blob: 47a465e560569135d5cd3506eedfe9af3074a870 [file] [log] [blame]
* Abstract classes of text blocks
* Blocks of plain text, with one or two TextPiece's as children.
* Represents flat strings of typically serif-font Roman characters, as
* opposed to hierchical, nested, tree-structured math.
* Wraps a single HTMLSpanElement.
var TextBlock = P(Node, function(_, super_) {
_.ctrlSeq = '\\text';
_.replaces = function(replacedText) {
if (replacedText instanceof Fragment)
this.replacedText = replacedText.remove().jQ.text();
else if (typeof replacedText === 'string')
this.replacedText = replacedText;
_.jQadd = function(jQ) {, jQ);
if (this.ends[L]) this.ends[L].jQadd(this.jQ[0].firstChild);
_.createLeftOf = function(cursor) {
var textBlock = this;, cursor);
if (textBlock[R].siblingCreated) textBlock[R].siblingCreated(cursor.options, L);
if (textBlock[L].siblingCreated) textBlock[L].siblingCreated(cursor.options, R);
if (textBlock.replacedText)
for (var i = 0; i < textBlock.replacedText.length; i += 1)
textBlock.write(cursor, textBlock.replacedText.charAt(i));
_.parser = function() {
var textBlock = this;
// TODO: correctly parse text mode
var string = Parser.string;
var regex = Parser.regex;
var optWhitespace = Parser.optWhitespace;
return optWhitespace
.map(function(text) {
// TODO: is this the correct behavior when parsing
// the latex \text{} ? This violates the requirement that
// the text contents are always nonempty. Should we just
// disown the parent node instead?
TextPiece(text).adopt(textBlock, 0, 0);
return textBlock;
_.textContents = function() {
return this.foldChildren('', function(text, child) {
return text + child.text;
_.text = function() { return '"' + this.textContents() + '"'; };
_.latex = function() { return '\\text{' + this.textContents() + '}'; };
_.html = function() {
return (
'<span class="mq-text-mode" mathquill-command-id=''>'
+ this.textContents()
+ '</span>'
// editability methods: called by the cursor for editing, cursor movements,
// and selection of the MathQuill tree, these all take in a direction and
// the cursor
_.moveTowards = function(dir, cursor) { cursor.insAtDirEnd(-dir, this); };
_.moveOutOf = function(dir, cursor) { cursor.insDirOf(dir, this); };
_.unselectInto = _.moveTowards;
// TODO: make these methods part of a shared mixin or something.
_.selectTowards = MathCommand.prototype.selectTowards;
_.deleteTowards = MathCommand.prototype.deleteTowards;
_.selectOutOf = function(dir, cursor) {
cursor.insDirOf(dir, this);
_.deleteOutOf = function(dir, cursor) {
// backspace and delete at ends of block don't unwrap
if (this.isEmpty()) cursor.insRightOf(this);
_.write = function(cursor, ch) {;
if (ch !== '$') {
if (!cursor[L]) TextPiece(ch).createLeftOf(cursor);
else cursor[L].appendText(ch);
else if (this.isEmpty()) {
else if (!cursor[R]) cursor.insRightOf(this);
else if (!cursor[L]) cursor.insLeftOf(this);
else { // split apart
var leftBlock = TextBlock();
var leftPc = this.ends[L];
leftPc.adopt(leftBlock, 0, 0);
cursor.insLeftOf(this);, cursor);
}; = function(pageX, cursor) {
var textPc = fuseChildren(this);
// insert cursor at approx position in DOMTextNode
var avgChWidth = this.jQ.width()/this.text.length;
var approxPosition = Math.round((pageX - this.jQ.offset().left)/avgChWidth);
if (approxPosition <= 0) cursor.insAtLeftEnd(this);
else if (approxPosition >= textPc.text.length) cursor.insAtRightEnd(this);
else cursor.insLeftOf(textPc.splitRight(approxPosition));
// move towards mousedown (pageX)
var displ = pageX -; // displacement
var dir = displ && displ < 0 ? L : R;
var prevDispl = dir;
// displ * prevDispl > 0 iff displacement direction === previous direction
while (cursor[dir] && displ * prevDispl > 0) {
cursor[dir].moveTowards(dir, cursor);
prevDispl = displ;
displ = pageX - cursor.offset().left;
if (dir*displ < -dir*prevDispl) cursor[-dir].moveTowards(-dir, cursor);
if (!cursor.anticursor) {
// about to start mouse-selecting, the anticursor is gonna get put here
this.anticursorPosition = cursor[L] && cursor[L].text.length;
// ^ get it? 'cos if there's no cursor[L], it's 0... I'm a terrible person.
else if (cursor.anticursor.parent === this) {
// mouse-selecting within this TextBlock, re-insert the anticursor
var cursorPosition = cursor[L] && cursor[L].text.length;;
if (this.anticursorPosition === cursorPosition) {
cursor.anticursor = Point.copy(cursor);
else {
if (this.anticursorPosition < cursorPosition) {
var newTextPc = cursor[L].splitRight(this.anticursorPosition);
cursor[L] = newTextPc;
else {
var newTextPc = cursor[R].splitRight(this.anticursorPosition - cursorPosition);
cursor.anticursor = Point(this, newTextPc[L], newTextPc);
_.blur = function() {;
function fuseChildren(self) {
var textPcDom = self.jQ[0].firstChild;
var textPc = TextPiece(;
return textPc.adopt(self, 0, 0);
_.focus = MathBlock.prototype.focus;
* Piece of plain text, with a TextBlock as a parent and no children.
* Wraps a single DOMTextNode.
* For convenience, has a .text property that's just a JavaScript string
* mirroring the text contents of the DOMTextNode.
* Text contents must always be nonempty.
var TextPiece = P(Node, function(_, super_) {
_.init = function(text) {;
this.text = text;
_.jQadd = function(dom) { this.dom = dom; this.jQ = $(dom); };
_.jQize = function() {
return this.jQadd(document.createTextNode(this.text));
_.appendText = function(text) {
this.text += text;
_.prependText = function(text) {
this.text = text + this.text;
this.dom.insertData(0, text);
_.insTextAtDirEnd = function(text, dir) {
if (dir === R) this.appendText(text);
else this.prependText(text);
_.splitRight = function(i) {
var newPc = TextPiece(this.text.slice(i)).adopt(this.parent, this, this[R]);
this.text = this.text.slice(0, i);
return newPc;
function endChar(dir, text) {
return text.charAt(dir === L ? 0 : -1 + text.length);
_.moveTowards = function(dir, cursor) {
var ch = endChar(-dir, this.text)
var from = this[-dir];
if (from) from.insTextAtDirEnd(ch, dir);
else TextPiece(ch).createDir(-dir, cursor);
return this.deleteTowards(dir, cursor);
_.latex = function() { return this.text; };
_.deleteTowards = function(dir, cursor) {
if (this.text.length > 1) {
if (dir === R) {
this.dom.deleteData(0, 1);
this.text = this.text.slice(1);
else {
// note that the order of these 2 lines is annoyingly important
// (the second line mutates this.text.length)
this.dom.deleteData(-1 + this.text.length, 1);
this.text = this.text.slice(0, -1);
else {
cursor[dir] = this[dir];
_.selectTowards = function(dir, cursor) {
var anticursor = cursor.anticursor;
var ch = endChar(-dir, this.text)
if (anticursor[dir] === this) {
var newPc = TextPiece(ch).createDir(dir, cursor);
anticursor[dir] = newPc;
cursor.insDirOf(dir, newPc);
else {
var from = this[-dir];
if (from) from.insTextAtDirEnd(ch, dir);
else {
var newPc = TextPiece(ch).createDir(-dir, cursor);
newPc.jQ.insDirOf(-dir, cursor.selection.jQ);
if (this.text.length === 1 && anticursor[-dir] === this) {
anticursor[-dir] = this[-dir]; // `this` will be removed in deleteTowards
return this.deleteTowards(dir, cursor);
CharCmds.$ =
LatexCmds.text =
LatexCmds.textnormal =
LatexCmds.textrm =
LatexCmds.textup =
LatexCmds.textmd = TextBlock;
function makeTextBlock(latex, tagName, attrs) {
return P(TextBlock, {
ctrlSeq: latex,
htmlTemplate: '<'+tagName+' '+attrs+'>&0</'+tagName+'>'
LatexCmds.em = LatexCmds.italic = LatexCmds.italics =
LatexCmds.emph = LatexCmds.textit = LatexCmds.textsl =
makeTextBlock('\\textit', 'i', 'class="mq-text-mode"');
LatexCmds.strong = LatexCmds.bold = LatexCmds.textbf =
makeTextBlock('\\textbf', 'b', 'class="mq-text-mode"');
LatexCmds.sf = LatexCmds.textsf =
makeTextBlock('\\textsf', 'span', 'class="mq-sans-serif mq-text-mode"'); = LatexCmds.texttt =
makeTextBlock('\\texttt', 'span', 'class="mq-monospace mq-text-mode"');
LatexCmds.textsc =
makeTextBlock('\\textsc', 'span', 'style="font-variant:small-caps" class="mq-text-mode"');
LatexCmds.uppercase =
makeTextBlock('\\uppercase', 'span', 'style="text-transform:uppercase" class="mq-text-mode"');
LatexCmds.lowercase =
makeTextBlock('\\lowercase', 'span', 'style="text-transform:lowercase" class="mq-text-mode"');
var RootMathCommand = P(MathCommand, function(_, super_) {
_.init = function(cursor) {, '$');
this.cursor = cursor;
_.htmlTemplate = '<span class="mq-math-mode">&0</span>';
_.createBlocks = function() {;
this.ends[L].cursor = this.cursor;
this.ends[L].write = function(cursor, ch) {
if (ch !== '$'), cursor, ch);
else if (this.isEmpty()) {
this.parent.deleteTowards(dir, cursor);
else if (!cursor[R])
else if (!cursor[L])
else, cursor, ch);
_.latex = function() {
return '$' + this.ends[L].latex() + '$';
var RootTextBlock = P(RootMathBlock, function(_, super_) {
_.keystroke = function(key) {
if (key === 'Spacebar' || key === 'Shift-Spacebar') return;
return super_.keystroke.apply(this, arguments);
_.write = function(cursor, ch) {;
if (ch === '$')
else {
var html;
if (ch === '<') html = '&lt;';
else if (ch === '>') html = '&gt;';
VanillaSymbol(ch, html).createLeftOf(cursor);
MathQuill.TextField = APIFnFor(P(EditableField, function(_) {
_.init = function(el) {
el.addClass('mq-editable-field mq-text-mode');
this.initRootAndEvents(RootTextBlock(), el);
_.latex = function(latex) {
if (arguments.length > 0) {
if (this.__controller.blurred) this.__controller.cursor.hide().parent.blur();
return this;
return this.__controller.exportLatex();