blob: eac1fed44f41395e404db28a3baecc18a93c2ef9 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2003, 2018 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Eclipse Public License v. 2.0, which is available at
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package devtests.deployment.jsr88.apitests;
import java.util.*;
import javax.enterprise.deploy.spi.*;
import javax.enterprise.deploy.spi.status.ProgressEvent;
import javax.enterprise.deploy.spi.status.DeploymentStatus;
import javax.enterprise.deploy.shared.ModuleType;
import devtests.deployment.util.JSR88Deployer;
public class TestClient {
*system property (integer) specifying the sleep delay to introduce into ProgressobjectImpl event notification
*to make sure a possible race condition does not occur. The property also has a default value.
private final String SLEEP_TIME_PROPERTY_NAME = "devtests.sleepDurationForProgressObjectImplRaceTest";
private final Integer SLEEP_TIME_DEFAULT = new Integer(4000);
JSR88Deployer depl = null;
private void initDeployer(String[] args) throws Exception {
log("Getting access to JSR88 deployer: using URI = " + args[1]);
depl = new JSR88Deployer(args[1], args[2], args[3]);
private boolean checkIfAppsArePresent(TargetModuleID[] reportedApps, HashMap expectedApps) {
for(int i=0; i<reportedApps.length; i++) {
String modId = reportedApps[i].getModuleID();
log("Reported application name = " + modId);
if(expectedApps.size() != 0) {
log("Not all expected applications have been reported");
log("All expected applications have been reported");
private boolean checkReportedApps(String[] args, Boolean state)
throws Exception {
log("Checking if application names reported are valid");
HashMap set = new HashMap();
set.put(args[4], "app");
set.put(args[5], "app");
set.put(args[6], "app");
TargetModuleID[] apps = depl.getAllApplications(state);
log("Total count = " + apps.length);
return(checkIfAppsArePresent(apps, set));
private int testProgressObjectImplRace(String[] args) throws Exception {
*This test works like testStartStop except that it uses only one application and sets the system
*property to introduce a sleep into listener notification to test race conditions. See ProgressObjectImpl
*for more details on the possible problem and how the test probes for it.
String appOfInterest = args[4];
boolean appIsRunning = true;
try {
*The system property to control the test code in ProgressObjectImpl could have been set on the
*command line that ran this test. If not, use the default value.
Integer sleepTime = Integer.getInteger(SLEEP_TIME_PROPERTY_NAME, SLEEP_TIME_DEFAULT);
log("ProgressObjectImpl race test is using " + SLEEP_TIME_PROPERTY_NAME + " = " + sleepTime);
*Stop the first application specified on the command line.
log("Stopping application " + appOfInterest);
if (depl.stop(appOfInterest) == null) {
log("Failed to stop " + appOfInterest);
return -1;
log("Stop request completed");
*Wait a while for the stop operation to complete and the events to be delivered.
try {
} catch (InterruptedException ie) {
log("ProgressObjectImpl race test was interrupted during a sleep waiting for the app to stop.");
return -1;
appIsRunning = false;
*Now that the app is stopped, start it and pay attention to the events.
log("Starting application " + appOfInterest);
if (depl.start(appOfInterest, sleepTime.intValue() / 2 ) == null) {
log("Failed to start " + appOfInterest);
return -1;
appIsRunning = true;
*Wait before retrieving the events to give the start operation time to complete.
try {
} catch (InterruptedException ie) {
throw new RuntimeException("TestClient was interrupted waiting for start operation events to accumulate before retrieving them.", ie);
log("About to retrieve events");
ProgressEvent receivedEvents[] = depl.getReceivedEvents();
*We expect two events, one corresponding to the start operation entering the "running" state and
*one for the operation completing. If the race condition has occurred, then we won't see both of
*the events. We're going to look at the first one, expecting it to be the "running" event.
if (receivedEvents.length < 2) {
log("ProgressObjectImpl race test expected two events (running and completed), but found " + receivedEvents.length + ".");
if (receivedEvents.length == 1) {
log("...and the event that was recorded was " + receivedEvents[0].getDeploymentStatus().getMessage());
return -1;
ProgressEvent event = receivedEvents[0];
DeploymentStatus dStatus = event.getDeploymentStatus();
if ( ! dStatus.isRunning()) {
log("ProgressObjectImpl race test's first recorded event was not what was expected; expected running but found " + dStatus.getMessage());
return -1;
} else {
log("ProgressObjectImpl race test completed normally.");
return 0;
} finally {
*Restart the application if it isn't running.
if ( ! appIsRunning) {
log("Restarting application " + appOfInterest);
if (depl.start(appOfInterest) == null) {
log("Failed to restart application " + appOfInterest);
return -1;
private int testStartStop(String[] args) {
try {
log("Stopping all Applications");
for(int i=4; i<7; i++) {
if(depl.stop(args[i]) == null) {
log("Failed to stop " + args[i]);
boolean ret = checkReportedApps(args, Boolean.FALSE);
log("Starting all Applications");
for(int j=4; j<7; j++) {
if (depl.start(args[j]) == null) {;
log("Failed to start " + args[j]);
ret = checkReportedApps(args, Boolean.TRUE);
} catch(Exception e) {
log("testStartStop recd exception : " + e.getMessage());
private int getModulesByType(String args[], ModuleType type, Boolean state) {
log("Getting list of Applications with type = " + type.toString());
log("Required running state = " + state);
try {
TargetModuleID[] apps = depl.getApplications(type, state);
log("Total count = " + apps.length);
HashMap set = new HashMap();
set.put(args[4], "app");
boolean ret = checkIfAppsArePresent(apps, set);
} catch(Exception e) {
log("getModulesByType recd exception : " + e.getMessage());
private int testEmptyModule() {
try {
TargetModuleID[] apps = depl.getApplications(ModuleType.WAR, null);
if(apps.length != 0) {
log("# of WARs expected = 0");
log("# of WARs reported = " + apps.length);
apps = depl.getApplications(ModuleType.EJB, null);
if(apps.length != 0) {
log("# of EJB-JARs expected = 0");
log("# of EJB-JARs reported = " + apps.length);
apps = depl.getApplications(ModuleType.EAR, null);
if(apps.length != 0) {
log("# of EARs expected = 0");
log("# of EARs reported = " + apps.length);
} catch(Exception e) {
log("testEmptyModule recd exception : " + e.getMessage());
public static void main(String[] args) {
int exitVal = 0;
TestClient client = new TestClient();
try {
int testCase = (new Integer(args[0])).intValue();
switch(testCase) {
case 1 :
exitVal = client.getModulesByType(args,ModuleType.WAR,null);
case 2 :
exitVal = client.getModulesByType(args,ModuleType.EJB,null);
case 3 :
exitVal = client.getModulesByType(args,ModuleType.EAR,null);
case 4 :
exitVal = client.testStartStop(args);
case 5 :
exitVal = client.testEmptyModule();
case 6 :
exitVal = client.testProgressObjectImplRace(args);
log("Wrong test number given !!!");
exitVal = -1;
} catch (Exception e) {
log("Caught Exception = " + e.getMessage());
private static void log(String message) {
System.out.println("[JSR88APITest]:: " + message);