this.ends[L].latex()+'\\right'+this.sides[R].ctrlSeq;
_.oppBrack = function(opts, node, expectedSide) {
// return node iff it's a 1-sided bracket of expected side (if any, may be
// undefined), and of opposite side from me if I'm not a pipe
return node instanceof Bracket && node.side && node.side !== -expectedSide
&& (this.sides[this.side].ch === '|' || node.side === -this.side)
&& (!opts.restrictMismatchedBrackets
|| OPP_BRACKS[this.sides[this.side].ch] === node.sides[node.side].ch
|| { '(': ']', '[': ')' }[this.sides[L].ch] === node.sides[R].ch) && node;
_.closeOpposing = function(brack) {
brack.side = 0;
brack.sides[this.side] = this.sides[this.side]; // copy over my info (may be
brack.delimjQs.eq(this.side === L ? 0 : 1) // mismatched, like [a, b))
_.createLeftOf = function(cursor) {
if (!this.replacedFragment) { // unless wrapping seln in brackets,
// check if next to or inside an opposing one-sided bracket
// (must check both sides 'cos I might be a pipe)
var opts = cursor.options;
var brack = this.oppBrack(opts, cursor[L], L)
|| this.oppBrack(opts, cursor[R], R)
|| this.oppBrack(opts, cursor.parent.parent);
if (brack) {
var side = this.side = -brack.side; // may be pipe with .side not yet set
if (brack === cursor.parent.parent && cursor[side]) { // move the stuff between
Fragment(cursor[side], cursor.parent.ends[side], -side) // me and ghost outside
.disown().withDirAdopt(-side, brack.parent, brack, brack[side])
.jQ.insDirOf(side, brack.jQ);
else {
brack = this, side = brack.side;
if (brack.replacedFragment) brack.side = 0; // wrapping seln, don't be one-sided
else if (cursor[-side]) { // elsewise, auto-expand so ghost is at far end
brack.replaces(Fragment(cursor[-side], cursor.parent.ends[-side], side));
cursor[-side] = 0;
}, cursor);
if (side === L) cursor.insAtLeftEnd(brack.ends[L]);
else cursor.insRightOf(brack);
_.placeCursor = noop;
_.unwrap = function() {
this.ends[L].children().disown().adopt(this.parent, this, this[R])
_.deleteSide = function(side, outward, cursor) {
var parent = this.parent, sib = this[side], farEnd = parent.ends[side];
if (side === this.side) { // deleting non-ghost of one-sided bracket, unwrap
sib ? cursor.insDirOf(-side, sib) : cursor.insAtDirEnd(side, parent);
var opts = cursor.options, wasSolid = !this.side;
this.side = -side;
// if deleting like, outer close-brace of [(1+2)+3} where inner open-paren
if (this.oppBrack(opts, this.ends[L].ends[this.side], side)) { // is ghost,
this.closeOpposing(this.ends[L].ends[this.side]); // then become [1+2)+3
var origEnd = this.ends[L].ends[side];
if (origEnd.siblingCreated) origEnd.siblingCreated(cursor.options, side);
sib ? cursor.insDirOf(-side, sib) : cursor.insAtDirEnd(side, parent);
else { // if deleting like, inner close-brace of ([1+2}+3) where outer
if (this.oppBrack(opts, this.parent.parent, side)) { // open-paren is
this.parent.parent.closeOpposing(this); // ghost, then become [1+2+3)
} // else if deleting outward from a solid pair, unwrap
else if (outward && wasSolid) {
sib ? cursor.insDirOf(-side, sib) : cursor.insAtDirEnd(side, parent);
else { // else deleting just one of a pair of brackets, become one-sided
this.sides[side] = { ch: OPP_BRACKS[this.sides[this.side].ch],
ctrlSeq: OPP_BRACKS[this.sides[this.side].ctrlSeq] };
.eq(side === L ? 0 : 1).addClass('mq-ghost').html(this.sides[side].ch);
if (sib) { // auto-expand so ghost is at far end
var origEnd = this.ends[L].ends[side];
Fragment(sib, farEnd, -side).disown()
.withDirAdopt(-side, this.ends[L], origEnd, 0)
.jQ.insAtDirEnd(side, this.ends[L].jQ.removeClass('mq-empty'));
if (origEnd.siblingCreated) origEnd.siblingCreated(cursor.options, side);
cursor.insDirOf(-side, sib);
} // didn't auto-expand, cursor goes just outside or just inside parens
else (outward ? cursor.insDirOf(side, this)
: cursor.insAtDirEnd(side, this.ends[L]));
_.deleteTowards = function(dir, cursor) {
this.deleteSide(-dir, false, cursor);
_.finalizeTree = function() {
this.ends[L].deleteOutOf = function(dir, cursor) {
this.parent.deleteSide(dir, true, cursor);
// FIXME HACK: after initial creation/insertion, finalizeTree would only be
// called if the paren is selected and replaced, e.g. by LiveFraction
this.finalizeTree = this.intentionalBlur = function() {
this.delimjQs.eq(this.side === L ? 1 : 0).removeClass('mq-ghost');
this.side = 0;
_.siblingCreated = function(opts, dir) { // if something typed between ghost and far
if (dir === -this.side) this.finalizeTree(); // end of its block, solidify
var OPP_BRACKS = {
'(': ')',
')': '(',
'[': ']',
']': '[',
'{': '}',
'}': '{',
'\\{': '\\}',
'\\}': '\\{',
'&lang;': '&rang;',
'&rang;': '&lang;',
'\\langle ': '\\rangle ',
'\\rangle ': '\\langle ',
'|': '|',
'\\lVert ' : '\\rVert ',
'\\rVert ' : '\\lVert ',
function bindCharBracketPair(open, ctrlSeq) {
var ctrlSeq = ctrlSeq || open, close = OPP_BRACKS[open], end = OPP_BRACKS[ctrlSeq];
CharCmds[open] = bind(Bracket, L, open, close, ctrlSeq, end);
CharCmds[close] = bind(Bracket, R, open, close, ctrlSeq, end);
bindCharBracketPair('{', '\\{');
LatexCmds.langle = bind(Bracket, L, '&lang;', '&rang;', '\\langle ', '\\rangle ');
LatexCmds.rangle = bind(Bracket, R, '&lang;', '&rang;', '\\langle ', '\\rangle ');
CharCmds['|'] = bind(Bracket, L, '|', '|', '|', '|');
LatexCmds.lVert = bind(Bracket, L, '&#8741;', '&#8741;', '\\lVert ', '\\rVert ');
LatexCmds.rVert = bind(Bracket, R, '&#8741;', '&#8741;', '\\lVert ', '\\rVert ');
LatexCmds.left = P(MathCommand, function(_) {
_.parser = function() {
var regex = Parser.regex;
var string = Parser.string;
var succeed = Parser.succeed;
var optWhitespace = Parser.optWhitespace;
return optWhitespace.then(regex(/^(?:[([|]|\\\{|\\langle\b|\\lVert\b)/))
.then(function(ctrlSeq) {
var open = (ctrlSeq.charAt(0) === '\\' ? ctrlSeq.slice(1) : ctrlSeq);
if (ctrlSeq=="\\langle") { open = '&lang;'; ctrlSeq = ctrlSeq + ' '; }
if (ctrlSeq=="\\lVert") { open = '&#8741;'; ctrlSeq = ctrlSeq + ' '; }
return latexMathParser.then(function (block) {
return string('\\right').skip(optWhitespace)
.then(regex(/^(?:[\])|]|\\\}|\\rangle\b|\\rVert\b)/)).map(function(end) {
var close = (end.charAt(0) === '\\' ? end.slice(1) : end);
if (end=="\\rangle") { close = '&rang;'; end = end + ' '; }
if (end=="\\rVert") { close = '&#8741;'; end = end + ' '; }
var cmd = Bracket(0, open, close, ctrlSeq, end);
cmd.blocks = [ block ];
block.adopt(cmd, 0, 0);
return cmd;
LatexCmds.right = P(MathCommand, function(_) {
_.parser = function() {
return'unmatched \\right');
var Binomial =
LatexCmds.binom =
LatexCmds.binomial = P(P(MathCommand, DelimsMixin), function(_, super_) {
_.ctrlSeq = '\\binom';
_.htmlTemplate =
'<span class="mq-non-leaf">'
+ '<span class="mq-paren mq-scaled">(</span>'
+ '<span class="mq-non-leaf">'
+ '<span class="mq-array mq-non-leaf">'
+ '<span>&0</span>'
+ '<span>&1</span>'
+ '</span>'
+ '</span>'
+ '<span class="mq-paren mq-scaled">)</span>'
+ '</span>'
_.textTemplate = ['choose(',',',')'];
var Choose =
LatexCmds.choose = P(Binomial, function(_) {
_.createLeftOf = LiveFraction.prototype.createLeftOf;
LatexCmds.editable = // backcompat with before cfd3620 on #233
LatexCmds.MathQuillMathField = P(MathCommand, function(_, super_) {
_.ctrlSeq = '\\MathQuillMathField';
_.htmlTemplate =
'<span class="mq-editable-field">'
+ '<span class="mq-root-block">&0</span>'
+ '</span>'
_.parser = function() {
var self = this,
string = Parser.string, regex = Parser.regex, succeed = Parser.succeed;
return string('[').then(regex(/^[a-z][a-z0-9]*/i)).skip(string(']'))
.map(function(name) { = name; }).or(succeed())
_.finalizeTree = function(options) {
var ctrlr = Controller(this.ends[L], this.jQ, options);
ctrlr.KIND_OF_MQ = 'MathField';
ctrlr.editable = true;
_.registerInnerField = function(innerFields, MathField) {
innerFields.push(innerFields[] = MathField(this.ends[L].controller));
_.latex = function(){ return this.ends[L].latex(); };
_.text = function(){ return this.ends[L].text(); };
// Embed arbitrary things
// Probably the closest DOM analogue would be an iframe?
// From MathQuill's perspective, it's a Symbol, it can be
// anywhere and the cursor can go around it but never in it.
// Create by calling public API method .dropEmbedded(),
// or by calling the global public API method .registerEmbed()
// and rendering LaTeX like \embed{registeredName} (see test).
var Embed = LatexCmds.embed = P(Symbol, function(_, super_) {
_.setOptions = function(options) {
function noop () { return ""; }
this.text = options.text || noop;
this.htmlTemplate = options.htmlString || "";
this.latex = options.latex || noop;
return this;
_.parser = function() {
var self = this,
string = Parser.string, regex = Parser.regex, succeed = Parser.succeed;
return string('{').then(regex(/^[a-z][a-z0-9]*/i)).skip(string('}'))
.then(function(name) {
// the chars allowed in the optional data block are arbitrary other than
// excluding curly braces and square brackets (which'd be too confusing)
return string('[').then(regex(/^[-\w\s]*/)).skip(string(']'))
.or(succeed()).map(function(data) {
return self.setOptions(EMBEDS[name](data));