tree: abba6061b9750af5611762c144e10e9d2a2beec5 [path history] [tgz]
  1. src/
  2. pom.xml

Extended WADL WebApp Example

This example demonstrates how to get an extended WADL generated by jersey.


The description of what‘s done here you’ll find in the jersey 1 wiki.

The difference in configuration against jersey 1.x is in property configuring the custom WadlGeneratorConfig. Instead of property key ‘’ use the property key ‘jersey.config.server.wadl.generatorConfig’. Also check pom.xml of this sample to see other configuration differences.

Just as a pointer at which files you might have a look:

  • pom.xml
  • src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/web.xml
  • src/main/resources/*
  • src/main/xsd/schema.xsd
  • org.glassfish.jersey.examples.extendedwadl.SampleWadlGeneratorConfig

The mapping of the URI path space is presented in the following table:

URI pathResource classHTTP methodsDescription
/itemsItemsResourcePOSTCreates a new item and allocates a new unique URI for it, the new URI is returned back in the Location header
/items/{id}ItemResourceGETReturns an item with the id={id}
/items/{id}/value/{val}ItemResourcePUTUpdates the value of the item with the id={id} with the new value {val}

Running the Example

If you are working with Jersey GlassFish update center module installed into your existing GlassFish instance, you will need to follow instructions at the module README file in order to deploy the example.

Otherwise, you can run the example using embedded GlassFish as follows:

You can run the example using Grizzly as follows:

mvn clean package exec:java

Get the generated wadl via curl:

curl http://localhost:8080/extended-wadl-webapp/application.wadl

Or from a web browser, visit:
