#23507 Updated README.md
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index a34be2a..31d2ae9 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
 ### Special Scripts
 * `./updateVersion.sh 6.99.99.experimental` - useful for custom distributions, so you can avoid conflicts with version in master branch.
-* `./runTests.sh 6.2.0 cdi_all` - useful to run [additional](#additional-testing) tests locally; before that edit the script and update variables so they will reflect your environment.
+* `./runtests.sh [testBlockName] [?glassfishVersion]` - useful to run [old additional tests](#old-additional-tests) locally
 * `./validateJars.sh` - uses the bnd command to check OSGI dependencies in all target directories
 ## Additional Testing
@@ -60,28 +60,33 @@
 ### Old Additional Tests
-* `./runTests.sh 6.2.3 cdi_all` - Usual time: 6 minutes
-* `./runTests.sh 6.2.3 ejb_group_1` - Usual time: 8 minutes
-* `./runTests.sh 6.2.3 web_jsp` - Usual time: 6 minutes
+:warning: if the script fails, sometimes it doesn't stop the domain and you have to do that manually.
+* `./runtests.sh batch_all` - Usual time: 1 minute
+* `./runtests.sh cdi_all` - Usual time: 6 minutes
+* `./runtests.sh connector_group_1` - Usual time: 16 minutes
+* `./runtests.sh connector_group_2` - Usual time: 3 minutes
+* `./runtests.sh connector_group_3` - Usual time: 4 minutes
+* `./runtests.sh connector_group_4` - Usual time: 16 minutes
+* `./runtests.sh deployment_all` - Usual time: 8 minutes
+* `./runtests.sh ejb_group_1` - Usual time: 10 minutes
+* `./runtests.sh ejb_group_2` - Usual time: 7 minutes
+* `./runtests.sh ejb_group_3` - Usual time: 18 minutes
+* `./runtests.sh ejb_group_embedded` - Usual time: 4 minutes
+* `./runtests.sh ejb_group_all` - Usual time: 4 minutes
+* `./runtests.sh jdbc_all` - Usual time: 20 minutes
+* `./runtests.sh naming_all` - Usual time: 2 minutes
+* `./runtests.sh persistence_all` - Usual time: 3 minutes
+* `./runtests.sh security_all` - Usual time: 8 minutes
+* `./runtests.sh web_jsp` - Usual time: 8 minutes
+* `./runtests.sh webservice_all` - Usual time: 10 minutes
+* `./gfbuild.sh archive_bundles && ./gftest.sh ejb_web_all` - Usual time: 4 minutes
+* `./gfbuild.sh archive_bundles && ./gftest.sh nucleus_admin_all` - Not fixed yet
+* `./gfbuild.sh archive_bundles && ./gftest.sh ql_gf_full_profile_all` - Usual time: 4 minutes
+* `./gfbuild.sh archive_bundles && ./gftest.sh ql_gf_nucleus_all` - Not fixed yet
 * `./gfbuild.sh archive_bundles && ./gftest.sh ql_gf_web_profile_all` - Usual time: 2 minutes
 * `./gfbuild.sh archive_bundles && ./gftest.sh ql_gf_full_profile_all` - Usual time: 4 minutes
-### Half-Dead Additional Tests Waiting for a Rescue
-First warning: if the script fails, it doesn't stop the domain and you have to do that manually.
-* `./runTests.sh 6.2.3 batch_all` - Crashes, Derby uses different port than expected
-* `./runTests.sh 6.2.3 connector_group_1` - Crashes, ports
-* `./runTests.sh 6.2.3 connector_group_2` - Crashes, ports
-* `./runTests.sh 6.2.3 connector_group_3` - Crashes, ports
-* `./runTests.sh 6.2.3 connector_group_4` - Crashes, ports
-* `./runTests.sh 6.2.3 deployment_all` - Usual time: 1 minute, failure: still uses javax packages.
-* `./runTests.sh 6.2.3 ejb_group_2` - Usual time: 2 minutes, failure: incompatible API at TimerSessionEJB.
-* `./runTests.sh 6.2.3 ejb_group_3` - Usual time: 4 minutes, failure: still uses javax packages
-* `./runTests.sh 6.2.3 jdbc_all` - Crashes, Derby uses different port than expected
-* `./runTests.sh 6.2.3 persistence_all` - Crashes, Derby uses different port than expected
-* `./gfbuild.sh archive_bundles && ./gftest.sh ejb_web_all` - Usual time: 4 minutes, failure: could not create the derby database
-* `./gfbuild.sh archive_bundles && ./gftest.sh ql_gf_nucleus_all` - Crashes
-* `./gfbuild.sh archive_bundles && ./gftest.sh nucleus_admin_all` - Crashes, missing TestNG dependency
 * many tests under appserver/tests subdirectories; they are still waiting for someone's attention.
 ## Basic Usage