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  2. pom.xml

MOXy Example

What is MOXy

This example demonstrates that you can utilize MOXy extensions when dealing with XML representation when developing a Jersey based RESTful Web application

MOXy is EclipseLink‘s Object to XML Mapping services. MOXy allows for a POJO object model to be mapped to an XML schema. The Java Architecture for XML Binding (JAXB) provides a Java standard for object XML mapping (OXM). MOXy supports JAXB, as well as providing its’ own native API and integration with Web Services.

MOXy XML Path Mapping Extension

The MOXy extension shown in this example is described on the Eclipse Wiki site at It allows you to specify path based mapping via @XmlPath annotation.

If the MOXy extension was not used, the XML represenation of the customer data would look like follows:

  <name>Jane Doe</name>
    <city>My Town</city>
    <street>123 Any Street</street>
  <phoneNumbers type="work">613-555-1111</phoneNumbers>
  <phoneNumbers type="cell">613-555-2222</phoneNumbers>

By adding @org.eclipse.persistence.oxm.annotations.XmlPath annotation to the bean definition classes, you will get the following XML representation instead:

    <name>Jane Doe</name>
      <city>My Town</city>
      <street>123 Any Street</street>
    <phone-number type="work">613-555-1111</phone-number>
    <phone-number type="cell">613-555-2222</phone-number>

XML Path expressions used are:

  • personal-info/name/text()
  • contact-info/address
  • contact-info/phone-number

Please check out the source code and the wiki page linked above for the detailed information on the XML Path mapping feature.

Replacing Implicit JAXB Runtime With MOXy

Since MOXy is a JAXB implementation, the example still utilizes the standard Jersey JAXB message body reader/writer providers. To make Jersey use MOXy runtime, you just need to put a file into the Java package containing your JAXB beans. The file should have the following content:


Concrete file used in this example is placed under



The example consists of a single REST Resource represented by the following Java class:


A resource class that maintains a single customer data.

The mapping of the URI path space is presented in the following table:

URI pathResource classHTTP methods
/customerCustomerResourceGET, PUT

Running the Example

Run the example as follows:

mvn clean compile exec:java

This deploys the example using Grizzly container. You can access the application at: