blob: 3f3454225116f2273748c54503a2d3b1e2c827e2 [file] [log] [blame] [view]
#How to run the dev test cases
All of the test cases can't be ran on the windows platform because
the firefox can't support the JSF based on the windows platform very well.
If you want to ran the tests, please check out all of the codes to the linux, ubuntu or
mac platform.
#Preparation and Steps:
1). Download the firefox and install it, On my platform, I have downloaded and installed
the firefox version 19.0
2). Download the selenium IDE plugin and installed, On my platform, I have installed the
selenium IDE 2.4.0
3). Checkout the the tests from the github(
to your hard disk.
4). Before ran the tests, you need to restart the glassfish domain and try to access admin console's page(http://localhost:4848/common/index.jsf)
to make sure the GUI is available
5). Open a terminal window and access to the root directory of auto-tests, Then execute the command
as "mvn test" to run all of the tests
6). If some of the test cases are failed, you can also rerun the error or failed test cases
using the command as "mvn test -Dtest=[ClassName]#[MethodName]" to confirm related test
cases.(if the failure test cases passed at the second time, we can regard the failure test
case as a passed case)
The expected test results listed as follows:
test cases number:110
passed number:110
failed number:0
error number:0