blob: 1c8051f0738efde599d4adf0d3777934473bbccd [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) HashiCorp, Inc.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0
import Model, { attr } from '@ember-data/model';
import { computed } from '@ember/object';
import { expandAttributeMeta } from 'vault/utils/field-to-attrs';
value: 'iam_user',
displayName: 'IAM User',
value: 'assumed_role',
displayName: 'Assumed Role',
value: 'federation_token',
displayName: 'Federation Token',
const DISPLAY_FIELDS = ['accessKey', 'secretKey', 'securityToken', 'leaseId', 'renewable', 'leaseDuration'];
export default Model.extend({
'For Vault roles of credential type iam_user, there are no inputs, just submit the form. Choose a type to change the input options.',
role: attr('object', {
readOnly: true,
credentialType: attr('string', {
defaultValue: 'iam_user',
possibleValues: CREDENTIAL_TYPES,
readOnly: true,
roleArn: attr('string', {
label: 'Role ARN',
'The ARN of the role to assume if credential_type on the Vault role is assumed_role. Optional if the role has a single role ARN; required otherwise.',
ttl: attr({
editType: 'ttl',
defaultValue: '3600s',
setDefault: true,
label: 'TTL',
'Specifies the TTL for the use of the STS token. Valid only when credential_type is assumed_role or federation_token.',
leaseId: attr('string'),
renewable: attr('boolean'),
leaseDuration: attr('number'),
accessKey: attr('string'),
secretKey: attr('string'),
securityToken: attr('string'),
attrs: computed('credentialType', 'accessKey', 'securityToken', function () {
const type = this.credentialType;
const fieldsForType = {
iam_user: ['credentialType'],
assumed_role: ['credentialType', 'ttl', 'roleArn'],
federation_token: ['credentialType', 'ttl'],
if (this.accessKey || this.securityToken) {
return expandAttributeMeta(this, DISPLAY_FIELDS.slice(0));
return expandAttributeMeta(this, fieldsForType[type].slice(0));
toCreds: computed('accessKey', 'secretKey', 'securityToken', 'leaseId', function () {
const props = {
accessKey: this.accessKey,
secretKey: this.secretKey,
securityToken: this.securityToken,
leaseId: this.leaseId,
const propsWithVals = Object.keys(props).reduce((ret, prop) => {
if (props[prop]) {
ret[prop] = props[prop];
return ret;
return ret;
}, {});
return JSON.stringify(propsWithVals, null, 2);