| /** |
| * Copyright (c) HashiCorp, Inc. |
| * SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0 |
| */ |
| |
| import Component from '@glimmer/component'; |
| import { action } from '@ember/object'; |
| import { tracked } from '@glimmer/tracking'; |
| import { max } from 'd3-array'; |
| // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars |
| import { select, selectAll, node } from 'd3-selection'; |
| import { axisLeft, axisBottom } from 'd3-axis'; |
| import { scaleLinear, scalePoint } from 'd3-scale'; |
| import { stack } from 'd3-shape'; |
| import { |
| GREY, |
| formatNumbers, |
| } from 'vault/utils/chart-helpers'; |
| import { formatNumber } from 'core/helpers/format-number'; |
| |
| /** |
| * @module VerticalBarChart |
| * VerticalBarChart components are used to display stacked data in a vertical bar chart with accompanying tooltip |
| * |
| * @example |
| * ```js |
| * <VerticalBarChart @dataset={dataset} @chartLegend={chartLegend} /> |
| * ``` |
| * @param {array} dataset - dataset for the chart, must be an array of flattened objects |
| * @param {array} chartLegend - array of objects with key names 'key' and 'label' so data can be stacked |
| * @param {string} xKey - string denoting key for x-axis data (data[xKey]) of dataset |
| * @param {string} yKey - string denoting key for y-axis data (data[yKey]) of dataset |
| * @param {string} [noDataMessage] - custom empty state message that displays when no dataset is passed to the chart |
| */ |
| |
| const BAR_WIDTH = 7; // data bar width is 7 pixels |
| export default class VerticalBarChart extends Component { |
| @tracked tooltipTarget = ''; |
| @tracked tooltipTotal = ''; |
| @tracked entityClients = ''; |
| @tracked nonEntityClients = ''; |
| |
| get chartLegend() { |
| return this.args.chartLegend; |
| } |
| |
| get xKey() { |
| return this.args.xKey || 'month'; |
| } |
| |
| get yKey() { |
| return this.args.yKey || 'clients'; |
| } |
| |
| @action |
| renderChart(element, [chartData]) { |
| const dataset = chartData; |
| const filteredData = dataset.filter((e) => Object.keys(e).includes('clients')); // months with data will contain a 'clients' key (otherwise only a timestamp) |
| const stackFunction = stack().keys(this.chartLegend.map((l) => l.key)); |
| const stackedData = stackFunction(filteredData); |
| const chartSvg = select(element); |
| const domainMax = max(filteredData.map((d) => d[this.yKey])); |
| |
| chartSvg.attr('viewBox', `-50 20 600 ${SVG_DIMENSIONS.height}`); // set svg dimensions |
| |
| const yScale = scaleLinear().domain([0, domainMax]).range([0, 100]).nice(); |
| |
| const xScale = scalePoint() |
| .domain(dataset.map((d) => d[this.xKey])) |
| .range([0, SVG_DIMENSIONS.width]) // set width to fix number of pixels |
| .padding(0.2); |
| |
| // clear out DOM before appending anything |
| chartSvg.selectAll('g').remove().exit().data(stackedData).enter(); |
| const dataBars = chartSvg |
| .selectAll('g') |
| .data(stackedData) |
| .enter() |
| .append('g') |
| .style('fill', (d, i) => LIGHT_AND_DARK_BLUE[i]); |
| |
| dataBars |
| .selectAll('rect') |
| .data((stackedData) => stackedData) |
| .enter() |
| .append('rect') |
| .attr('width', `${BAR_WIDTH}px`) |
| .attr('class', 'data-bar') |
| .attr('data-test-vertical-chart', 'data-bar') |
| .attr('height', (stackedData) => `${yScale(stackedData[1] - stackedData[0])}%`) |
| .attr('x', ({ data }) => xScale(data[this.xKey])) // uses destructuring because was data.data.month |
| .attr('y', (data) => `${100 - yScale(data[1])}%`); // subtract higher than 100% to give space for x axis ticks |
| |
| const tooltipTether = chartSvg |
| .append('g') |
| .attr('transform', `translate(${BAR_WIDTH / 2})`) |
| .attr('data-test-vertical-chart', 'tooltip-tethers') |
| .selectAll('circle') |
| .data(filteredData) |
| .enter() |
| .append('circle') |
| .style('opacity', '0') |
| .attr('cy', (d) => `${100 - yScale(d[this.yKey])}%`) |
| .attr('cx', (d) => xScale(d[this.xKey])) |
| .attr('r', 1); |
| |
| // MAKE AXES // |
| const yAxisScale = scaleLinear() |
| .domain([0, max(filteredData.map((d) => d[this.yKey]))]) |
| .range([`${SVG_DIMENSIONS.height}`, 0]) |
| .nice(); |
| |
| const yAxis = axisLeft(yAxisScale) |
| .ticks(4) |
| .tickPadding(10) |
| .tickSizeInner(-SVG_DIMENSIONS.width) |
| .tickFormat(formatNumbers); |
| |
| const xAxis = axisBottom(xScale).tickSize(0); |
| |
| yAxis(chartSvg.append('g').attr('data-test-vertical-chart', 'y-axis-labels')); |
| xAxis( |
| chartSvg |
| .append('g') |
| .attr('transform', `translate(0, ${SVG_DIMENSIONS.height + 10})`) |
| .attr('data-test-vertical-chart', 'x-axis-labels') |
| ); |
| |
| chartSvg.selectAll('.domain').remove(); // remove domain lines |
| |
| const greyBars = chartSvg |
| .append('g') |
| .attr('transform', `translate(${TRANSLATE.left})`) |
| .style('fill', `${GREY}`) |
| .style('opacity', '0') |
| .style('mix-blend-mode', 'multiply'); |
| |
| const tooltipRect = greyBars |
| .selectAll('rect') |
| .data(filteredData) |
| .enter() |
| .append('rect') |
| .style('cursor', 'pointer') |
| .attr('class', 'tooltip-rect') |
| .attr('height', '100%') |
| .attr('width', '30px') // three times width |
| .attr('y', '0') // start at bottom |
| .attr('x', (data) => xScale(data[this.xKey])); // not data.data because this is not stacked data |
| |
| tooltipRect.on('mouseover', (data) => { |
| const hoveredMonth = data[this.xKey]; |
| this.tooltipTotal = `${formatNumber([data[this.yKey]])} ${data.new_clients ? 'total' : 'new'} clients`; |
| this.entityClients = `${formatNumber([data.entity_clients])} entity clients`; |
| this.nonEntityClients = `${formatNumber([data.non_entity_clients])} non-entity clients`; |
| // filter for the tether point that matches the hoveredMonth |
| const hoveredElement = tooltipTether.filter((data) => data.month === hoveredMonth).node(); |
| this.tooltipTarget = hoveredElement; // grab the node from the list of rects |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| @action removeTooltip() { |
| this.tooltipTarget = null; |
| } |
| } |