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  6. zpool_influxdb.c

Influxdb Metrics for ZFS Pools

The zpool_influxdb program produces influxdb line protocol compatible metrics from zpools. In the UNIX tradition, zpool_influxdb does one thing: read statistics from a pool and print them to stdout. In many ways, this is a metrics-friendly output of statistics normally observed via the zpool command.


When run without arguments, zpool_influxdb runs once, reading data from all imported pools, and prints to stdout.

zpool_influxdb [options] [poolname]

If no poolname is specified, then all pools are sampled.

optionshort optiondescription
--execd-eFor use with telegraf's execd plugin. When [enter] is pressed, the pools are sampled. To exit, use [ctrl+D]
--no-histogram-nDo not print histogram information
--signed-int-iUse signed integer data type (default=unsigned)
--sum-histogram-buckets-sSum histogram bucket values
--tags key=value[,key=value...]-tAdd tags to data points. No tag sanity checking is performed.
--help-hPrint a short usage message

Histogram Bucket Values

The histogram data collected by ZFS is stored as independent bucket values. This works well out-of-the-box with an influxdb data source and grafana's heatmap visualization. The influxdb query for a grafana heatmap visualization looks like:

field(disk_read) last() non_negative_derivative(1s)

Another method for storing histogram data sums the values for lower-value buckets. For example, a latency bucket tagged “le=10” includes the values in the bucket “le=1”. This method is often used for prometheus histograms. The zpool_influxdb --sum-histogram-buckets option presents the data from ZFS as summed values.


The following measurements are collected:

measurementdescriptionzpool equivalent
zpool_statsgeneral size and datazpool list
zpool_scan_statsscrub, rebuild, and resilver statistics (omitted if no scan has been requested)zpool status
zpool_vdev_statsper-vdev statisticszpool iostat -q
zpool_io_sizeper-vdev I/O size histogramzpool iostat -r
zpool_latencyper-vdev I/O latency histogramzpool iostat -w
zpool_vdev_queueper-vdev instantaneous queue depthzpool iostat -q

zpool_stats Description

zpool_stats contains top-level summary statistics for the pool. Performance counters measure the I/Os to the pool's devices.

zpool_stats Tags

namepool name
pathfor leaf vdevs, the pathname
statepool state, as shown by zpool status
vdevvdev name (root = entire pool)

zpool_stats Fields

allocbytesallocated space
freebytesunallocated space
sizebytestotal pool size
read_bytesbytesbytes read since pool import
read_errorscountnumber of read errors
read_opscountnumber of read operations
write_bytesbytesbytes written since pool import
write_errorscountnumber of write errors
write_opscountnumber of write operations

zpool_scan_stats Description

Once a pool has been scrubbed, resilvered, or rebuilt, the zpool_scan_stats contain information about the status and performance of the operation. Otherwise, the zpool_scan_stats do not exist in the kernel, and therefore cannot be reported by this collector.

zpool_scan_stats Tags

namepool name
functionname of the scan function running or recently completed
statescan state, as shown by zpool status

zpool_scan_stats Fields

errorscountnumber of errors encountered by scan
examinedbytestotal data examined during scan
to_examinebytesprediction of total bytes to be scanned
pass_examinedbytesdata examined during current scan pass
issuedbytessize of I/Os issued to disks
pass_issuedbytessize of I/Os issued to disks for current pass
processedbytesdata reconstructed during scan
to_processbytestotal bytes to be repaired
ratebytes/secexamination rate
start_tsepoch timestampstart timestamp for scan
pause_tsepoch timestamptimestamp for a scan pause request
end_tsepoch timestampcompletion timestamp for scan
paused_tsecondselapsed time while paused
remaining_tsecondsestimate of time remaining for scan

zpool_vdev_stats Description

The ZFS I/O (ZIO) scheduler uses five queues to schedule I/Os to each vdev. These queues are further divided into active and pending states. An I/O is pending prior to being issued to the vdev. An active I/O has been issued to the vdev. The scheduler and its tunable parameters are described at the [ZFS documentation for ZIO Scheduler] ( The ZIO scheduler reports the queue depths as gauges where the value represents an instantaneous snapshot of the queue depth at the sample time. Therefore, it is not unusual to see all zeroes for an idle pool.

zpool_vdev_stats Tags

namepool name
vdevvdev name (root = entire pool)

zpool_vdev_stats Fields

sync_r_active_queueentriessynchronous read active queue depth
sync_w_active_queueentriessynchronous write active queue depth
async_r_active_queueentriesasynchronous read active queue depth
async_w_active_queueentriesasynchronous write active queue depth
async_scrub_active_queueentriesasynchronous scrub active queue depth
sync_r_pend_queueentriessynchronous read pending queue depth
sync_w_pend_queueentriessynchronous write pending queue depth
async_r_pend_queueentriesasynchronous read pending queue depth
async_w_pend_queueentriesasynchronous write pending queue depth
async_scrub_pend_queueentriesasynchronous scrub pending queue depth

zpool_latency Histogram

ZFS tracks the latency of each I/O in the ZIO pipeline. This latency can be useful for observing latency-related issues that are not easily observed using the averaged latency statistics.

The histogram fields show cumulative values from lowest to highest. The largest bucket is tagged “le=+Inf”, representing the total count of I/Os by type and vdev.

zpool_latency Histogram Tags

lebucket for histogram, latency is less than or equal to bucket value in seconds
namepool name
pathfor leaf vdevs, the device path name, otherwise omitted
vdevvdev name (root = entire pool)

zpool_latency Histogram Fields

total_readoperationsread operations of all types
total_writeoperationswrite operations of all types
disk_readoperationsdisk read operations
disk_writeoperationsdisk write operations
sync_readoperationsZIO sync reads
sync_writeoperationsZIO sync writes
async_readoperationsZIO async reads
async_writeoperationsZIO async writes
scruboperationsZIO scrub/scan reads
trimoperationsZIO trim (aka unmap) writes

zpool_io_size Histogram

ZFS tracks I/O throughout the ZIO pipeline. The size of each I/O is used to create a histogram of the size by I/O type and vdev. For example, a 4KiB write to mirrored pool will show a 4KiB write to the top-level vdev (root) and a 4KiB write to each of the mirror leaf vdevs.

The ZIO pipeline can aggregate I/O operations. For example, a contiguous series of writes can be aggregated into a single, larger I/O to the leaf vdev. The independent I/O operations reflect the logical operations and the aggregated I/O operations reflect the physical operations.

The histogram fields show cumulative values from lowest to highest. The largest bucket is tagged “le=+Inf”, representing the total count of I/Os by type and vdev.

Note: trim I/Os can be larger than 16MiB, but the larger sizes are accounted in the 16MiB bucket.

zpool_io_size Histogram Tags

lebucket for histogram, I/O size is less than or equal to bucket value in bytes
namepool name
pathfor leaf vdevs, the device path name, otherwise omitted
vdevvdev name (root = entire pool)

zpool_io_size Histogram Fields

sync_read_indblocksindependent sync reads
sync_write_indblocksindependent sync writes
async_read_indblocksindependent async reads
async_write_indblocksindependent async writes
scrub_read_indblocksindependent scrub/scan reads
trim_write_indblocksindependent trim (aka unmap) writes
sync_read_aggblocksaggregated sync reads
sync_write_aggblocksaggregated sync writes
async_read_aggblocksaggregated async reads
async_write_aggblocksaggregated async writes
scrub_read_aggblocksaggregated scrub/scan reads
trim_write_aggblocksaggregated trim (aka unmap) writes

About unsigned integers

Telegraf v1.6.2 and later support unsigned 64-bit integers which more closely matches the uint64_t values used by ZFS. By default, zpool_influxdb uses ZFS' uint64_t values and influxdb line protocol unsigned integer type. If you are using old telegraf or influxdb where unsigned integers are not available, use the --signed-int option.

Using zpool_influxdb

The simplest method is to use the execd input agent in telegraf. For older versions of telegraf which lack execd, the exec input agent can be used. For convenience, one of the sample config files below can be placed in the telegraf config-directory (often /etc/telegraf/telegraf.d). Telegraf can be restarted to read the config-directory files.

Example telegraf execd configuration

# # Read metrics from zpool_influxdb
#   ## default installation location for zpool_influxdb command
  command = ["/usr/libexec/zfs/zpool_influxdb", "--execd"]

    ## Define how the process is signaled on each collection interval.
    ## Valid values are:
    ##   "none"    : Do not signal anything. (Recommended for service inputs)
    ##               The process must output metrics by itself.
    ##   "STDIN"   : Send a newline on STDIN. (Recommended for gather inputs)
    ##   "SIGHUP"  : Send a HUP signal. Not available on Windows. (not recommended)
    ##   "SIGUSR1" : Send a USR1 signal. Not available on Windows.
    ##   "SIGUSR2" : Send a USR2 signal. Not available on Windows.
  signal = "STDIN"

  ## Delay before the process is restarted after an unexpected termination
  restart_delay = "10s"

    ## Data format to consume.
    ## Each data format has its own unique set of configuration options, read
    ## more about them here:
  data_format = "influx"

Example telegraf exec configuration

# # Read metrics from zpool_influxdb
#   ## default installation location for zpool_influxdb command
  commands = ["/usr/libexec/zfs/zpool_influxdb"]
  data_format = "influx"

Caveat Emptor

  • Like the zpool command, zpool_influxdb takes a reader lock on spa_config for each imported pool. If this lock blocks, then the command will also block indefinitely and might be unkillable. This is not a normal condition, but can occur if there are bugs in the kernel modules. For this reason, care should be taken:
    • avoid spawning many of these commands hoping that one might finish
    • avoid frequent updates or short sample time intervals, because the locks can interfere with the performance of other instances of zpool or zpool_influxdb

Other collectors

There are a few other collectors for zpool statistics roaming around the Internet. Many attempt to screen-scrape zpool output in various ways. The screen-scrape method works poorly for zpool output because of its human-friendly nature. Also, they suffer from the same caveats as this implementation. This implementation is optimized for directly collecting the metrics and is much more efficient than the screen-scrapers.

Feedback Encouraged

Pull requests and issues are greatly appreciated at