Update Eigen to: https://gitlab.com/libeigen/eigen/-/commit/853a5c4b843a3f1de5de2a25429eefd62dbd153a


Update Eigen to: https://gitlab.com/libeigen/eigen/-/commit/853a5c4b843a3f1de5de2a25429eefd62dbd153a

Removed `std::hash<Eigen::half>` for MSVC from tensorflow, since this is properly supported in Eigen now.

This will temporarily break the `tensorflow/compiler/tests:special_math*` tests - though only due to a change in handling some edge cases. This will be fixed in a follow-up.


Note: The special_math tests are fixed in another CL that depends on this Eigen update (cl/357925270).
PiperOrigin-RevId: 361831493
70 files changed