tree: 5339596fa74f021013a353c0210c84af57bde123 [path history] [tgz]
  1. src/
  2. pom.xml

Jersey Weld Integration Jersey Weld on Grizzly Example

This example demonstrates how to develop RESTful web service with CDI managed beans and Grizzly HTTP container.

We suggest you inspect the example source code to get better understanding on various CDI features utilized there. Following table contains some of the published resources that you might want to check.


The mapping of the URI path space is presented in the following table:

URLDescriptionExpected Results
/helloworld?name=BillA hello-world managed beanHello Bill
/app/countApplication scoped resourcerequest count (incremented with every other request)
/req/app/counterRequest scoped resourcelinks to above request counter
/req/parameterized-async?q=echo%20thisAsynchronous echo resource method that is being JAX-RS interceptedecho this

Running the Example

Run the example as follows:

mvn clean compile exec:java

This deploys the example using Grizzly container. You can access the application at: