blob: 04a55f6bec3dd826588e3aff258b0a9a84e5ac1b [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) HashiCorp, Inc.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0
import { create, visitable, fillable, clickable } from 'ember-cli-page-object';
import { settled } from '@ember/test-helpers';
import VAULT_KEYS from 'vault/tests/helpers/vault-keys';
const { rootToken } = VAULT_KEYS;
export default create({
visit: visitable('/vault/auth'),
logout: visitable('/vault/logout'),
submit: clickable('[data-test-auth-submit]'),
tokenInput: fillable('[data-test-token]'),
usernameInput: fillable('[data-test-username]'),
passwordInput: fillable('[data-test-password]'),
namespaceInput: fillable('[data-test-auth-form-ns-input]'),
optionsToggle: clickable('[data-test-auth-form-options-toggle]'),
mountPath: fillable('[data-test-auth-form-mount-path]'),
login: async function (token = rootToken) {
// make sure we're always logged out and logged back in
await this.logout();
await settled();
// clear session storage to ensure we have a clean state
await this.visit({ with: 'token' });
await settled();
return this.tokenInput(token).submit();
loginUsername: async function (username, password, path) {
// make sure we're always logged out and logged back in
await this.logout();
await settled();
// clear local storage to ensure we have a clean state
await this.visit({ with: 'userpass' });
await settled();
if (path) {
await this.optionsToggle();
await this.mountPath(path);
await this.usernameInput(username);
return this.passwordInput(password).submit();
loginNs: async function (ns) {
// make sure we're always logged out and logged back in
await this.logout();
await settled();
// clear session storage to ensure we have a clean state
await this.visit({ with: 'token' });
await settled();
await this.namespaceInput(ns);
await settled();
await this.tokenInput(rootToken).submit();