blob: 950bd0a1b65bd51aa1afd6749ccb2c22f9111347 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) HashiCorp, Inc.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0
import { module, test } from 'qunit';
import { setupTest } from 'ember-qunit';
import { sanitizePath, ensureTrailingSlash } from 'vault/services/console';
import sinon from 'sinon';
module('Unit | Service | console', function (hooks) {
hooks.beforeEach(function () {});
hooks.afterEach(function () {});
test('#sanitizePath', function (assert) {
sanitizePath(' /foo/bar/baz/ '),
'removes spaces and slashs on either side'
assert.strictEqual(sanitizePath('//foo/bar/baz/'), 'foo/bar/baz', 'removes more than one slash');
test('#ensureTrailingSlash', function (assert) {
assert.strictEqual(ensureTrailingSlash('foo/bar'), 'foo/bar/', 'adds trailing slash');
assert.strictEqual(ensureTrailingSlash('baz/'), 'baz/', 'keeps trailing slash if there is one');
const testCases = [
method: 'read',
args: ['/sys/health', {}],
expectedURL: 'sys/health',
expectedVerb: 'GET',
expectedOptions: { data: undefined, wrapTTL: undefined },
method: 'read',
args: ['/secrets/foo/bar', {}, { wrapTTL: '30m' }],
expectedURL: 'secrets/foo/bar',
expectedVerb: 'GET',
expectedOptions: { data: undefined, wrapTTL: '30m' },
method: 'write',
args: ['aws/roles/my-other-role', { arn: 'arn=arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonEC2ReadOnlyAccess' }],
expectedURL: 'aws/roles/my-other-role',
expectedVerb: 'POST',
expectedOptions: {
data: { arn: 'arn=arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonEC2ReadOnlyAccess' },
wrapTTL: undefined,
method: 'list',
args: ['secret/mounts', {}],
expectedURL: 'secret/mounts/',
expectedVerb: 'GET',
expectedOptions: { data: { list: true }, wrapTTL: undefined },
method: 'list',
args: ['secret/mounts', {}, { wrapTTL: '1h' }],
expectedURL: 'secret/mounts/',
expectedVerb: 'GET',
expectedOptions: { data: { list: true }, wrapTTL: '1h' },
method: 'delete',
args: ['secret/secrets/kv'],
expectedURL: 'secret/secrets/kv',
expectedVerb: 'DELETE',
expectedOptions: { data: undefined, wrapTTL: undefined },
test('it reads, writes, lists, deletes', function (assert) {
const ajax = sinon.stub();
const uiConsole = this.owner.factoryFor('service:console').create({
adapter() {
return {
buildURL(url) {
return url;
testCases.forEach((testCase) => {
const [url, verb, options] = ajax.lastCall.args;
assert.strictEqual(url, testCase.expectedURL, `${testCase.method}: uses trimmed passed url`);
assert.strictEqual(verb, testCase.expectedVerb, `${testCase.method}: uses the correct verb`);
assert.deepEqual(options, testCase.expectedOptions, `${testCase.method}: uses the correct options`);
const kvTestCases = [
method: 'kvGet',
args: ['kv/foo'],
expectedURL: 'kv/data/foo',
expectedVerb: 'GET',
expectedOptions: { data: undefined, wrapTTL: undefined },
method: 'kvGet',
args: ['kv/foo', {}, { metadata: true }],
expectedURL: 'kv/metadata/foo',
expectedVerb: 'GET',
expectedOptions: { data: undefined, wrapTTL: undefined },
method: 'kvGet',
args: ['kv/foo', {}, { wrapTTL: '10m' }],
expectedURL: 'kv/data/foo',
expectedVerb: 'GET',
expectedOptions: { data: undefined, wrapTTL: '10m' },
method: 'kvGet',
args: ['kv/foo', {}, { metadata: true, wrapTTL: '10m' }],
expectedURL: 'kv/metadata/foo',
expectedVerb: 'GET',
expectedOptions: { data: undefined, wrapTTL: '10m' },
test('it reads kv secret and metadata', function (assert) {
const ajax = sinon.stub();
const uiConsole = this.owner.factoryFor('service:console').create({
adapter() {
return {
buildURL(url) {
return url;
kvTestCases.forEach((testCase) => {
const [url, verb, options] = ajax.lastCall.args;
assert.strictEqual(url, testCase.expectedURL, `${testCase.method}: uses correct url`);
assert.strictEqual(verb, testCase.expectedVerb, `${testCase.method}: uses the correct verb`);
assert.deepEqual(options, testCase.expectedOptions, `${testCase.method}: uses the correct options`);