blob: 0c9104b85e00c4c07844ecc589814bce4f8bb35f [file] [log] [blame]
The manual steps to test the rolling upgrade (will try to automate later)
cd $SPS_HOME/ee/util
sh eesetup
asadmin deploy --target sqe-cluster old/foo.war
ping old foo's context root on instance 1 (positive test)
ping old foo's context root on instance 2 (positive test)
asadmin set sqe-cluster.dynamic-reconfiguration-enabled=false
asadmin deploy --target domain new/foo.war (upgraded version)
ping old foo's context root on instance 1(positive test)
ping new foo's context root on instance 1(negative test)
ping old foo's context root on instance 2(positive test)
ping new foo's context root on instance 2(negative test)
asadmin stop-instance clustered_server_1
asadmin start-instance clustered_server_1
ping old foo's context root on instance 1(negative test)
ping new foo's context root on instance 1 (positive test)
ping old foo's context root on instance 2 (positive test)
ping new foo's context root on instance 2 (negative test)
asadmin stop-instance clustered_server_2
asadmin start-instance clustered_server_2
ping old foo's context root on instance 1(negative test)
ping new foo's context root on instance 1 (positive test)
ping old foo's context root on instance 2 (negative test)
ping new foo's context root on instance 2 (positive test)
asadmin set sqe-cluster.dynamic-reconfiguration-enabled=true
asadmin deploy --target sqe-cluster bar.war
ping new foo's context root on instance 1 (positive test)
ping new foo's context root on instance 2 (positive test)
ping bar's context root on instance 1 (positive test)
ping bar's context root on instance 2 (positive test)
asadmin undeploy --target domain foo
ping new foo's context root on instance 1 (negative test)
ping new foo's context root on instance 2 (negative test)
ping bar's context root on instance 1 (positive test)
ping bar's context root on instance 2 (positive test)