blob: a223051d6ae33d103a30b31d23216119ea2016a3 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) HashiCorp, Inc.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0
import {
setupApplicationTest as upstreamSetupApplicationTest,
setupRenderingTest as upstreamSetupRenderingTest,
setupTest as upstreamSetupTest,
} from 'ember-qunit';
// This file exists to provide wrappers around ember-qunit's / ember-mocha's
// test setup functions. This way, you can easily extend the setup that is
// needed per test type.
function setupApplicationTest(hooks, options) {
upstreamSetupApplicationTest(hooks, options);
// Additional setup for application tests can be done here.
// For example, if you need an authenticated session for each
// application test, you could do:
// hooks.beforeEach(async function () {
// await authenticateSession(); // ember-simple-auth
// });
// This is also a good place to call test setup functions coming
// from other addons:
// setupIntl(hooks); // ember-intl
// setupMirage(hooks); // ember-cli-mirage
function setupRenderingTest(hooks, options) {
upstreamSetupRenderingTest(hooks, options);
// Additional setup for rendering tests can be done here.
function setupTest(hooks, options) {
upstreamSetupTest(hooks, options);
// Additional setup for unit tests can be done here.
export { setupApplicationTest, setupRenderingTest, setupTest };