blob: 06097f42ffef550d3048083d9600d7bf5fe487e5 [file] [log] [blame]
+EqASGxItEps Amharic
+AQ0-esky Czech
Dansk Danish
English English
Suomi Finnish
Fran+AOc-ais French
Deutsch German
+A5UDuwO7A7cDvQO5A7oDrA Greek
+BeIF0QXoBdkF6g Hebrew
Italiano Italian
Norsk Norwegian
Espa+APE-ol Spanish
Svenska Swedish
T+APw-rk+AOc-e Turkish
Ti+Hr8-ng Vi+Hsc-t Vietnamese
+ZeVnLIqe Japanese
+Ti1lhw Chinese
+1VyuAA Korean
// The last line of this file is missing the end-of-line terminator
// on purpose, in order to test that the conversion empties the bit buffer
// and shifts back to the initial state at the end of the conversion.