Update Eigen to commit:8fe61900015e8cf61f2a0287be4ccd3be76393b9

8fe619000 - Add numext::isnan for AnnoyingOrange^H^H^H^H^H^HScalar.
79de101d2 - Handle PropagateFast the same way as PropagateNaN in minmax visitor to
9d7241238 - Add MMA to BF16 GEMV - 5.0-6.3X faster (for Power)
2067b54b1 - Fix bug in minmax_coeff_visitor for matrix of all NaNs.
ee0ff0ab3 - Fix typo in MathFunctions.h
21c49e8f8 - Delete mystery character from Eigen/src/Core/arch/NEON/MathFunctions.h
6bb9609bc - Make new Select implementation backwards compatible.
394aabb0a - Fix failing MSVC tests due to compiler bugs.
d6235d76d - Clean up generic packetmath specializations for various backends with the help of a macro.
e8fdf127c - Work around compiler bug in Tridiagonalization.h
adf26b684 - Add newline to end of file.
3492d9e2e - s/Lesser/Less/
2419632cf - Revert change to allFinite(), since the new version does not work for complex numbers.
b1beba8a3 - Fix LinAlgSVD example code
7bf2968fe - Specify Permutation Index for PartialPivLU and FullPivLU
eb4dbf613 - Modify failing cwise test to get it to pass.
e577f43ab - Set CMAKE_* cache variables only when Eigen is a top-level project
1ce8b2582 - Vectorize any() / all()
cb8e6d497 - Fix 2240, 2620
d67003930 - fix tensor comparison test
2b513ca2a - Added partial linear access for LHS & Output - 30% faster for bfloat16 GEMM MMA (Power)
0b396c316 - Scalarize comps
3abe12472 - fix signed shift test
ba7417f14 - Fix gpu conv3d out-of-resources failure.
62d5cfe83 - Fix ODR issues with Intel's AVX512 TRSM kernels.
826627f65 - vectorize comparisons and select by enabling typed comparisons

PiperOrigin-RevId: 516378251
Change-Id: I7fdc440d5f2ee4d57ed652c00a29915ea91d380b
63 files changed