blob: 3d7cb848251c8d8cdfeda95d7398b3edea8beb3d [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) HashiCorp, Inc.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0
import Model, { attr } from '@ember-data/model';
import { alias } from '@ember/object/computed';
import { computed } from '@ember/object';
import lazyCapabilities, { apiPath } from 'vault/macros/lazy-capabilities';
import { expandAttributeMeta } from 'vault/utils/field-to-attrs';
value: 'iam_user',
displayName: 'IAM User',
value: 'assumed_role',
displayName: 'Assumed Role',
value: 'federation_token',
displayName: 'Federation Token',
export default Model.extend({
backend: attr('string', {
readOnly: true,
name: attr('string', {
label: 'Role name',
readOnly: true,
// credentialTypes are for backwards compatibility.
// we use this to populate "credentialType" in
// the serializer. if there is more than one, the
// show and edit pages will show a warning
credentialTypes: attr('array', {
readOnly: true,
credentialType: attr('string', {
defaultValue: 'iam_user',
possibleValues: CREDENTIAL_TYPES,
roleArns: attr({
editType: 'stringArray',
label: 'Role ARNs',
policyArns: attr({
editType: 'stringArray',
label: 'Policy ARNs',
policyDocument: attr('string', {
editType: 'json',
'A policy is an object in AWS that, when associated with an identity or resource, defines their permissions.',
// Cannot have a default_value on policy_document because in some cases AWS expects this value to be empty.
fields: computed('credentialType', function () {
const credentialType = this.credentialType;
const keysForType = {
iam_user: ['name', 'credentialType', 'policyArns', 'policyDocument'],
assumed_role: ['name', 'credentialType', 'roleArns', 'policyDocument'],
federation_token: ['name', 'credentialType', 'policyDocument'],
return expandAttributeMeta(this, keysForType[credentialType]);
updatePath: lazyCapabilities(apiPath`${'backend'}/roles/${'id'}`, 'backend', 'id'),
canDelete: alias('updatePath.canDelete'),
canEdit: alias('updatePath.canUpdate'),
canRead: alias('updatePath.canRead'),
generatePath: lazyCapabilities(apiPath`${'backend'}/creds/${'id'}`, 'backend', 'id'),
canGenerate: alias('generatePath.canUpdate'),