tree: 261c0d1a25fa10daf84b2ee2b69b05284287433a [path history] [tgz]
  1. src/
  2. pom.xml

Server-Sent Events (SSE) Example

This example demonstrates JAX-RS 2.1 server-sent events support.

The full description how to add support for server-sent events to your application can be found in Jersey User Guide, chapter Server-Sent Events (SSE) Support.


The mapping of the URI path space is presented in the following table:

URI pathResource classHTTP methodsDescription
server-sent-eventsServerSentEventsResourceGETGet entire EventOutput with all messages
server-sent-eventsServerSentEventsResourcePOSTInsert a new message in EventOutput
server-sent-eventsServerSentEventsResourceDELETEReset EventOutput
server-sent-events/domains/{id}BlockingPostChatResourcePOSTGenerate several messages with a delay in EventOutput and return it

Sample Response

A great example of Server-Sent Events is server-sent-events/domains/{id} which sends several messages with a delay 200ms between each other.

curl -v -X POST http://localhost:8080/server-sent-events-jaxrs/domains/1 -H "Content-Type: text/event-stream"

Look at a console how events are handled one after another in the right order.

event: domain-progress
data: starting domain 1 ...

event: domain-progress
data: 50%

event: domain-progress
data: 60%

event: domain-progress
data: 70%

event: domain-progress
data: 99%

event: domain-progress
data: done

Running the Example

Look at Jersey Documentation to learn how to consume Server-Sent Events using Jersey Client

Run the example as follows:

mvn clean compile exec:java

This deploys the example using Grizzly container.