blob: 2d627a205bd945766621fe7e71b6cc25d1350c35 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) HashiCorp, Inc.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0
import Store from '@ember-data/store';
import { schedule } from '@ember/runloop';
import { copy } from 'ember-copy';
import { resolve, Promise } from 'rsvp';
import { dasherize } from '@ember/string';
import { assert } from '@ember/debug';
import { set, get, computed } from '@ember/object';
import clamp from 'vault/utils/clamp';
import config from 'vault/config/environment';
const { DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE } = config.APP;
export function normalizeModelName(modelName) {
return dasherize(modelName);
export function keyForCache(query) {
/*eslint no-unused-vars: ["error", { "ignoreRestSiblings": true }]*/
// we want to ignore size, page, responsePath, and pageFilter in the cacheKey
const { size, page, responsePath, pageFilter, ...queryForCache } = query;
const cacheKeyObject = Object.keys(queryForCache)
.reduce((result, key) => {
result[key] = queryForCache[key];
return result;
}, {});
return JSON.stringify(cacheKeyObject);
export default Store.extend({
// this is a map of map that stores the caches
// eslint-disable-next-line
lazyCaches: computed({
get() {
return this._lazyCaches || new Map();
set(key, value) {
return (this._lazyCaches = value);
setLazyCacheForModel(modelName, key, value) {
const cacheKey = keyForCache(key);
const cache = this.lazyCacheForModel(modelName) || new Map();
cache.set(cacheKey, value);
const lazyCaches = this.lazyCaches;
const modelKey = normalizeModelName(modelName);
lazyCaches.set(modelKey, cache);
getLazyCacheForModel(modelName, key) {
const cacheKey = keyForCache(key);
const modelCache = this.lazyCacheForModel(modelName);
if (modelCache) {
return modelCache.get(cacheKey);
lazyCacheForModel(modelName) {
return this.lazyCaches.get(normalizeModelName(modelName));
// This is the public interface for the store extension - to be used just
// like `Store.query`. Special handling of the response is controlled by
// `query.pageFilter`, ``, and `query.size`.
// Required attributes of the `query` argument are:
// responsePath: a string indicating the location on the response where
// the array of items will be found
// page: the page number to return
// size: the size of the page
// pageFilter: a string that will be used to do a fuzzy match against the
// results, this is done pre-pagination
lazyPaginatedQuery(modelType, query /*, options*/) {
const skipCache = query.skipCache;
// We don't want skipCache to be part of the actual query key, so remove it
delete query.skipCache;
const adapter = this.adapterFor(modelType);
const modelName = normalizeModelName(modelType);
const dataCache = skipCache ? this.clearDataset(modelName) : this.getDataset(modelName, query);
const responsePath = query.responsePath;
assert('responsePath is required', responsePath);
assert('page is required', typeof === 'number');
if (!query.size) {
query.size = DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE;
if (dataCache) {
return resolve(this.fetchPage(modelName, query));
return adapter
.query(this, { modelName }, query)
.then((response) => {
const serializer = this.serializerFor(modelName);
const datasetHelper = serializer.extractLazyPaginatedData;
const dataset = datasetHelper
?, response)
: get(response, responsePath);
set(response, responsePath, null);
this.storeDataset(modelName, query, response, dataset);
return this.fetchPage(modelName, query);
.catch(function (e) {
throw e;
filterData(filter, dataset) {
let newData = dataset || [];
if (filter) {
newData = dataset.filter(function (item) {
const id = || || item;
return id.toLowerCase().includes(filter.toLowerCase());
return newData;
// reconstructs the original form of the response from the server
// with an additional `meta` block
// the meta block includes:
// currentPage, lastPage, nextPage, prevPage, total, filteredTotal
constructResponse(modelName, query) {
const { pageFilter, responsePath, size, page } = query;
let { response, dataset } = this.getDataset(modelName, query);
response = copy(response, true);
const data = this.filterData(pageFilter, dataset);
const lastPage = Math.ceil(data.length / size);
const currentPage = clamp(page, 1, lastPage);
const end = currentPage * size;
const start = end - size;
const slicedDataSet = data.slice(start, end);
set(response, responsePath || '', slicedDataSet);
response.meta = {
nextPage: clamp(currentPage + 1, 1, lastPage),
prevPage: clamp(currentPage - 1, 1, lastPage),
total: dataset.length || 0,
filteredTotal: data.length || 0,
pageSize: size,
return response;
// pushes records into the store and returns the result
fetchPage(modelName, query) {
const response = this.constructResponse(modelName, query);
this.peekAll(modelName).forEach((record) => {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
schedule('destroy', () => {
const model = this.peekAll(modelName).toArray();
model.set('meta', response.meta);
// get cached data
getDataset(modelName, query) {
return this.getLazyCacheForModel(modelName, query);
// store data cache as { response, dataset}
// also populated `lazyCaches` attribute
storeDataset(modelName, query, response, array) {
const dataSet = {
dataset: array,
this.setLazyCacheForModel(modelName, query, dataSet);
clearDataset(modelName) {
const cacheList = this.lazyCaches;
if (!cacheList.size) return;
if (modelName && cacheList.has(modelName)) {
this.set('lazyCaches', cacheList);
clearAllDatasets() {